ADACHK Utility CHK* Messages

During the assembly of spanned Data Storage records, any errors encountered are printed, so you may see some duplication of error messages when spanned records are used.

All error messages include the phrase "Error sequence number nnn" at the end of the message. This part of the error message is not included below.

Before contacting Software AG about any of these messages, it would be useful to obtain reports from the following utility runs (if they are pertinent):



  • ADACHK ASSOPRINT of the address converter (AC) and secondary address converter (AC2) RABNs of the ISNs highlighted in the message.

Overview of Messages

CHK001I | CHK002I | CHK003I | CHK006I | CHK007I | CHK008I | CHK009I | CHK011I | CHK012I | CHK014W | CHK015I | CHK016I | CHK017I | CHK021I | CHK022I | CHK023I | CHK024I | CHK025I | CHK026I | CHK121E | CHK122E | CHK123E | CHK124E | CHK125E | CHK126E | CHK127E | CHK128E | CHK129E | CHK130E | CHK131E | CHK132E | CHK133E | CHK134E | CHK135E | CHK136E | CHK137E | CHK138E | CHK139E | CHK140E | CHK141I | CHK142I | CHK143E | CHK144E | CHK145E | CHK146E | CHK147E | CHK148E | CHK149E | CHK150E | CHK151E | CHK152E | CHK153E | CHK154E | CHK155E | CHK156E | CHK157E | CHK159E | CHK160E | CHK161E | CHK162E | CHK163E | CHK164E | CHK165E | CHK166E | CHK167E | CHK168E | CHK169E | CHK170E | CHK171E | CHK172E | CHK173E | CHK174E | CHK175E | CHK176E | CHK177E | CHK178E | CHK179E | CHK180E | CHK181E | CHK182E | CHK183E | CHK184E | CHK185E | CHK186E | CHK187E | CHK188E | CHK189E | CHK190E | CHK191E | CHK192E | CHK193E | CHK194E | CHK195E | CHK196W | CHK197E | CHK198E | CHK199E | CHK200E | CHK201E | CHK202E | CHK203E | CHK204E | CHK205E | CHK206E | CHK207E | CHK208E | CHK209E | CHK210E | CHK211E | CHK212E | CHK213E | CHK214E | CHK215E | CHK216E | CHK217E | CHK218E | CHK218I | CHK219E | CHK220E | CHK221I | CHK222E | CHK223E | CHK224E | CHK225E | CHK226E | CHK227E | CHK228E | CHK229E | CHK230I | CHK231I | CHK233E | CHK234E | CHK235E | CHK236E | CHK237E | CHK238I | CHK239E | CHK240E | CHK241E | CHK242E | CHK243E | CHK244E | CHK245E | CHK246E | CHK247I | CHK248I | CHK249E | CHK250E | CHK251I | CHK252E | CHK253E | CHK254E | CHK255E | CHK256E | CHK257E | CHK258E | CHK259E | CHK260E | CHK261E | CHK262E | CHK263I | CHK264E | CHK265I | CHK266I | CHK267E | CHK268E | CHK269E | CHK270W | CHK271E | CHK272E | CHK273I | CHK274E | CHK275E | CHK276E | CHK277E | CHK278E | CHK279E | CHK280E | CHK281E | CHK282E | CHK283E | CHK284E | CHK284W | CHK285E | CHK286E | CHK287I | CHK288I | CHK289I | CHK290I | CHK291E | CHK292E | CHK293E | CHK294E | CHK295E | CHK296I | CHK297E | CHK298E | CHK299E | CHK300E | CHK301E | CHK302E | CHK304E | CHK305E | CHK306E | CHK307E | CHK308I | CHK309E | CHK310E | CHK311E | CHK312E | CHK313W | CHK314E | CHK317I | CHK318E | CHK319E | CHK320E | CHK321E | CHK322E | CHK323I | CHK324I | CHK325E | CHK326E | CHK327E | CHK328E | CHK329E | CHK330E | CHK331W | CHK332E | CHK333W | CHK334E | CHK335E | CHK335I | CHK336W | CHK337E | CHK338E | CHK339E | CHK340I | CHK341E | CHK342E | CHK343E | CHK344E | CHK345E | CHK346E | CHK347I | CHK348E | CHK349E | CHK350E | CHK351E | CHK352E | CHK353I | CHK355I | CHK356W | CHK357E | CHK358E | CHK359E | CHK361W | CHK362E | CHK363E | CHK401W | CHK402W | CHK403W | CHK404W | CHK405W | CHK406W | CHK408E | CHK411E | CHK412E | CHK413E | CHK414E | CHK415E | CHK416W | CHK417I | CHK418E | CHK498I | CHK499I | CHK997I

CHK001I ASSO block nnn (x'xxxxxxx') - FCB of file x.
Print ASSO block nnn (x'xxxxxxx') thru nnn2 (x'xxxxxxxx') .

This message provides the ASSO block number (nnn), its hexadecimal value (xxxxxx) and, possibly, the file number (x) being processed by ADACHK. An alternate version of this message provides a range of block numbers (with hexadecimal values) being printed.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK002I Dump ASSO block nnn (x'xxxxxxx') [thru nnn2 (x'xxxxxxxx')].

This message provides the ASSO block number (nnn) and its hexadecimal value (xxxxxxx) being dumped by ADACHK. An alternate version of this message provides a range of block numbers (with hexadecimal values) being dumped.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK003I File fn is an ADABAS system file. Print it in dump format only.

File fn is a system file. Therefore it will not be printed in interpreted format.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK006I Errors in function are detected. Structure will be printed in dump format.

Errors in the function were detected and the structure in error will not be printed in interpreted format.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK007I rabn type RABN nn (x'xxxxxxx') is status
rabn type RABN nn (x'xxxxxxx') - nn (x'xxxxxxx') are status

The RABN type (FST, DSST, PPT) is empty or unused.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK008I Errors in function are detected. Function2 function cannot be executed/printed.

Due to errors in function function, function2 could not be executed or printed.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK009I GCB contains error(s). GCB will be printed in dump format.

Errors were found validating the GCB. The GCB will be printed in dump format.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK011I No records loaded in fn.

The specified file has no records loaded.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK012I The Adabas nucleus is currently down and a pending autorestart has been detected. Any errors reported after this point may be transient and may be repaired with the autorestart.

This warning is returned when ADACHK receives a response code 148 (ADARSP148) on a call to the nucleus and detects that there is still a DIB entry, indicating a pending autorestart. It is possible that errors reported prior to this message can also be related to the autorestart, depending on the timing and when ADACHK detects the nucleus status change.


If any errors are reported, to be sure they are real (and not due to the autorestart), clear the autorestart or restart the nucleus. Otherwise, no action is required for this informational message.

CHK014W WARNING: Records from ciphered file fn cannot be checked/printed without code. Please supply correct cipher code.

The ciphered file cannot be checked or printed without the cipher code.


Specify the correct cipher code and rerun the job.

CHK015I Error while reading struct

An error was encountered while reading the structure (struct) listed in the message.


No action is required for this informational message. Review additional messages produced with this message for more information.

CHK016I DATA RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains error(s). It has been skipped from further processing .

The Data Storage RABN listed in the message has errors and is being skipped from further processing.


No action is required for this informational message. Additional messages may also be produced; review any additional messages for more information.

CHK017I No nucleus verification calls were made.

This message displays when no nucleus calls are made.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK021I ISNs greater or equal to the first unused ISN = nnn (x'xxxxx') were omitted.

A range of ISNs was specified and any ISN greater than or equal to the first unused ISN was omitted.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK022I ISNs less or equal to the start ISN = nnn (x'xxxxx') were omitted.

A range of ISNs was specified and any ISN less or equal to the start ISN was omitted.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK023I Further checks of file were skipped.

: Due to another error, further checking on this file is terminated.


No action is required for this informational message. Review additional messages produced with this message for more information.

CHK024I Spanned record with primary ISN isn (x'xxxxxxxx') from DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') cannot be assembled because of error printed above. This record is skipped from further processing.

Due to the additional error printed, the spanned data storage record could not be assembled.


No action is required for this informational message. Review accompanying messages for more information and suggested actions.

CHK025I The Adabas nucleus is currently state.

This messages is issued when the nucleus changes states. Possible values for state in the message include "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE", "READONLY", and "DOWN WITH DIB ENTRY".


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK026I The MAXCALLS parameter limit has been exceeded for file nn. Therefore, no further nucleus calls will be made to ensure that errors are real. Any errors reported after this point may be due to concurrent updates. To distinguish persistent errors from transient errors, please run with a higher MAXCALLS parameter or wait for less activity on the file.

