Version 9.6

Virtualized Services in CentraSite Control

This document describes how to:

The content is organized under the following sections:

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Introduction to Virtualized Services

Describes the virtualized service, which is one of the predefined asset types that CentraSite supports out-of-the-box.
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Who Can Create and Manage Virtualized Services?

Describes the users who can create and manage virtualized services.
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Creating Virtualized Services

Describes how to create a virtualized service.
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Configuring SOAP-based Virtual Services

Describes how to configure the processing steps for a SOAP-based virtual service.
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Configuring REST or XML Virtual Services

Describes how to configure the processing steps for a REST or XML virtual service.
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Invoking webMethods IS Services in Virtualized Services

Describes how to create a webMethods Integration Server (IS) flow service that you can invoke in virtualized services.
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Using Context Variables in Virtualized Services

Describes how to use predefined and custom context variables in virtualized services.
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Viewing or Editing the Profiles of Virtualized Services

Describes how to view or modify the profiles of a virtualized service.
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Important Considerations when Configuring SOAP-based Virtual Services

Discusses some things you should consider when you configure SOAP-based virtual services.
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Important Considerations when Configuring REST or XML Virtual Services

Discusses some things you should consider when you configure REST or XML virtual services.
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Creating Run-Time Policies

Describes how to create run-time policies and apply them to virtualized services in order to govern the virtualized services' run-time execution.
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Consumer Applications

Describes how to create consumer applications, which specify the consumers that are allowed to consume services and other assets at run time.
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Deploying Virtualized Services and Consumer Applications

Describes how to deploy virtualized services and consumer applications to webMethods Mediator.

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