ADAZIN Utility Messages

Overview of Messages

ERROR-121 | ERROR-122 | ERROR-124 | ERROR-126 | ERROR-127 | WARNING-123 | ZIN128 | ZIN129 | ZIN130 | ZIN131 | ZIN132 | ZIN133 | ZIN134 | ZIN135 | ZIN136 | ZIN137 | ZIN138 | ZIN139 | ZIN140

ERROR-121 Cannot specify MODRANGE in conjunction with MOD

The MODRANGE and MOD parameters were specified in the same ADAZIN utility run. These parameters are mutually exclusive; only one of them can be specified in the run.


Correct the ADAZIN parameters and rerun the job.

ERROR-122 Invalid MODRANGE value

The range of values specified in the MODRANGE parameter of an ADAZIN utility run is invalid.


Correct the MODRANGE parameter and rerun the job.

ERROR-124 System error = x'sys-code' returned during execution of IOR function x'94'

The ADAZIN utility makes use of an internal Adabas component ADAIOR. An error occurred in ADAIOR processing.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ERROR-126 SVC numbers must be in the range 200-255

The SVC numbers specified by the SVC or SVCRANGE parameters in an ADAZIN utility run are invalid. SVC numbers specified by these two parameters must be in the range 200-255 (inclusive)


Correct the SVC or SVCRANGE parameter and rerun the job.

ERROR-127 Invalid SVCRANGE value

The range of values specified in the SVCRANGE parameter of an ADAZIN utility run is invalid.


Correct the SVCRANGE parameter and rerun the job.

WARNING-123 Running non APF-authorized.
Module information may be inconsistent with target library

The load library specified by the DDZIN DD statement identifies a load library that is not APF-authorized. Any modules already loaded will not be loaded for this ADAZIN utility run. Processing continues, but the module information in the resulting ADAZIN report may not be consistent with the modules included in the DDZIN load library.


No action is required for this warning message. However, if you make sure that all load libraries are APF-authorized, your ADAZIN reports will be more complete.

ZIN128 Cannot specify MODRANGE/MOD in conjunction with NOMOD.
NOMOD parameter will be ignored.

The NOMOD parameter was specified in the same ADAZIN run as either the MODRANGE or MOD parameter. The MODRANGE, MOD, and NOMOD parameters are mutually exclusive in an ADAZIN run. The NOMOD parameter is ignored for the run.


No action is required for this informational message.

ZIN129 For member_name V/R/S and ZAP status cannot be identified.
member-name lib_concat_num

The version number and zap status of the member listed in the message cannot be determined.


Verify that you have specified valid member names for the run. If you have and if this problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ZIN130 module_name specified in parameter parm-name does not exist in library.

The module name listed in the message and specified by the parameter listed in the message does not exist in the library specified in the ADAZIN job.


Verify that the correct module names are specified in the job and that the library is specified correctly. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ZIN131 Insufficient memory to build the member list of the library.
List has been truncated.
Increase NUMMODS parameter and rerun the job.

Insufficient memory was available to process the members listed for an ADAZIN run.


Increase the NUMMODS parameter to handle all of the specified members or reduce the number of members in the ADAZIN run. Then try again.

ZIN132 Cannot specify SVCRANGE/SVC in conjunction with NOSVC.
NOSVC parameter will be ignored.

The NOSVC parameter was specified in the same ADAZIN run as either the SVCRANGE or SVC parameter. The SVCRANGE, SVC, and NOSVC parameters are mutually exclusive in an ADAZIN run. The NOMOD parameter is ignored for the run.


No action is required for this informational message.

ZIN133 SVCnn ignored. SVC numbers must be in range 200-255.

An SVC number was specified in the SVC or SVCRANGE parameter that was out of the 200-255 range of SVC numbers.


Correct the SVC number and rerun the job.

ZIN134 SVCnn is not a valid Adabas SVC routine

An invalid SVC number was specified in the SVC or SVCRANGE parameter.


Correct the SVC number and rerun the job.

ZIN135 +nn dsname

The library concatenation number and the data set name for the ADAZIN run are given in the message.


No action is required for this informational message.

ZIN136 No unexcluded modules found in this range

No unexcluded modules were found in the range specified by the MODRANGE parameter.


No action is required for this informational message.

ZIN137 For xxxxxxxx (+nn), refer to the Zap status of yyyyyyyy (+nn)

To view the zap status for module xxxxxxxx in data set concatenation number nn, refer to the previously displayed zap status for the associated module yyyyyyyy, also in data set concatenation number nn.


No action is required for this informational message.

ZIN138 For xxxxxxxx (+mm), inconsistent data set with yyyyyyyy (+nn)

The zap status for module xxxxxxxx in data set concatenation number mm is unknown, because the associated module yyyyyyyy is from a different data set concatenation number nn.


Ensure that all associated product modules are available in the same data set concatenation number.

ZIN139 For xxxxxxxx (+mm), inconsistent build version with yyyyyyyy (+nn)

The zap status for module xxxxxxxx in data set concatenation number mm is unknown, because the associated module yyyyyyyy in library concatenation nn is not of the same version.


Ensure that all associated product modules are of the same version.

ZIN140 For xxxxxxxx (+nn), yyyyyyyy (+nn) is required, but not available

The zap status for module xxxxxxxx in library concatenation nn is unknown, because the associated module yyyyyyyy is not available in data set concatenation nn.


All associated product modules must be available in the same data set concatenation number.