This warning message is received when the MAXCALLS limit has been reached. The file number (nn) is given in the message.


Increase the size of your MAXCALLS parameter setting to distinguish persistent errors from transient errors. If that does not work, wait for less activity on the file.

CHK121E ERROR: Invalid LA or SP call detected by the nucleus.

The LA or SP call issued to the Adabas nucleus was not recognized or returns an invalid response code.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK122E ERROR: ISN size in FCB is not equal to 3 or 4 bytes or expected sum (ISN size + RABN size) mismatch with the current. Current ISN size in FCB is xxx.

An ISN size problem was encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK123E ERROR: nnnnn in FCB (offset x'xxxx') is invalid. Reasons: rsns

The value (nnnnn) in the FCB is invalid. The reasons (rsns) are given in the message. Possible reasons are:

  • Number of type extents should not be zero.

  • Offset to type extents should not be zero or greater than ASSO block length.

  • Inconsistent offset and number. If one is zero, then other should also be zero.

  • First type RABN is greater than last type RABN.

  • First unused type RABN should be in the range from first type RABN to last type RABN + 1.

  • First type RABN - nnn (x'xxxx')

  • Last type RABN - nnn (x'xxxxx')

  • First unused type RABN - nnnx'xxxxx')

  • Offset to type extents - x'xx'

  • Number of type extents - x'xx'


Review the reasons supplied with this message to determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK124E ERROR: {AC | AC2} ISN = isn (x'xxxx') found in DS RABN = rabn is greater than or equal to the first actual unused {AC | AC2} ISN = isn2 (x'xxxx') Offset to record in DS block - x'xx' May be that value of first unused {AC | AC2} ISN in FCB is incorrect.

The ISN found in a Data Storage record is greater than or equal to the first unused ISN in the address converter (AC) or the ISN found in a spanned Data Storage record is greater than or equal to the first unused ISN in the secondary address converter (AC2).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK125E ERROR: FDT length nnnnn (x'xxxx') in FCB does not match with the actual FDT length nnnnn (x'xxxx').


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK126E ERROR: Invalid block length x'xxxxxx' in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxx').

The block length field contains either a negative value or a number larger than the physical block size.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK127E ERROR: The total length of processed records in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxx') exceeds the block length minus 4. Offset to current processed record in DS block - x'xxxxx'.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK128E ERROR: Invalid record length x'xxxxxxxx' was found in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxx'). Offset to record in DS block - x'xxxxxxxx' . The sum of all record lengths in the DS-Block is not equal to the BLOCKLENGTH minus 4.' .

The record length is negative, zero, or greater than the permitted maximum length (set by the MAXRECL parameter).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK129E ERROR: Invalid ISN equal to nnnn (x'xxxx') was found in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'). Offset to record in DS block - x'xxxx'.

The ISN shown in the message (nnnn) was not found in the Data Storage block.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK130E ERROR: Spanned record with ISN = isn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains inconsistencies. A spanned DS record must be either a primary or a secondary record. Both are not permitted. Offset to record in DS block - x'xxxx'
ERROR: Spanned record with ISN = isn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains inconsistencies. A spanned DS record must be either a primary or a secondary record. Neither is not permitted. Offset to record in DS block - x'xxxx'
ERROR: Spanned record with ISN = isn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains inconsistencies. ISN of this spanned record field is zero or exceeds the maximum possible ISN. Offset to record in DS block - x'xxxx'
ERROR: Spanned record with ISN = isn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains inconsistencies. Master ISN field is zero or exceeds the maximum possible ISN. Offset to record in DS block - x'xxxx' .

The header (primary) or secondary record of the spanned Data Storage record with the ISN number listed in the message (isn) is erroneous.

This message has several variations in its text, as shown above.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK131E ERROR: Primary spanned record with ISN = nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains inconsistencies.

Errors were encountered with the primary spanned record identified in the message. Possible reasons for the error (rsns) are also provided in the message. Possible reasons are:

  • ISN of this record and Master ISN fields should be the same. Offset to record in DS block - x'xxxxx'.

  • Next ISN field is zero or exceeds the maximum possible ISN. Offset to record in DS block - x'xxxxx'.


Review the reasons supplied with this message to determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK132E ERROR: Invalid ISN number nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') was found in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'). ISN exceeds the maximum possible ISN. Offset to record in DS block - xxx'.

The ISN number listed in the message (nnnn) and found in the Data Storage RABN listed in the message exceeds the maximum possible ISN.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK133E ERROR: Duplicate AC/AC2 ISN = nnnn (x'xx') was found in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'). Offset to record 1 in DS block - x'xxxx'. Offset to record 2 in DS block - x'xxxx'.

Duplicate ISNs within on Data Storage block were found. ISNs must be unique.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK134E ERROR: The FSTTO value is less than FSTFROM. Offset to incorrect FST element is x'xx'.

An error was encountered in the free space table (FST).


Repair the FST using Adabas Online System or the ADADBS RECOVER utility function.

CHK135E ERROR: The FST element count is invalid. Current value is nnnn.

An error was encountered in the free space table (FST).


Repair the FST using Adabas Online System or the ADADBS RECOVER utility function.

CHK136E ERROR: Free Space Table is not sorted, run RECOVER.

An error was encountered in the free space table (FST).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK137E ERROR: The FSTTYPE is invalid. Current value is x'xxxx'. Offset to incorrect FST element is x'xx'.

An error was encountered in the free space table (FST).


Repair the FST using Adabas Online System or the ADADBS RECOVER utility function.

CHK138E ERROR: Error while reading the last {ASSO|DATA} RABN rabn.

A error was encountered reading the last Associator or Data Storage RABN shown in the message (rabn).


Use the ADAREP utility to check the database RABN allocations and correct them, as necessary.

CHK139E ERROR: {ASSO|DATA} extents are not in ascending order.

The Associator or Data Storage extents are not in ascending order.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK140E ERROR: {ASSO|DATA} extent descriptions do not fit into GCB2.

The length of all of the extent descriptions (Associator, Data Storage, and DSST) exceed the block length.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK141I ADACHK reestablishing communication with nucleus after a RSP-22.

This message is issued when ADACHK gets a response code 22 (ADARSP022) back from a privileged call. This usually happens when the nucleus is restarted while ADACHK is active.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK142I ADACHK is unable to verify the following error with the nucleus due to an unexpected nucleus response nnn.

This warning message indicates that an error could not be verified with the nucleus; the response code is given in the message (nnn).


Investigate the cause of the error, based on the information provided for the response code. Correct the error and rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK143E ERROR: FDT with length x'xxxx' does not fit into the FDT RABNs. First FDT RABN in FCB – rabn1. Last FDT RABN in FCB – rabn2.

An FDT error occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK144E ERROR: Length of PPT entry in RABN rabn at offset x'xxxx' is invalid. Current value is x'xxxx'.

The length of the PPT entry exceeds the highest length allowed or is less than the lowest possible length.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK145E ERROR: PPTID in RABN rabn at offset x'xx' is invalid. Current value is x'xxxx'.

A PPT error occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK146E ERROR: RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') outside type{ASSO|DATA|MI|NI|UI} extents was found in type {MI|UI} element. RABN contained incorrect type {MI|UI} element is n (x'xxxx'). Offset to incorrect type element is x'xxxx'.
ERROR: RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') outside type {ASSO|DATA|MI|NI|UI} extents. Offset to RABN in FCB - x'xxxx', rsn

An RABN error occurred. In one version of this message, a reason is supplied. Possible reasons include:

  • First AC RABN

  • First AC2 RABN

  • First DATA RABN

  • First FDT RABN

  • First NI RABN

  • First reusable NI RABN

  • First reusable UI RABN

  • First UI RABN

  • Last AC RABN

  • Last AC2 RABN

  • Last DATA RABN

  • Last FDT RABN

  • Last NI RABN

  • Last UI RABN

  • Last used DATA RABN

  • Last used UI RABN

  • Last used NI RABN

  • RABN of Highest Index block


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK147E ERROR: Database ID equals zero.

A database ID of zero was encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK148E ERROR: The highest possible file number in database is invalid. Current value is nn.

A file number error was encountered. File numbers cannot exceed 5000.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK149E ERROR: The value for RABNSIZE field in the GCB must be 3 or 4. Current value is nnnn.

An error occurred with the value of the RABNSIZE field.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK150E ERROR: Highest file number currently loaded is invalid. Current value is nn.

The highest file number loaded exceeds the highest file number defined for the database.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK151E ERROR: First or last PPT RABN equals zero.

The first and last PPT RABN values must be nonzero values.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK152E ERROR: Work dataset definitions from GCB are invalid.

