Version 9.6
 —  Virtualized Services in CentraSite Control  —

Viewing or Editing the Profiles of Virtualized Services

Each tab on the detail page of a virtualized service represents a collection of attributes called a profile. You will only see the profiles for which you have View permission. The asset type Service has a unique set of profiles. However, your administrator can configure this asset type to display a customized set of profiles and attributes.

When editing attributes, keep the following points in mind:

Start of instruction setTo view or edit the detail pages of a virtualized service

  1. In CentraSite Control, go to Asset Catalog > Browse Catalog.

  2. On the Browse Catalog page, perform a keyword search or advanced search to display the virtualized services. For procedures, see the section Using the Asset Catalog.

  3. Locate the virtualized service whose details you want to view or edit and, from its context menu, select Details.

    If you want to edit multiple services, mark the checkboxes of all desired services, and from the Actions menu, click Details. The detail page for each of the selected services is now displayed.

  4. To edit an asset's Name, Description or user-defined version number, make sure the service is undeployed, then place the cursor in the appropriate field and modify the text as required.

  5. To modify the extended attributes associated with the virtualized service, do the following:

    1. Select the profile that contains the attribute(s) that you want to modify.

    2. Edit the attributes on the profile as necessary.

      Editing an Asset File

      Certain assets contain one or more associated files. For example, a SOAP-based virtual service includes a WSDL file, while a REST or XML virtual service includes a schema file. You can upload a new file, or update an existing file, for virtual services.

      For a SOAP-based Virtual Service only: You can attach a WSDL file to the catalog entry using the Attach WSDL command in the virtual service's Actions menu. If you are attaching a WSDL file to a service that already has a WSDL, the service name in the new WSDL must be identical to the service name in the existing one, or the process will fail.

      For a Virtual REST Service or Virtual XML Service only: You can attach a schema file to the catalog entry using the Add (resource) button in the Technical Details profile of the virtual service. For more information about attaching a schema file to virtual REST services or virtual XML services, see Resourcing a Virtual REST or XML Service

      Editing a Service Endpoint

      Assets such as REST virtual services and webMethods IS REST services can contain one or more service endpoints. You can specify multiple endpoints or modify existing endpoints as required.

    3. Repeat steps 5.a and 5.b for each profile that you want to edit.

    If at any time you want to abandon your unsaved edits, click Close. CentraSite will ask you if you want to save your edits. Click No to abandon your edits and return the virtualized service's attributes to their previous settings.

  6. When you have finished making your edits, click Save.

You can view a tooltip text for any attribute in a profile of the virtualized service's detail page by moving the cursor to the attribute name. The tooltip text gives a summary of the attribute's purpose. The tooltip text shown is the content of the attribute's Description field, as defined for the virtualized service in the Service type definition. See the section Object Type Management for information on defining attributes for Service type.

The following profiles are described below:

The Summary Profile

The virtualized service's Summary profile displays general information about the service, including:

For this service type... The profile displays...
Virtual Service The WSDL file and the native service's endpoint(s).
Virtual REST Service The schema file, the native service's endpoint(s) and the HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or Use Context Variable) that the native service accepts in requests.
Virtual XML Service The schema file and the native service's endpoint(s).

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The Technical Details Profile

The Technical Details profile displays the following:

For this virtualized service type... The profile displays...
Web service
  • The WSDL file of the Web service.

  • The native service's endpoint.

REST service or XML service
  • The schema file of the REST service or XML service.

  • The native service endpoint.

    For Virtual REST services only: If you want to specify multiple endpoints, use the plus button to add additional rows.

  • The MIME type of the data supported by the service. For a REST service, this is often application/xml or application/json type but can be any other valid MIME type. For an XML service, this is only application/xml type.

  • The set of operations supported by the service using HTTP methods (e.g., POST, GET, PUT or DELETE).

  • The search string used by the server to find a set of matching resources.

Resourcing a Virtual REST or XML Service


A virtual REST service or a virtual XML service has the "Resource" object internally representing an "Operation" object in the CentraSite registry. When adding or importing a virtual REST service or virtual XML service, CentraSite, by means of an invoke operation, automatically sets the Resource:invoke entry in the Technical Details profile of the new service. Based upon the type of asset (i.e., virtual XML Service or virtual REST Service), it populates the basic attributes, namely HTTP Method, Content Type, Query String and Schema Name fetched from the service's schema file. You can add or modify these resource attributes as required.

