Version 9.6
 —  Virtualized Services in CentraSite Control  —

Creating Run-Time Policies

You create run-time policies and apply them to virtual services in order to govern the virtual services' run-time execution.

A run-time policy is a sequence of actions that are carried out by a policy-enforcement point (PEP) when a consumer requests a particular service through the PEP. The actions in a run-time policy perform activities such as identifying/authenticating consumers, validating digital signatures and capturing performance metrics. You create run-time policies using CentraSite Control and store them in the CentraSite registry/repository.

When you create a run-time policy in CentraSite Control, you:

The content is organized under the following sections:

Actions that Run-Time Policies Can Execute

A run-time action is a single task that is included in a run-time policy and is evaluated by a policy-enforcement point (PEP). Actions in run-time policies perform tasks such as identifying/authenticating consumers and logging transaction activity. You specify actions when you define the policy. The PEP evaluates actions in the order in which they appear in the list of actions.

CentraSite provides run-time action templates. A run-time action template is a definition of an action that can be used in a run-time policy. Most action templates specify a set of parameters associated with a particular policy action. For example, when you configure the action that identifies consumers you specify an identifier (for example, an HTTP Authentication token) to identify the consumers who are trying to access the services. You can include multiple actions in a single policy.

Using the action templates, you can configure the following types of run-time actions:

For detailed descriptions of these actions, see the section Run-Time Governance Reference > Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference for Virtual Services .

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Who Can Create and Manage Run-Time Policies?

To create and manage run-time policies, you must belong to a role that includes the "Manage Runtime Policies" permission (or the "Manage System-wide Runtime Policies" permission).

By default, the following predefined roles include the "Manage Runtime Policies" permission:

By default, the following predefined roles include the "Manage System-wide Runtime Policies" permission:

For more information about roles and permissions, see the section Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions .

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Creating a Run-Time Policy

To create a run-time policy in CentraSite, you perform the following high-level steps:

  1. Create a new run-time policy. During this step, you select the actions you want the policy to execute, and you assign values to the action parameters.

  2. Allow other users to view, edit and/or delete this policy by assigning permissions to those users. For procedures, see Setting Permissions on a Run-Time Policy.

  3. Activate the policy. During this step, you make the new policy ready to deploy to a PEP. For procedures, see Activating a Run-Time Policy.

Perform these steps to create a run-time policy and save it to CentraSite.

Start of instruction setTo create a run-time policy

  1. In CentraSite Control, go to Policies > Run-Time.

  2. Click Add Policy.

  3. In the Policy Information panel, specify the following fields:

    In this field... Specify...
    Name A name for the new policy. A policy name can contain any character (including spaces).
    Description Optional. A description for the new policy. This description appears when a user displays a list of policies in the user interface.

    Optional. A version identifier for the new policy.

    The version identifier does not need to be numeric.

      1.0.0 (beta)
      Pre-release 001

    The version identifier you enter here is the policy's public, user-assigned version identifier. CentraSite also maintains an internal, system-assigned version number for the policy. For more information about user-assigned and system-assigned version identifiers, see System-Assigned vs. User-Assigned Version Identifiers.

  4. In the Scope panel, specify the following fields. Scope refers to the set of properties that determine the target type, organization and asset type to which the policy applies.

    In this field... Specify...
    Target Type The target type to which the policy will be deployed. Select webMethods Integration Server (i.e., the webMethods Mediator target type).

    The organization to which the policy applies. Choose All if you want to apply the policy to the specified services in all organizations.

    Once you create a policy, its organizational scope is fixed and cannot be changed. That is, if you create a policy whose scope is specific to organization ABC, you cannot change its scope to make it system-wide or switch it to another organization. You must create a new policy and set its organizational scope as needed.

    Asset Types The type of asset to which this policy applies. Choose one of the following:
    • Web Service

    • XML Service

    • REST Service

    • Virtual Service

    • Virtual XML Service

    • Virtual REST Service

    CentraSite does not provide out-of-the-box policy-enforcement for web services.

  5. In the Apply Policy to Services that Meet the Following Criteria panel, specify criteria that identify the virtual services to which the policy applies.

    To target a policy for a particular set of virtual services, you refine the policy’s scope by specifying additional selection criteria based on the virtual service’s Name, Description or Classification properties.

    1. Choose an attribute (Name, Description or Classification) that identifies the services to which the policy applies.

    2. Choose an operator for the attribute (if applicable).

    3. Specify a value for the attribute (if applicable). Values are case-sensitive.

    4. If you need to specify multiple values or attributes, use the plus button to add multiple rows. For example, for the Classification attribute you might choose multiple Taxonomy names. If you specify multiple criteria, they are connected by the AND operator.

    After you save the policy, you will see the generated list of services displayed on the Policy Detail page's Services profile.


    1. If you specify no criteria, the policy will apply to all virtual services.
    2. You can specify only one "Name Equals <value>" condition. However, you can specify multiple "Name Contains <value>" or "Name Starts With <value>" conditions.