One or more of the Work definitions (device, RABN, etc.) in the GCB are invalid.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK153E ERROR: The value for the number of {ASSO|DATA|DSST} extents is equal to zero or more than 99.

An error occurred with the number of Associator, Data Storage, or DSST extents.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK154E ERROR: Description of ASSO, DATA and DSST extents must fit into one ASSO block.

An error occurred with the number of Associator, Data Storage, or DSST extents.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK155E ERROR: The last RABN of the first ASSO extent must be greater than size of ASSO fixed part. Current value is nnnn (x'xxxx').

An error occurred with the Associator.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK156E ERROR: First FCB RABN must be equal to 31. Current value is nnnn.

An error occurred with the FCB.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK157E ERROR: Error in description of DSST extent number nnnn. Reasons: rsns.

An error occurred with the DSST extent number given in the message (nnnn). Reasons (rsns) for the error are also given in the message. Possible reasons include:

  • Top DATA RABN mapped by last DSST extent is not equal to maximum DS RABN.

  • First RABN is greater than last RABN of DSST extent.

  • Last RABN of DSST extent is greater than TOP ASSO RABN.

  • First and last RABN of DSST extent are zero.

  • Blocksize of last DSST extent RABN is not equal to the value in DSST extent description.

  • Top DATA RABN mapped by DSST extent is zero.

  • Top DATA RABN mapped by DSST extent is more than maximum.

  • DATA blocksize mapped by DSST extent is not equal to the real DATA blocksize.


Review the reasons supplied with this message to determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK159E ERROR: First DSF RABN is greater than last DSF RABN.

The first DSF RABN is greater than the last one.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK160E ERROR: Index block RABN = rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains incorrect block length - x'xx'.

An incorrect block length was encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK161E ERROR: FST entry contains RABNS that do not belong to the database. Offset to incorrect FST element is x'xx'.

The FST contains RABNs that do not belong to this database.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK162E ERROR: Total length of indices from RABN = rabn (x'xxxx') exceeds the used block length.

The total length of the RABN indices exceeds the used block length.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK163E ERROR: Index element in the index block RABN = rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains incorrect length of DE value - x'x'. Offset to incorrect element in the block - x'xx'.

An index element error occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK164E ERROR: NI element in the index block RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains incorrect ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') in the ISN list. Offset to incorrect NI element x'xx'.

The ISN list for one value in an NI block must be in strict ascending sequence. If not, this message occurs. This message also occurs if an ISN is not less than the first unused ISN specified in the file control block (FCB). This can also occur if the ISN is zero.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK165E ERROR: Index block RABN = rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains incorrect level indicator - x'x' .

The level indicator in the index block does not indicate the correct level as expected.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK166E ERROR: Number of empty blocks nnnn in the empty {UI|NI} index block chain exceeds possible maximum nnnn. Reason may be the existence of empty block with invalid forward pointer causing the chain to loop into itself.

The forward pointer in an element of the empty NI/UI block chain contains an invalid RABN. This forward pointer should contain either a RABN of another empty NI/UI block or a zero to indicate the end of the chain. However, there is an invalid forward pointer value causing the chain to return into itself.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK167E ERROR: Logical length of empty {UI|NI} block RABN = rabn> (x'xxxxxxxx') should be 0006.

An invalid logical length of an empty block was encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK168E ERROR: Empty {UI|NI} block RABN = rabn (x'xxxxxxxx')' contains incorrect forward pointer. Forward pointer RABN = rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') is outside used {UI|NI} extents.

The forward pointer in an element of the empty NI/UI block chain contains an invalid RABN. This forward pointer should contain a RABN of another empty NI/UI block or should contain a zero to indicate the end of the chain.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK169E ERROR: NI values of descriptor fld are not in ascending order. RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset to element x'xx'.

When processing the index for one descriptor (in an L9 sequence), the NI block values should be in ascending sequence. This message occurs if either of the following occurs:

  • The values within one block are not strictly increasing (equal values are considered an error);

  • The first value in an NI, MI, or UI block is less than the last value in the previous block (equal values are allowed).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK170E ERROR: Index element contains invalid packed value. RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset to element x'xx', DE name desc.

An index element error was encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK171E ERROR: NI element in the index block RABN = rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains zero ISN count. Offset to incorrect NI element is x'xx'.

The ISN count in an NI element should not be zero.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK172E ERROR: FieldName fld - EXI-OPT for SDTE Element is invalid - EXI but not UQ-DE in PE.

A field error was encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK173E ERROR: Invalid FDT length. Total FDT length x'xxxx' is not equal to the sum of FDT parts x'xxxx'.

The defined length of the FDT is not equal to the sum of its parts.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK174E ERROR: Invalid length nn for field fld. The maximum permitted length for format type format is nnn.

An invalid field length was encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK175E ERROR: More than one Parent Field with MU option is not permitted for sub-/superfield fld .

A subfield or superfield cannot have more than one parent field with the MU option.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK176E ERROR: The Parent field fld for field fld has invalid attributes. Subcode is nnnn :
1) FROM/TO value(s) = 0;
2) FROM > TO;
3) TO > permitted maximum.

An invalid parent field was encountered. The parent field has invalid attributes.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK177E ERROR: The Parent field fld for descriptor-type is a Group field.

The parent field for a descriptor field is a group field. Possible descriptor types appearing in this message are: "Phonetic Descriptor", "Hyperc Descriptor", "Collating Descriptor", "Sub-/Super Descriptor", "Elementary", and "Special".


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK178E ERROR: descriptor-type has invalid offset to Parent field. Parent field cannot be found in FDT.

The parent field for a descriptor cannot be found. Possible descriptor types appearing in this message are: "Phonetic Descriptor", "Hyperc Descriptor", "Collating Descriptor", "Sub-/Super Descriptor", "Elementary", and "Special".


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK179E ERROR: The field fld is found more than once.

A field error occurred; the field is found more than once.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK180E ERROR: The Parent field fld for Phonetic Descriptor descriptor is invalid. Possible reasons: rsns.

The parent field for a phonetic descriptor is invalid. Reasons (rsns) for the error are provided in the message. Possible reasons include:

  • Parent field is a field within a Periodic group.

  • Parent field does not have alpha format.

  • Field is not the parent of phonetic descriptor.

  • Field is the parent of more than one phonetic descriptor.

  • Field is the MU field but phonetic descriptor is not.


Review the reasons supplied with this message to determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK181E ERROR: The Parent field fld for sub-/super field/descriptor descriptor has Floating Point format .

A parent field error occurred; the parent field for the subfield, superfield, subdescriptor, or superdescriptor has floating point format.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK182E ERROR: Field fld has an inconsistent field level structure.

A field error occurred. The field has an inconsistent field level structure.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK183E ERROR: The Parent field fld for sub-/superfield/descriptor descriptor has the LA or LOB option set.

A parent field error occurred; the parent field for the subfield, superfield, subdescriptor, or superdescriptor has the LA or LB (large object) options set.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK184E ERROR: Invalid format x'x' for descriptor-type field fld.

A descriptor field format error occurred, Possible descriptor types appearing in this message are: "Phonetic Descriptor", "Hyperc Descriptor", "Collating Descriptor", "Sub-/Super Descriptor", "Elementary", and "Special".


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK185E ERROR: Field fld is not Parent of sub-/superfield/descriptor descriptor.

A parent field error occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK186E ERROR: UQ-Option for Non-Descriptor field fld is not permitted.

The UQ option is not permitted for a non-descriptor field.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK187E ERROR: The Field fld has the FI- and DE-Options. This is not permitted for a field within a Periodic Group.

A field defined within a periodic group has the FI and DE options defined as well. This is not allowed.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK188E ERROR: Missing length for field fld with FI-Option.

The length is missing for a field with the FI option specified.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK189E ERROR: FI- and NU-Option are mutually exclusive: field fld.

A field has both the FI and NU options defined; these options are mutually exclusive.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK190E ERROR: TZ option is invalid with current datetime edit mask: field fld; datetime edit mask edit-mask .

A time zone processing error occurred. The TZ option is invalid with the current datetime edit mask.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK191E ERROR: Length of Group group-fld with MU field must be zero.

A group field length error occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK192E ERROR: Invalid length x'xxxx' of Group group-fld.

A group field length error occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK193E ERROR: System restriction: Too many fields in the FDT.

There are too many fields in the FDT. A maximum of 3214 is possible.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK194E ERROR: Invalid field fld position within the PE Group. Position from FDT - nnnnn (x'xxxx'). Actual position - nnnn (x'xxxx') .

