ERROR-121 | ERROR-122 | ERROR-124 | ERROR-125 | ERROR-126 | ERROR-127 | ERROR-128 | ERROR-129 | ERROR-130 | ERROR-131 | ERROR-132 | ERROR-133 | ERROR-134 | WARN-135 | ERROR-136 | ERROR-137 | ERROR-138 | ERROR-139 | ERROR-140
ERROR-121 | Nucleus returned response resp-code while reading/opening the checkpoint file. ( nucleus-response ) |
Explanation |
Refer to chapter 3 for the meaning of "resp-code". |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error. Correct it and rerun the job. |
ERROR-122 | Inconsistency detected between FST and GCB (internal error) |
Explanation |
The FST contains RABNs that do not belong to the database. |
Action |
Repair the FST using Adabas basic system or ADADBS recover. |
ERROR-124 | Inconsistency between file file-name and GCB (internal error) |
Explanation |
The file extents contain RABNs that do not belong to the database. |
Action |
Repair the file using RESTORE and REGENERATE. |
ERROR-125 | Inconsistency in mirror block (internal error) |
Explanation |
The mirror table has an incorrect structure; it cannot be interpreted. |
Action |
Repair the mirror table using ADAREF; then mirror your database again. |
ERROR-126 | Invalid parameter value for parameters FROMDATE/TODATE or FROMSESSION/TOSESSION |
Action |
Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job. |
ERROR-127 | Invalid FROMDATE / TODATE parameter |
Explanation |
The FROMDATE / TODATE parameters must have the format yyyymmdd. |
Action |
Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job. |
ERROR-128 | Invalid save tape supplied |
Explanation |
The data set supplied as the DDSAVE input data set is not a save tape. |
Action |
Supply a valid save tape and rerun the job. |
ERROR-129 | Save tape must be from V71 or higher |
Explanation |
The supplied save tape was not created using Adabas version 7.1 or above. |
Action |
Supply a save tape created using Adabas version 7.1 or above and rerun the job. |
ERROR-130 | ECS error. See ADAU7A in DDPRINT |
Explanation |
An attempt has been made to access a UES code page, typically with the ACODE parameter. |
Action |
The ADAU7A message is probably as follows: ADAU7A ECS ERROR -7 IN FUNCTION GETHANDL 0888 It may be that the ACODE code supplied is not in the DDECSOJ data set or library, or that the DDECSOJ DD card or link name has not been supplied. Check the JCL and rerun the job. |
ERROR-131 | Statement OUTPUT error. Statement OUTPUT can be: XML XML,UTF8 ,XML ,UTF8 UTF8 UTF8,XML |
Explanation |
The OUTPUT parameter statement has been incorrectly specified. |
Action |
Check the options supplied with the list in the error message. Correct it and rerun the job. |
ERROR-132 | Statement ACODE error. Statement ACODE can be: For DBName - GCB or CodePage or omitted For FileName - GCB or FCB or CodePage or omitted For CheckPoint - GCB or CodePage or omitted |
Explanation |
The ACODE parameter statement has been incorrectly specified. |
Action |
Check the options supplied with the list in the error message. Correct it and rerun the job. |
ERROR-133 | Parameter PRINT must either be ON or OFF or omitted |
Explanation |
The PRINT parameter statement has been incorrectly specified. |
Action |
Check the options supplied in the error message. Correct it and rerun the job. |
ERROR-134 | At least one output media must be enabled. Set PRINT=ON or a valid value for the OUTPUT parameter or set both |
Explanation |
The combination of values for the OUTPUT and PRINT parameter statement has been incorrectly specified. |
Action |
Check the options supplied in the error message. Correct it and rerun the job. |
WARN-135 | Ignored invalid value for parameter CP: invalid_value |
Explanation |
The parameter CP has been incorrectly specified. |
Action |
Remove the invalid keyword and rerun the job. |
ERROR-136 | Parameter CP only allowed when CPLIST or CPEXLIST specified |
Explanation |
The parameter CP has been incorrectly specified. |
Action |
Remove the CP parameter or add the CPLIST/CPEXLIST parameter and rerun the job. |
ERROR-137 | At least one valid value for parameter CP is required |
Explanation |
The parameter CP has been incorrectly specified. |
Action |
Use one or more values from the following list for the CP parameter and rerun the job. Valid keywords for the CP parameter are:
ERROR-138 | FDT for file file-number does not fit into the FDT RABNs |
Explanation |
The FDT is too large for the FDT RABNs that are provided for the given file. |
Action |
Issue an ADACHK CHECK against the file for more detailed information, then determine the cause of the error and correct it. |
ERROR-139 | First or last PPT RABN equals zero |
Explanation |
Either the first or last RABN of the PPT is zero. |
Action |
Issue an ADACHK CHECK against the file for more detailed information, then determine which RABNs are in error to find the cause of the error and correct it. Inform your database administrator (DBA) of the error, or contact your Software AG representative if additional information is needed. |
ERROR-140 | Unexpected value found in the PPT RABN in the GCB |
Explanation |
The GCB has incorrect information on the PPT RABN, or the PPT RABN is incorrect. |
Action |
Issue an ADACHK CHECK against the file for more detailed information, then identify the problem and correct it. Inform your database administrator (DBA) of the error, or contact your Software AG representative if additional information is needed. |