Important Considerations When Resourcing a Virtual REST or XML Service

When resourcing a virtual REST service or a virtual XML service, keep the following points in mind:

How to Resource a Virtual REST or XML Service

Start of instruction setTo resource a virtual REST service or a virtual XML service

  1. In CentraSite Control, display the details page for the virtual REST service or virtual XML service to which you want to add a resource. If you need procedures for this step, see the section Using the Asset Catalog.

  2. Choose the Technical Details profile, which allows you to associate a resource object to the service.

  3. Click the Add button.

    The Add Resource dialog is displayed.

  4. In panel 1, specify the following attributes:

    In this field... Do the following...
    Resource Mandatory. Enter a name for the resource. A resource name can contain any character (including spaces).
    HTTP Method Mandatory for application/xml type. Choose the HTTP request method(s) for bridging protocols (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
    Content Type Specify the MIME type of the data supported by the service.

    For a REST service, this is often the application/xml or application/json type, but it can be any other valid MIME type. For an XML service, only the application/xml type is valid.

    Top-level Resource For REST services only: Use this checkbox to choose the resource to expose to Mediator for the deployment process.
    Query String For REST services and virtual REST services only: Specify the search string as required. The text is case insensitive.
  5. If you have chosen the content type application/xml, click Next.


    If you have chosen the content type application/json, click Finish.

  6. In panel 2, specify the following attributes to associate the schema(s) with this service.

    In this field... Do the following...
    Import from Specify whether the input file will be read from a URL-addressable location on the network (the URL option) or from your local file system (the File option).
    URL or File

    If the file you are importing resides on the network, specify its URL.

    If the file resides in your local file system, specify the file name. You can use the Browse button to navigate to the required folder.

    If you want to specify multiple schemas, use the plus button to add additional rows.

    URL Authentication

    If you have specified a URL, and the site you want to access via the URL requires user authentication, check this box. This opens an Authentication sub-dialog in which you can enter a username and password for authentication at the URL site.

    Overwrite existing imported schema files This option determines how referenced schemas are handled when the schema that is referenced already exists in the registry. When this option is enabled, the existing schemas in the registry are replaced with the new ones specified by the input schema file(s). When this option is disabled, the importer simply references the schema that already exists in the registry.
  7. Click Finish.

Deleting a Resource from a Virtual REST Service or XML Service

Use the following procedure to delete a resource from a virtual REST service or a virtual XML service.

Start of instruction setTo delete a resource from the virtual REST service or virtual XML service

  1. In CentraSite Control, display the details page for the virtual REST service or virtual XML service whose resource you want to delete. If you need procedures for this step, see the section Using the Asset Catalog.

  2. On the Technical Details profile, select the resource(s) that you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

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The Specification Profile

You use the virtualized service's Specification profile to view or modify the following fields.

Field Description
Functional Requirements You can attach a document by either pointing to a URL, or selecting a document from the Supporting Document Library. You can also upload a new document to the library. For details about the Supporting Document Library, see the section Using the Asset Catalog.
Non-functional Requirements You can attach a document by either pointing to a URL, or selecting a document from the Supporting Document Library. You can also upload a new document to the library.
Error Messages and Codes You can attach a document by either pointing to a URL, or selecting a document from the Supporting Document Library. You can also upload a new document to the library.
Usage Examples You can attach a document by either pointing to a URL, or selecting a document from the Supporting Document Library. You can also upload a new document to the library.
Release Notes You can attach a document by either pointing to a URL, or selecting a document from the Supporting Document Library. You can also upload a new document to the library.
Demo WSDL URL You can view or modify the Demo WSDL URL.
Documentation URL You can view or modify the Documentation URL.
Consumer WSDL

If the built-in policy Consumer WSDL Generator has been activated, this field will display a Consumer WSDL. For information about this policy, see the section Built-In Design/Change-Time Reference . For information about activating policies, see the section Working with Design/Change-Time Policies.)

A Consumer WSDL is created in addition to the virtual service's WSDL. The virtual service's WSDL will be used by Mediator. The Consumer WSDL can be used by the consumer (the user) to create a request for the service. The Consumer WSDL will contain WS-Security policies inline in the consumer WSDL as follows:

  • If the virtual service contains WS-Security policies, then the WS-Security policies are included inline in the Consumer WSDL. Any WS-Security policies contained in the native service's WSDL are removed.