A PE group field position error occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK195E ERROR: The last field fld in the FDT cannot be a group.

The last field in the FDT cannot be a group.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK196W WARNING: ADACHK is not permitted to run for file fn. Another utility has the file locked.

Another Adabas utility has locked the file (fn) listed in the message, so the ADACHK utility cannot run on the file.


Issue a DUQA or DDIB command to determine what utility has the file locked and to remove the UQE or DIB entry. Then try to run the ADACHK job again.

CHK197E ERROR: Invalid field name syntax for fld.

An invalid field name was found while processing the SDT.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK198E ERROR: {AC | AC2} ISN = nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') was found in DS RABNs more than once (duplicate ISN). DS RABN for this ISN from {AC | AC2} is rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'). ISN also found in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx').

The ISN number listed in the message (nnnn) appears in two Data Storage records. ISNs should be unique.

If the Data Storage RABNs associated with the duplicate ISNs contain errors, this message will be duplicated because the ISN is duplicated. This could occur with the CHK248E message if the ISN of the secondary address converter is duplicated and the duplicate secondary ISNs point to a primary ISN that was not found or could not be assembled.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK199E ERROR: Collating Descriptor Exit for field fld is not in range 1 - 8.

A collating descriptor exit error occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK200E ERROR: NU option set for Parent field fld but does not set for sub-/superfield/descriptor descriptor.

A parent field specification error occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK201E ERROR: Hyper Descriptor Exit for field fld is not in range 1 - 31.

The hyperdescriptor exit specified for a field is not in the correct range.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK202E ERROR: Number of Parent fields for fld exceeds the permitted maximum (20).

The number of parent fields specified for a field exceeds the maximum.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK203E ERROR: Field fld with NB option requires LA or LB option.

A field with the NB option is not specified with the LA or LB options.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK204E ERROR: The SUPERFIELD/DESCRIPTOR descriptor must not have both NU and NC Parent Fields.

A superfield or superdescriptor cannot have both NU and NC parent fields.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK205E ERROR: More than 254 elementary fields in PE-Group nnnnn.

There are too many elementary fields in a PE group. The number of elementary fields (nnnnn) is given in the messages.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK206E ERROR: Field fld has the LA or LB option:
- it must have Alphanumeric format or
- it must have Wide format,
- it must neither have the FI option nor the DE option.

A field specified with the LA or LB option has been incorrectly defined.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK207E ERROR: EXI Option is not allowed for field fld. This field is not a descriptor and/or does not contain fields from PE-group.

A field is defined incorrectly.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK208E ERROR: Field fld in Group group has invalid option: option.

A field in a group has an invalid option.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK209E ERROR: Group group is not marked as having a {LOB | VAR. LENGTH | MU} field but contains {LOB | VAR. LENGTH | MU} field fld.

A group field is not identified as containing large object (LB option), variable length, or MU fields, but one or more of the fields in the group are defined as large object, variable length or MU fields.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK210E ERROR: LB-Option and LA-Option are mutually exclusive. Field fld.

A field is defined with both the LB and LA options; these options are mutually exclusive.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK211E ERROR: Field fld with NB option requires NC or NU option.

An NB field is not defined with the NC or NU options; one of these options is required.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK212E ERROR: Invalid SDT length x'xxxx'.

An SDT length error was encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK213E ERROR: Datetime edit mask conflicts with format: field fld; format format; datetime edit mask edit-mask .

A specified date-time edit mask conflicts with the field format.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK214E ERROR: TZ option is invalid without the datetime edit mask: field fld .

The TZ option cannot be specified with out the date-time edit mask.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK215E ERROR: Unknown Datetime edit mask: field fld .

An invalid date-time edit mask was specified for a field.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK216E ERROR: Field length is too short for current Datetime edit mask: field fld; length nn; datetime edit mask edit-mask.

The field length is too short for the date-time edit mask that was specified.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK217E ERROR: Incorrect count of fields (x'x') in Group group .

An incorrect number of fields was encountered in a group.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK218E ERROR: All specified RABNs exceed last physical RABN. Last physical RABN is rabn %-(x'xxxxxxxx').

RABNs that exceed the last physical RABN were found in the INPUT parameter. These RABNs are ignored.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK218I RABNs exceed last physical RABN were found in input parameters. These RABNs are ignored. Last physical RABN is rabn -(x'xxxxxxxx') .

RABNs that exceed the last physical RABN were found in the INPUT parameter. These RABNs are ignored.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK219E ERROR: FDT extent definition in FCB for File fn is invalid. First FDT RABN = rabn1 (x'xxxxxxxx') at offset x'xx' exceeds last FDT RABN = rabn2 (x'xxxxxxxx') at offset x'xx'.

An FDT extent error occurred for a file.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK220E ERROR: FDT definition in FCB for File fn is invalid. FDT length x'xxxx' at offset x'xx' is invalid .

An FDT definition in the FCB for a file is invalid.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK221I {ACCHECK | CHECK | DSCHECK | ICHECK | VALIDATE} is not performed for File fn. Reasons: rsns

The ADACHK function listed in the message was not performed for the file listed in the message (fn). Reasons (rsns) for the error are also given in the message. Possible reasons include:

  • Error in FCB has been detected.

  • Error in FDT has been detected.

  • Error in NI extent definition in FCB has been detected.

  • Error in UI extent definition in FCB has been detected.

  • Error in UI/NI definitions in FCB has been detected.

  • File is CHECKPOINT file.

  • File is SECURITY file.

  • Not all DEs could be processed.

  • Number of NI extents in FCB equal 0

  • Number of UI extents in FCB equal 0.

  • There are no descriptors in this file.

  • There are no records in the file.

  • There are no NI elements for this file.

  • There are no UI elements for this file.

  • There are no UI/NI elements for this file.

  • There are no valid DE names in DESCRIPTOR parameter.

  • No records in file for external sort.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK222E ERROR: Descriptor descriptor not in ascending sequence is found in RABN = rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx' .

Each U3 element contains the field name for the descriptor. Field names must be in ascending sequence. The field name that is out of sequence is identified in the message (descriptor).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK223E ERROR: ISN/RABN are not zero in UI element of empty descriptor descriptor, RABN rabnn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx' .

An error occurred with the UI element of an empty descriptor.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK224E ERROR: LOB Info entries definition in FCB is invalid.

The following possible message continuations (msg-continuation) can be included in the message:

  • Inconsistent offset to 1st LOB Info entry x'xx' (offset in FCB - x'xx') and Number of LOB Info entries x'xx' (offset in FCB - x'xx'). If one is zero, then other should also be zero.

  • Offset to 1st LOB Info entry x'xx' (offset in FCB - x'xx') should not be zero or greater than ASSO block length.

  • LOB Info entry (offset in FCB - x'xxxxx') contains invalid Base/LOB file number fn (x'xxxxx''). Base/LOB file number should not be zero or greater than nn (x'xxxxx') -maximum file number in database.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK225E ERROR: xxxx definition does not fit into one ASSO block. Offset to xxxx - x'xx'; Number of xxxx - x'xx'.

An Adabas element or extent definition does not fit into one ASSO block, where xxxx represents the element or extent name and can be one of the following:

  • AC extents

  • AC2 extents

  • Couple elements

  • DATA extents

  • last formatted AC

  • last formatted AC2

  • LOB Info entries

  • maximum AC

  • maximum AC2

  • NI extents

  • UI extents


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK226E ERROR: Couple elements definition in FCB (offset x'xx') is invalid.

The following possible message continuations (msg-continuation) can be included in the message:

  • Inconsistent values in offset to 1st couple element and number of couple elements. If one is zero, then other should also be zero.

  • Offset to 1st couple element should not be zero or greater than ASSO block length.

  • Number of coupled files should not be greater than 18.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK227E ERROR: Couple element in FCB (offset x'xx') is invalid. Coupled file number and Descriptor names should be defined.

An FCB couple element error occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK228E ERROR: Invalid DSST entry was found. DSRABN = x'xxxxxxxx' (rabn) Actual value x'xxxxxxxx', Value from DSST x'xxxxxxxx' DSSTRABN = x'xxxxxxxx' (rabn>), Offset = x'xx' .

An invalid DSST entry was encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK229E ERROR: All specified ISNs do not belong to the given file. Processing aborted .

An ISN error was encountered.


Analyze and correct the supplied parameters and rerun.

CHK230I MAXCALLS will be ignored due to the NOSYNC or UTYPE specification. Message is only given once and only if an error is encountered.

This message is received when MAXCALLS is specified with UTYPE=EXU.EXF or NOSYNC. MAXCALLS does not pertain when any of these parameters are specified.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK231I Invalid internal error call n passed to ADACHK error routine.

A call was made to an internal routine to process a possible transient error but an invalid call type was detected.


Save this message and contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK233E ERROR: Only single FILE must be specified in conjunction with parm parameter .

Only a single file number can be specified with the parameter listed in the message (parm).


Analyze and correct the supplied parameters and rerun.

CHK234E ERROR: Only single FILE and single ISN must be specified in conjunction with COMPREC parameter .

Only a single file number and a single ISN can be specified with the COMPREC parameter.


Analyze and correct the supplied parameters and rerun.

CHK235E ERROR: {AC | AC2} ISN isn was not found in DS block blk specified by AC/AC2 element.

A mismatch exists between the address converter (AC) or the secondary address converter (AC2) elements and Data Storage or when spanned records are enabled. An ADACHK ASSOPRINT and DATAPRINT of the specific RABNs will help analyze further.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK236E ERROR: AC/AC2 ISN nnnnn was not found in AC/AC2. The highest ISN in AC/AC2 is nnnnnnn. May be FCB contains incorrect AC/AC2 extent descriptions or invalid first unused ISN.

The first unused ISN in the FCB and the first unused ISN in the address converter or the secondary address converter do not match when spanned records are enabled,. An ADACHK ASSOPRINT and FCBPRINT of the specific RABNs will help analyze further.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK237E ERROR: Function is not specified.

No ADACHK function was supplied for the run.


Analyze and correct the supplied parameters and rerun.

CHK238I {ASSO | DATA} RABNs rabn1 - (x'xxxxxxxx') - rabn2 - (x‘xxxxxxxx') from specified RABN range is outside of extents for file fn. Only {ASSO | DATA} RABN(s) which belong to the file will be processed. Run ADAREP utility to obtain information about file extents.

The RABNs listed in the message are outside the range of extents for the file and will not be processed.


Run the ADAREP utility to obtain information about the file extents.

CHK239E ERROR: {ASSO | DATA} RABNs rabn>-(x'xxxxxxxx') from specified RABN range is outside of extents for file fn. Run ADAREP utility to obtain information about file extents.

The RABNs listed in the message are outside the range of extents for the file and will not be processed.


Run the ADAREP utility to obtain information about the file extents.

CHK240E ERROR: Parameter parm is not allowed for function function .

An invalid parameter (parm) was specified for the ADACHK function (function) identified in the message.


Analyze and correct the supplied parameters and rerun.

CHK241E ERROR: The file number in the FCB of File fn is invalid. Current value is nnnn (x'xxxx').

An FCB error occurred for the file listed in the message (fn).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK242E ERROR: Invalid parameter UTYPE = utype Value of parameter UTYPE must be ACC / UTI / EXU (default is ACC).

An invalid value was specified for the UTYPE parameter.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK243E GCB2 contains error(s). Processing terminated.

An error occurred with the secondary general control block (GCB2).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK244E ERROR: The value of parameter MAXDESCLEN = length is not in a range 10-255 .

An invalid value was specified for the MAXDESCLEN parameter.


Analyze and correct the supplied parameters and rerun.

CHK245E ERROR: {ASSO | DATA} FROM-TO RABNs is outside of extents for file fn. Run ADAREP utility to obtain information about file extents .

Associator or Data Storage RABNs are outside the range of extents for the file.


Run the ADAREP utility to obtain information about the file extents.

CHK246E ERROR: File fn is incorrect. File number must be only in range 1 - maxfiles .

An invalid file number was specified.


Analyze and correct the supplied parameters and rerun.

CHK247I ERROR: File fn is not loaded.

The file number listed in the message (fn) is not loaded. Typically, this occurs when a range of files is specified and LAYOUT=LONG. This notifies you of the files in the specified range that were not loaded.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK248I Files exceed the highest file currently loaded were found in input parameters. These Files are ignored. The highest file currently loaded is fn.

File numbers exceeding the highest file currently loaded were found in the input parameters and will not be processed.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK249E ERROR: In parameter(s) File fn1 nnnn -(x'xxxx') – fn2 – (x'xxxx') start of range value exceeds end of range value.

The file number range specified for the run was not specified in ascending order. All file number ranges must be supplied in ascending order.


Correct the file number range specification and rerun the job.

CHK250E ERROR: Invalid parameter LAYOUT = layout. Value of parameter LAYOUT must be LONG / MEDIUM / SHORT (default is SHORT).

An invalid value was specified for the LAYOUT parameter. Valid values are LONG, MEDIUM, or SHORT.


Specify a valid value for the LAYOUT parameter or remove the LAYOUT parameter from the run (it will then default to SHORT). Then rerun the ADACHK job.

CHK251I Parameter FILE is omitted. All files will be processed.

The FILE parameter has been omitted for this ADACHK run. All files will be processed.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK252E ERROR: Parameter parm is essential for function fxname.

The parameter named in the message (parm) is required for the function named in the message (fxname), but was not provided.


Supply the parameter (and appropriate parameter value) and try again.

CHK253E ERROR: The value of parameter NUMBER = value is not in range 1 - 8.

An invalid value has been specified for the NUMBER parameter. Valid values range from 1 through 8.


Correct the NUMBER parameter and try again.

CHK254E ERROR: Parameter parm1 must be specified in conjunction with parm2 parameter(s).

The parameter named in the message (parm1) was not specified in conjunction with other parameters it requires. The other required parameters are also named in the message (parm2).


Specify all required parameters (and dependent parameters) in the job and try again.

CHK255E ERROR: Parameter parm1 cannot be specified in conjunction with parm2 parameter(s).

The parameter named in the message (parm1) was specified in conjunction with other parameters it cannot be specified with. The parameters it is in conflict with are also named in the message (parm2).


Correct the parameter specifications and try again.

CHK256E ERROR: Highest Index level in FCB is not from 3 to 15 range. Current value is n (x'x'), offset in FCB - x'xx' .

An index error in the FCB was encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK257E ERROR: Rotating ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') in {AC | AC2} in FCB is incorrect. It should not be zero or greater than the {highest allocated | topisn+1} {AC | AC2} ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx'). Offset to the rotating {AC | AC2} ISN in FCB - x'xxxx'. Offset to the {highest allocated | topisn+1} {AC | AC2} ISN in FCB - x'xxxx'.

An error occurred with the rotating ISN in the address converter or the secondary address converter.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK258E ERROR: The {AC | AC2} ISN is not set. Offset to the {AC | AC2} ISN in FCB - x'xx' .

An ISN error occurred in the address converter or the secondary address converter.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK259E ERROR: The {AC | AC2} ISN nnnn (x'xxxx') exceeds the {AC | AC2} ISN nnnn (x'xxxx'). Offset to the AC ISN in FCB - x'xx'. Offset to the AC2 ISN in FCB - x'xx' .

An ISN error occurred in the address converter or the secondary address converter.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK260E ERROR: 1st unused {AC | AC2} ISN nnnn (x'xxxx') must not be higher than the {AC | AC2} ISN nnnn (x'xxxx'), plus 1. Offset to the 1st unused {AC | AC2} ISN in FCB - x'x'. Offset to the {AC | AC2} ISN in FCB - x'xx' .


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK261E ERROR: DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') is more than maximum DS RABN mapped by last DSST extent .

A Data Storage RABN is higher than the maximum Data Storage RABN mapped by the last DSST extent.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK262E ERROR: The maximum {AC | AC2} ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') must correspond to the highest allocated {AC | AC2} ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx'). Offset to the maximum {AC | AC2} ISN in FCB - x'xxxx'. Offset to the highest allocated {AC | AC2} ISN in FCB - x'xxxx0'.

An ISN error occurred in the address converter or the secondary address converter.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK263I Invalid first reusable {NI | UI} RABN has been detected in FCB. The chain of empty {NI | UI} index blocks will not be checked.

An invalid RABN was encountered in the FCB.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK264E ERROR: Field nn has invalid packed value x'xxxxxxxx'.

The packed value of a field is invalid.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK265I The NOSYNC parameter has been specified. Therefore, no nucleus calls will be made to ensure that errors are real. Therefore, any errors reported may be due to concurrent updates. To distinguish persistent errors from transient errors, please remove the NOSYNC parameter.

This message appears when the NOSYNC parameter has been specified.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK266I Dump type block nnnn (x'xxxx').

Dump information is provided in this message.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK267E ERROR: Offset is bigger than ASSO block size. Type block RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') at offset x'xx' .

A requested offset is larger than the Associator block size.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK268E ERROR: block type Padding factor nn for file fn is invalid. The value must be specified in the range 1-90 .