  • If the virtual service does not contain WS-Security policies, then the WS-Security policies contained in the native service's WSDL (if any) are included inline in the Consumer WSDL.

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The Consumers Profile

You use the virtualized service's Consumers profile to specify the consumer applications, users and groups that are allowed to request the service. Specify the following fields and click Save.

In this field... Specify...

One or more application assets, which represent the consumer applications that are allowed to request the service.

Click Add Applications to select from the list of application assets that are registered in CentraSite. For more information, see the section Using the Asset Catalog.

To remove an application asset from this list, select the check box next to its name and click Delete.


One or more users and/or groups that are allowed to request the service.

Click Add Users/Groups to select from the list of users and groups that are registered in CentraSite. To remove a user or group from this list, select the check box next to its name and click Delete.

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The Permissions Profile

You use the virtualized service's Permissions profile to set permissions for the service. For information, see the section Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions .

To set permissions on a virtualized service, you must have the Full instance-level permission on the native service from which the service was generated (or you must belong to a role that has the "Manage Assets" permission).

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The Policies Profile

The virtualized service's Policies profile displays a list of all design-time policies and run-time policies that apply to the service. To view a policy's detail page, click the hyperlinked policy name.

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The Deployment Profile

For instructions on deploying, undeploying and redeploying virtualized services, see Deploying Virtualized Services and Consumer Applications .

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The Performance Profile

The virtualized service's Performance profile displays the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) metrics that have been published for the service. You can filter the list by target and time period.


  1. Ensure that Mediator is configured to collect and report run-time events to CentraSite, as described in the section Configuring Mediator in the document Administering webMethods Mediator.
  2. Ensure that CentraSite is configured to receive run-time events from Mediator, as described in the section Run-Time Governance Reference > Run-Time Events and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics.

If you receive a Javascript error when trying to display the Performance profile, please install the latest versions of the Adobe Flash Player/Shockwave Player plug-ins on your Microsoft Internet Explorer. The plug-ins can be obtained from

Start of instruction setTo view KPI metrics

  1. In CentraSite Control, display the virtualized service's detail page. For procedures, see the section Using the Asset Catalog.

  2. Open the Performance profile.

  3. Use the Switch to button to switch between a tabular view of the metrics or a graphical view.

  4. When viewing metrics in Tabular View, specify the following fields:

    In this field... Specify...
    Select Target

    A target to which the virtualized service is deployed, or select All to view the metrics of all targets to which the virtualized service is deployed.

    Start Date/End Date

    The time period from which to view the metrics.

  5. Click Search.

    The table displays metrics for all performance categories (Success Request Count, Total Request Count, Fault Count, etc.).

When viewing metrics in Graphical View, you view one performance category at a time. Select the category from the Metrics field drop-down list.

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The Events Profile

The virtualized service's Events profile displays the run-time events for the service. You can filter the list by target, event type and time period.


  1. Ensure that Mediator is configured to collect and report run-time events to CentraSite, as described in the section Configuring Mediator in the document Administering webMethods Mediator.
  2. Ensure that CentraSite is configured to receive run-time events from Mediator, as described in the section Run-Time Governance Reference > Run-Time Events and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics .

Start of instruction setTo view run-time events for a virtualized service

  1. In CentraSite Control, display the virtualized service's detail page. For procedures, see the section Using the Asset Catalog.

  2. Filter the event list you want to generate as follows:

    In this field... Specify...
    Target Type

    The type of the target on which the event occurred.


    The target on which the event occurred, or select All Targets.

    Event Type

    A run-time event type, or select All Events.

    Date Range

    A range of dates from which to view the events. If you select a value for Date Range, then Start Date/Time and End Date/Time are ignored.

    Start Date

    Click the calendar to specify a start date and time.

    End Date

    Click the calendar to specify an end date and time.

  3. Click Search.

  4. The generated event list displays the following information:

    Column Description
    Date/Time The date/time of the event. Click this hyperlinked value to view the payload of the request/response.
    Session ID The SOAP invocation session ID of the event.
    Event Type The type of run-time event.
    Service Name The name of the service involved in the event.
    Service Type The service's type.
    Target The target on which the event occurred.
    Target Type The target's type.

To configure CentraSite to log run-time events, see the section Logging .

To view lists of all events for all virtualized services of a particular target (or for all targets), see the section Managing Targets and Run-Time Events .

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Revising Virtualized Services

For details, see Managing Virtualized Services in the Implementation Concepts section.

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