The padding factor for a file is invalid.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK269E ERROR: Invalid syntax of CODE parameter.

An error was encountered with the specification of the CODE parameter.


Correct the syntax of the CODE parameter and try again.

CHK270W WARNING: Parameter parm1 is incompatible with parm2 parameter. parm2 parameter is ignored.

Incompatible parameters were specified. One of the parameters is ignored.


Correct the specified parameters and rerun the ADACHK job.

CHK271E ERROR: ISN = nnnn (x'xxxx') was found in DS RABN = rabn1 (x'xxxxxxxx'). DS RABN for this ISN from {AC | AC2} is rabn2> (x'xxxxxxxx') .

An ISN error occurred in the address converter or the secondary address converter.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK272E ERROR: {AC | AC2} ISN = nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') was not found in any DS RABN. {AC | AC2} element contains DS RABN = rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') .

An ISN error occurred in the address converter or the secondary address converter.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK273I The UTYPE={EXF|EXU} parameter has been specified. Therefore, no nucleus calls are necessary to ensure that errors are real.

This message is given when UTYPE=EXF or UTYPE=EXU is specified. It is only given once if an error is encountered.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK274E ERROR: {AC | AC2) element of ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') from ASSO RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains invalid DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'). This RABN is not used by the file.

The primary (AC) or secondary (AC2) address converter element for the ISN shown in the message (nnnn) contains a DS RABN that is not used by the file.


Perform an FCBPRINT to check the Data RABNs and identify the problem. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance if necessary.

CHK275E ERROR: Segment count in spanned record with ISN = nnnnn exceeds maximum.

The spanned Data Storage chain with the ISN shown in the message (nnnn) has more than the maximum number of segments allowed.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK276E ERROR: An error was found in spanned record ISN nnnn
Secondary record ISN nnnn in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') holds an inconsistent value of primary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx').

An error was encountered with the secondary ISN or spanned Data Storage chain. If the nucleus is active, this message will be preceded by additional messages to aid in resolving the issue.


Run the ADACHK DATAPRINT utility function against the Data Storage RABN to obtain more information. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK277E ERROR: Invalid value nn (x'xx') for number of ISNs per {AC | AC2} block. Offset to invalid value in FCB - x'xx' .

An ISN error occurred in the address converter or the secondary address converter.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK278E ERROR: {AC | AC2} ISN = nnnn (x'xxxx') greater than last {AC | AC2} ISN = nnnn (x'xxxx') was found in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') .

An ISN error occurred in the address converter or the secondary address converter.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK279E ERROR: The parent field fld for Collating Descriptor desc must have either ALPHA or WIDE format.

A collating descriptor was defined without a parent field in alphabetic or wide-character format.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK280E ERROR: Formats of subfield/subdescriptor desc and its parent field fld are not the same .

The formats of the subfield or subdescriptor and the parent field are not the same.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK281E ERROR: The superfield/superdescriptor desc has invalid format. Permitted format for such field is either ALPHA or WIDE or BINARY.

The superfield or superdescriptor has an invalid format.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK282E ERROR: The sub-/superfield/descriptor desc has unpermitted format. Permitted format is either FIXED or FLOAT.

The subfield, superfield, subdescriptor, or superdescriptor has an invalid format.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK283E ERROR: Duplicate ISN nnnn (x'xxxx') found in DS RABNs - rabn1 (x'xxxxxxxx') and rabn2 (x'xxxxxxxx') .

A duplicate ISN was found in Data Storage.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK284E ERROR: Secondary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxxx') found in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') but not referenced by a primary ISN.

A secondary ISN was found that has no corresponding primary ISN.

Before this error is printed, ADACHK rereads the associated blocks to see if it can rectify the error on its own. If so, the transient error count is incremented and no error is printed. If it cannot rectify the error and the nucleus is down, the error is printed. If it cannot rectify the error and the nucleus is up, a call to the nucleus is made to determine if there is indeed a problem with the ISN and if it has been abandoned. In verifying the original error, if the nucleus finds another error, the error will be returned to ADACHK and ADACHK will print both this error and the additional error found. The additional errors that would precede this message are listed below. These will only occur if the nucleus is up.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK284W WARNING: Secondary ISN nnnn (x'xxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') but not referenced by a primary ISN. Removing the FROMRABN/TORABN parameter will most likely resolve the warning .

A secondary ISN was found that has no corresponding primary ISN.


Remove the FROMRABN and TORABN parameter settings and try again.

CHK285E ERROR: Duplicate secondary ISN nnnn (x'xxxx') found in DS RABNs - rabn1 (x'xxxxxxxx') and rabn2 (x'xxxxxxxx') .

A duplicate secondary ISN was found.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK286E ERROR: File fnr is coupled to file fnr2. File fnr2 is currently not loaded.

The coupled file has not been loaded or has been removed.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK287I A call was just made to the nucleus to confirm if a CHK284E error was real or transient. The nucleus encountered the following error attempting the validation.

ADACHK made a call to the nucleus to determine whether error CHK284E was caused by a secondary ISN that was abandoned was transient or real. In validating the error, the nucleus, encountered one of the following different errors: CHK274E, CHK276E, CHK288I, CHK289I, CHK290I, CHK291E, CHK292E, CHK293E, CHK294E, or CHK295E. After one of these errors is printed, CHK284W is also printed.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK288I Unrecognized error nn returned from the nucleus for ADACHK type xx.

ADACHK attempted to call the nucleus to validate the error displayed below. The nucleus returned an unexpected error code nn for function type xx. The original error will be displayed since ADACHK was unable to verify with the nucleus.


This informational error message should be reported to your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK289I Invalid primary ISN parameter parm (x'xxxxxxxx') passed from ADACHK to the nucleus.
The primary ISN provided was either zero or greater than the first unused ISN.

ADACHK attempted to call the nucleus to validate the error displayed below. The primary ISN passed was invalid. The original error will be displayed since ADACHK was unable to verify with the nucleus.


This informational error message should be reported to your Software AG technical support representative so this internal error can be corrected.

CHK290I Invalid secondary ISN parameter 18 (x'xxxxxxxx') passed from ADACHK to the nucleus.
The secondary ISN provided was either zero or greater than the first unused secondary ISN.

ADACHK attempted to call the nucleus to validate the error displayed below. The secondary ISN passed was invalid. The original error will be displayed since ADACHK was unable to verify with the nucleus.


This informational error message should be reported to your Software AG technical support representative so this internal error can be corrected.

CHK291E The spanned DS header for the primary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') was invalid. [A spanned DS record must be either a primary or a secondary record. Both are not permitted. Offset to record in DS block - x'xxxx'] .

The header of the primary spanned record with the ISN number listed in the message (nnnn) is erroneous. Possible causes include:

  • The spanned Data Storage header indicator for a primary record is incorrectly set. Either the primary spanned record bit or the secondary spanned record bit should be on (but not both).

  • The next ISN in the spanned Data Storage header is invalid.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK292E The spanned DS header for the secondary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') was invalid.

The header of the secondary spanned record with the ISN number listed in the message (nnnn) is erroneous.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK293E Secondary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') points to an invalid next ISN.

The secondary header segment points to a next ISN that is erroneous.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK294E The AC2 has the secondary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') but the ISN is missing in the DS RABN.

The secondary address converter indicates that the secondary ISN shown in the message (nnnn) is in the Data Storage RABN listed in the message (rabn), but the ISN is missing in the Data Storage RABN.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK295E Primary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx8') points to an invalid next ISN.

The primary header segment points to a next ISN that is erroneous.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK296I A call was just made to the nucleus to confirm the validity of the spanned DS storage chain. The nucleus encountered the following error attempting the validation.

While attempting to validate the consistency of the spanned Data Storage storage chain, one of the following additional errors was encountered: CHK274E, CHK275E, CHK289I, CHK291E, CHK292E, CHK293E, CHK295E, CHK297E, CHK298E, CHK299E, CHK337E, CHK338E, or CHK339E. After one of these erorrs is printed, either a compression error (CRV* message) or CHK276E is also printed.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK297E Invalid block length or record length in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') for primary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx').

An invalid block length or record length was detected. This may be preceded by error CHK142I. An unexpected nucleus response code was received.


Investigate the cause of the error, based on the information provided for the response code from CHK142I. Then correct the record or block listed in this message (CHK297E) and rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK298E Invalid block length or record length in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') for secondary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx').

An invalid block length or record length was detected for a secondary ISN. This may be preceded by error CHK142I. An unexpected nucleus response code was received.


Investigate the cause of the error, based on the information provided for the response code from CHK142I. Then correct the record or block listed in this message (CHK297E) and rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK299E The primary ISN is invalid in the spanned DS record header of primary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx').

There is an inconsistency in the primary ISN found in the header for the primary ISN.


Run an ADACHK DATAPRINT job of the Data Storage RABN for further analysis. Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK300E ERROR: Descriptor desc is not found in FDT, RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx' .

A descriptor was found in a U3 block that is not in the field definition table (FDT). Every field in the index must be a descriptor if the file is coupled: a subdescriptor, superdescriptor, hyperdescriptor, or phonetic descriptor, a coupling descriptor, or a collation descriptor.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK301E ERROR: FDT and Index control bytes mismatch for DE desc is found in RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') offset x'xx' .

An FDT and index control byte mismatch occurred for the descriptor (desc) listed in the message. The comparison of the two compares the control byte IXUCTL of the index with the control byte FDTF of the FDT.


When this error occurs, dump and print the FDT using the ADACHK FDTPRINT utility and the index block in question with ASSOPRINT. Then contact your Software AG support representative for assistance.

CHK302E ERROR: First element of DE desc is found but upper index element found in RABN rabn> (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx' does not indicate the first element of descriptor .

The upper index blocks contain index entries for one or more descriptors. The first element for a given descriptor contains the first element bit, or FE BIT. A missing FE bit can result in incorrect index positioning or Adabas response codes.


Document the error. Try to fix the error as soon as possible, for example by reinverting the descriptor where the error occurred.

CHK304E ERROR: Duplicate element of empty DE desc is found in RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx'.

There are at least two U3 entries for an empty descriptor. Each descriptor has at least one entry on the U3 level. There may be several entries for one descriptor when the descriptor spans several MI blocks, because each MI block has an entry on the U3 level. Although there are no MI blocks for an empty descriptor, there must be one (and only one) U3 entry.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK305E ERROR: desc1/desc2 DE names do not agree. idx-level index element located in RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx'. idx-level index element located in RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx' .

Each upper-level index element contains the field name for the descriptor, and also points to a lower-level block. The field name in the first element in the lower-level block must agree with the field name in the higher-level element.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK306E ERROR: desc1/desc2 DE values do not agree. idx-level index element located in RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx'. idx-level index element located in RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx' .

Each U3 element contains a value and an MI RABN. The first MI element (in the MI block pointed to by the U3 element) should contain the same value as the U3 element. If not, this message occurs.

This message also occurs if an MI element contains a value that is greater than the value in the first NI element (in the NI block pointed to by the MI element).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK307E ERROR: idx-level1/idx-level2 ISNs do not agree. idx-level1 index element located in RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx'. idx-level2 index element located in RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx' .

Each MI element points to an NI block. If the first ISN in the ISN list for the first NI element (in that NI block) is not the lowest ISN for that value, then that NI element ISN should be equal to or greater than the MI ISN. If the NI ISN is less, this message occurs.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK308I The following secondary ISN error could not be fully verified by the nucleus.

A secondary ISN with no master ISN was found. The master ISN is needed to confirm if the error is real or transient. Most likely this is due to the timing of the spanned data storage update.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK309E ERROR: MI ISN nnnn (x'xxxx') is invalid. It should be zero. RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset to element x'xx', DE name desc .

An error occurred with the MI ISN.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK310E ERROR: Error initializing collating user exit. Return Code = rc .

An error occurred initializing the collating user exit.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK311E ERROR: Collating user exit is not loaded.

The collating user exit is not loaded.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK312E ERROR: Descriptor desc was found in FDT but has not been checked in indices because of errors detected above .

A descriptor was found in the FDT but was not checked due to other processing errors.


Review other errors that appear with this one to resolve the error.

CHK313W WARNING: Error in FCB related to COUPLED facility has been detected. ICHECK function will be executed without COUPLED indices checks .

An FCB error related to the coupling facility has been encountered.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK314E ERROR: {DATA | UI | NI | AC | AC2} extent nnnn (x'xxxx') - nnnn (x'xxxx') overlaps {DATA | UI | NI | AC | AC2} extent nnnn (x'xxxx') - nnnn (x'xxxx') .

An error with the extents listed in the message occurred.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK317I Errors in extents are detected. Checking for gaps and overlaps cannot be performed.

An internal error processing the extent overlap and gap checking has been detected.


This is an informational message only and processing will continue. Please run an ADAREP to determine if gaps or overlaps exist and contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need assistance or suspect an error.

CHK318E ERROR: # {NI | UI} blocks processed greater than # {NI | UI} blocks used .

In performing the index check, a count is taken of the UI blocks read. The number of blocks used is the sum of the number of blocks used in each UI extent, which depends on the first RABN and first unused RABN for each extent. If the number of blocks processed exceeds the number used, at least one ix-block-number RABN occurs in more than one of that block type, because each ix-block-number RABN processed is checked to be sure it is within the used portion of some extent of the same index block type.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK319E ERROR: Gap between extents: from-blk to-blk type fn .

The extents that have gaps are printed.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK320E ERROR: Extents overlap: from-blk to-blk type fn.

The extents that have gaps are printed.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK321E ERROR: Wrong pointer to last parent of super/hyper descriptor. Bad FDT, expected value: nn1, value found nn2 .

An error occurred with a pointer in the FDT.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK322E ERROR: Problem encountered attempting to invoke the external sort routine, Return Code = ioerror .

An error occurred attempting to invoke the external sort routine.


Diagnose and correct the external sort problem. The return code is given in the message. Rerun ADACHK if necessary.

CHK323I Start verification of expanded file chains.

The consistency checking of the expanded file chains is in progress. This occurs at the beginning of ADACHK. If LAYOUT is specified, the expanded file chain is specified.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK324I End verification of expanded file chains.

The consistency checking of the expanded file chains has completed. If any errors were encountered, they would be displayed above this message.


No action is required for this informational message. The consistency checking of the expanded file chains has completed. If any errors were encountered, they would be displayed above this message.

CHK325E ERROR: File fnr has ISN overlap with previous file in chain.

There is an overlap of ISNs between files in the chain.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK326E ERROR: File fnr has incorrect anchor fnr.

The expanded file has an incorrect anchor file.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK327E ERROR: MAXRECL maxrecl for file fnr does not match the MAXRECL maxrecl of the anchor fnr.

The MAXRECL of files in the chain must match.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK328E ERROR: The next file fnr was already found in a chain.

The expanded file was already found in the expanded file chain.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK329E ERROR: File fnr does not belong to a chain but has next fnr and anchor fnr.

The file does not belong to an expanded file chain but contains chain information.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK330E ERROR: Error initializing hyperexit number nn. Return Code = rc.

An error was returned attempting to initialize the hyperexit listed in the message (nn).


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK331W WARNING: File fnr received an unexpected nucleus response rspcode.

An unexpected nucleus response code was received.


Analyze and determine the cause of the response code to determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK332E ERROR: Response code rc subcode sc occurred while processing ISN = nnnn in file = fn.

A problem in the spanned Data Storage record chain has been identified. Processing for this record will stop.


Review preceding messages for more detail on the spanned Data Storage error.

CHK333W WARNING: Sort encountered an unusual record. Record skipped.

The sorter encountered a non-zero return code. Additional error information may be displayed if available.


Provide the job output to your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK334E ERROR: Empty field format detected.

The descriptor format of zero was detected. Please investigate the cause.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK335E ERROR: Nucleus verification check detected {AC | AC2} element of ISN isn (x'xxxxxxxx') from ASSO RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') contains invalid DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'). This RABN is not used by the file.

This error can only occur if the nucleus is active. It is an additional check the nucleus makes to ensure that the Data Storage RABN found in the address converter is actually used by the file. If it finds a problem, this error is printed. Typically, a CHK274E message will also be reported.


Perform an FCBPRINT to check the Data RABNs and identify the problem. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance if necessary.

CHK335I ASSO block between 10 and 14 requested, printing entire FST.

The entire FST will be printed in its entirety.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK336W WARNING: Nucleus must be active to do a REPAIR.

REPAIR was specified in an ADACHK DSCHECK run, but the nucleus was not up at the time the repair was attempted. This error may appear multiple times if there are several DSST errors and the nucleus is down the entire time.


Bring the nucleus up and try again.

CHK337E The primary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') was not found in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx').

The primary ISN was not found in the DS RABN as expected.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK338E The secondary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') was not found in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx').

The secondary ISN was not found in the DS RABN as expected.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK339E The ISN is invalid in the spanned DS record header of secondary ISN nnnn (x'xxxxxxxx') in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx').

The ISN in the secondary ISN header is invalid.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK340I A call was just made to the nucleus to confirm if a validation error was real or transient. The nucleus encountered the following error attempting the validation.

ADACHK made a call to the nucleus to confirm if a ADACHK VALIDATE error was transient or real. In validating the error, the nucleus encountered a different error which is displayed below.


No action is required for this informational message. Refer to the additional message for information about the new error encountered.

CHK341E A spanned DS record was found for file fn in DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'). This file does not allow spanned DS records.

The nucleus encountered a spanned Data Storage record for a file that does not allow spanned Data Storage records.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK342E Invalid ISN parameter 901 (x'xxxxxxxx') passed from ADACHK to the nucleus.

The ISN passed to the nucleus for validation was invalid for the file.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK343E Length of DE = xx value passed is invalid. Length = nn.

An internal error occurred during an attempt by ADACHK to call the nucleus to determine the type of index error that occurred. An invalid length (nn) for the descriptor (xx) value was specified.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK344E DE = fld is not found in the index.

The descriptor passed to the nucleus for validation was not found in the index.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK345E Primary indicator not set for what was expected to be a primary ISN; DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') .

The ISN being validated was determined to be for a spanned Data Storage record, but did not have the primary indicator set.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK346E The DS RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') passed to the nucleus for verification does not belong to any of the file extents. Error sequence number n

The Data Storage RABN passed from ADACHK to the nucleus did not belong to the file extents.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK347I A call was just made to the nucleus to confirm if an index type error was real or transient. The nucleus encountered the following error attempting the validation.

ADACHK made a call to the nucleus to determine if the index error was transient or real. In validating the error, the nucleus encountered one of the following errors: CHK343E, CHK348E, CHK349E, CHK350E, CHK351E, CHK352E, or CHK408E.


No action is required for this informational message. Review the action for the other error messages that appear with this message.

CHK348E Invalid sub-function parameter xx passed from ADACHK to the nucleus.

An internal error occurred during an attempt by ADACHK to call the nucleus to determine the type of index error that occurred. The invalid subfunction shown in the message (xx) was requested.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK349E Invalid number of RABN/update count pairs: nn passed from ADACHK to the nucleus.

An internal error occurred during an attempt by ADACHK to call the nucleus to determine the type of index error that occurred. An invalid number of RABN/update count pairs (nn) was specified.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK350E Invalid target index level nn passed from ADACHK to the nucleus.

An internal error occurred during an attempt by ADACHK to call the nucleus to determine the type of index error that occurred. An invalid index level (nn) was specified.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK351E Invalid index RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx') passed from ADACHK to the nucleus. The RABN does not belong to any of the file extents.

An internal error occurred during an attempt by ADACHK to call the nucleus to determine the type of index error that occurred. One or more of the index RABNs specified in the index RABN/update count pairs was outside of the file extents. The first invalid RABN encountered is shown in the message (rabn).


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK352E The record buffer specified could not hold all records.

An internal error occurred during an attempt by ADACHK to call the nucleus to determine the type of index error that occurred. The record buffer specified could not contain all blocks to be returned from the nucleus.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK353I Problem attempting read of last type RABN NN (x'xxxx'). JCL may not be correct.

There was an error attempting to read the RABN.


No action is required for this informational message.


When specifying LAYOUT=LONG with the CHECK function, this message displays which function is currently in progress.


No action is required for this informational message.

CHK356W WARNING: Unreachable {NI|UI} blocks were detected.

An NI or UI index block exists that is not used and is not in the unused RABN chain.


No immediate action is required. However, the RABN block cannot be used until either the Associator is reordered or an UNLOAD/LOAD sequence is performed.

CHK357E Error: First element of MI block with the forward index compression option on must not be compressed. MI RABN rabn (X'xxxxxxxx'), offset X'xxxx'.

The first element of an MI block is compressed and the forward index compression option is on. This is an error.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK358E ISNs are not in ascending sequence in MI block. MI RABN rabn (X'xxxxxxxx'), offset X'xxxx'.

The ISNs in the MI block are not in ascending sequence.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK359E Error: MI value/ISN LE previous NI value/ISN. idx-level1 index element located in RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx'. Current idx-level2 element located in RABN rabn (x'xxxxxxxx'), offset x'xx' .

An MI element has a value that is less than or equal to the value in the last NI element in the previous NI block. If the values are equal, the ISN in the MI element must be greater than the ISN in the previous NI element.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK361W WARNING: Nucleus must be active to reset the rotating AC ISN pointer.

RESET was specified for the ACSCAN function but the database was not currently active.


Please retry the operation with the nucleus active.

CHK362E ADACHK is unable to RESET the ISN due to the following unexpected nucleus response nn

The call to the Adabas nucleus received the above response code and therefore the RESET did not execute successfully.


Determine the cause of the response and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK363E ERROR: The Parent field fld for sub-/superfield/descriptor descriptor has the LOB option set.

A parent field error occurred; the parent field for the subfield, superfield, subdescriptor, or superdescriptor has the LB (large object) option set.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK401W WARNING: File fn is in LOAD status.

A previous ADALOD failed for the file.


Correct the file status and rerun ADACHK:

  • restart the ADALOD job;

  • delete the file and rerun the ADALOD job; or

  • restore the SAVE file copy and rerun the ADALOD job.

CHK402W WARNING: File fn is in REORDER status.

A previous reorder failed for the file.


Correct the file status and rerun ADACHK. Delete the file or overwrite it using ADAORD STORE or ADASAV RESTORE/RESTONL.

CHK403W WARNING: File fn is in RESTORE status.

A previous ADASAV job failed.


Correct the file status and rerun ADACHK. Delete the file or overwrite it using ADAORD STORE or ADASAV RESTORE/RESTONL.

CHK404W WARNING: File fn is in REFRESH status.

A previous REFRESH job against the file was interrupted.


Correct the file status and rerun ADACHK. Delete the file or overwrite it using ADAORD STORE or ADASAV RESTORE/RESTONL.

CHK405W WARNING: Cannot validate CHECKPOINT FILE = fn.

An error occurred while validating the checkpoint file.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK406W WARNING: Cannot validate SECURITY FILE = fn.

An error occurred while validating the security file.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK408E ERROR: Invalid field name fld in DESCRIPTOR parameter.

The descriptor passed to the nucleus for validation was not a valid descriptor.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

CHK411E ERROR: Parameter SORTTYPE is incorrect. Values of SORTTYPE can only be INTERNAL or EXTERNAL .

An invalid value was specified for the SORTTYPE parameter. Valid values are INTERNAL or EXTERNAL.


Specify a valid value for SORTTYPE and rerun the ADACHK job.

CHK412E ERROR: ERRLIM = errlim is exceeded. Processing terminated .

The value of the ERRLIM parameter has been exceeded.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK413E ERROR: Parameter parm is incorrect.

The parameter listed in the message (parm) is specified incorrectly.


Correct the parameter specification and rerun the ADACHK job.

CHK414E ERROR: Length of DE = desc from DATA exceeds the maximum possible = 15. DE-format – {PACKED | UNPACKED), ISN = nnnn (x'xxxx'), Length = len.

The length of the descriptor from Data Storage exceeds the maximum possible length.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK415E ERROR: Value of DE = value from DATA is incorrect. DE-format - {PACKED | UNPACKED), ISN = nnnn (x'xxxx'), Length = len, Value = x'xx' .

The valud of a descriptor from Data Storage is invalid.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK416W WARNING: Value for field fld has been truncated. Errors for this field may be due to truncated values. Specify a larger MAXDESCLEN to avoid truncation of data storage record field values .

The value for the field listed in the message (fld) has been truncated.


Increase the setting of the MAXDESCLEN parameter to avoid truncation of the Data Storage field values. Then run the ADACHK job again.

CHK417I The longest truncated field value was nn bytes. This value belongs to descriptor desc. Specify MAXDESCLEN at least this size on next run.

This message provides information about field values truncated during ADACHK processing.


Specify a setting for the MAXDESCLEN parameter that is at least the value specified in the message (nn). Then rerun the ADACHK job again.

CHK418E The value for LWP is invalid. Minimum is 102400 (100K). Maximum is 2147483647 (x'xxxxxxxx') or 9223372032559808512 (x'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') when running in a virtual 64bit environment.

The specified value for the LWP parameter is invalid.


Correct the LWP value and try again.

CHK498I function started ******* ' date time'.



No action is required for this informational message.

CHK499I function ended ******* ' date time'.



Determine the cause of the error and correct it. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

CHK997I Invalid input parameters for fx.

Invalid parameters were specified for the ADACHK function (fx) listed in the message. A list of RABNs in the Associator, Data Storage, Work and DSST is displayed.


Correct the input parameters for the ADACHK function listed in the message. Then rerun the ADACHK job.