    CentraSite checks for policy conflicts when you deploy a virtual service to Mediator. If the service has only one policy applied to it (the policy you are applying here), that policy is deployed to Mediator, and Mediator executes the policy's run-time actions in the order in which they appear in the policy. However, if the service already has additional policies applied to it, a policy conflict might occur, which might cause unintended consequences. CentraSite will inform you of policy conflicts. For information about how Mediator evaluates actions (and how to avoid policy conflicts), see the section Run-Time Governance Reference > Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference for Virtual Services > Action Evaluation Order and Dependencies .

  6. Click Next.

  7. In the Available Actions dialog, select the built-in actions that you want to include in the policy. Keep the following points in mind when you select the actions for the policy:

  8. Click Finish to save the new (as yet incomplete) policy. The Runtime Policy Detail page is displayed, showing details of the policy you just created.

  9. Specify parameter values for each of the policy’s actions as follows:

    1. In the Actions profile, choose the action whose parameters you want to set.

    2. In the Edit Action Parameters page, set the parameters as necessary and click Save. Required parameters are marked with an asterisk. For detailed information about the parameters, see the section Run-Time Governance Reference > Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference for Virtual Services .

    3. When you have finished setting the parameters of all actions in the list, click Save and then Close. The icons next to the actions in the Parameters Set column will indicate whether the action parameters have been set.

      Icon Description

      red circle

      The action has required input parameters that have not yet been set.

      green check mark

      All of the action’s required input parameters have been set.

      This icon automatically appears for actions that have no input parameters.

  10. Complete the policy by doing the following:

    1. If you want to allow other users to view, edit and/or delete this policy, go to the Policy Detail page, select the Permissions profile, and assign permissions to those users. You will not see this profile unless you belong to a role that has the "Manage Runtime Policies" permission. For procedures, see the section Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions .

    2. Activate the policy when you are ready to put it into effect. For procedures, see Activating a Run-Time Policy.

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Setting Permissions on a Run-Time Policy

If you want to permit other users to manage (i.e., view, edit and delete) run-time policies, you do so by adding to the policy’s instance-level permission settings. A policy has the following types of instance-level permission settings.

Permission Description
View Enables users to see the policy in their policy list and view details for the policy.
Modify Enables users to view and modify the properties of a policy (including the policy’s scope and action list).
Full Enables users to view, modify or delete the policy.

Who Can Set Permissions on a Run-Time Policy?

To set permissions on a policy, you must belong to a role that has "Manage Runtime Policies" permission or the "Manage System-wide Runtime Policies" permission.

Assigning Permissions to a Run-Time Policy

You can assign view, edit and delete permissions to any individual user or group defined in CentraSite.

If you give a user permission to view, edit or delete a policy, and you want that user to be able to perform these operations using CentraSite Control, make sure that the user belongs to a role that also has the "Use the Policy UI" permission.

Start of instruction setTo assign permissions to a policy

If you are modifying the permissions of an active policy, you must first deactivate the policy.

  1. Display the Policy Detail page for the policy that you want to activate. If you need procedures for this step, see Modifying a Run-Time Policy.

  2. Select the Permissions profile.

  3. To add a new a new user or group to the list, do the following:

    1. Choose Add Users / Groups.

    2. Select the users and/or groups to which you want to assign permissions.

      If you want to filter the user list, specify a pattern-matching string in the Search field. The pattern-matching string can consist of one or more characters and/or the % wildcard symbol. The string is matched against group names and user IDs.

      If you type... CentraSite will return...
      b% Groups and user names that start with the letter b.
      b Groups and user names that contain the letter b.
      %b Groups and user names that end with b.
      % All groups and user names.
    3. Choose OK.

  4. Use the Full, Modify and View check boxes to assign specific permissions to the users and groups in the list.

  5. To remove an entry from the list, select the check box beside the group or user name and click Delete.

  6. Click Save to save your settings.

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Activating a Run-Time Policy

When you activate a run-time policy, CentraSite applies it to the services you specified in the policy.

To activate a policy, you change the policy’s lifecycle state to the "Productive" state. This state change executes CentraSite's Automatic Policy Activation policy.

The Automatic Policy Activation policy is a hidden system policy. You cannot edit or delete this policy.

When you activate a policy, be aware that:

To determine whether a policy is active or inactive, examine the policy’s Active indicator on the Policies > Run-Time page. The icon in the Active column indicates the policy’s activation state as follows:

Icon Description


Policy is active.


Policy is inactive.

The activation state of a policy is also reported next to the State field in the Run-Time Policy Details page.

Start of instruction setTo activate a policy

  1. Display the Run-Time Policy Details page for the policy you want to activate. If you need procedures for this step, see Modifying a Run-Time Policy.

  2. Examine the Actions profile and verify that all of the actions on this profile display the green checkmark icon in the Parameters Set column. If any of the actions display the red circle icon in this column, set their parameters before you continue. For information about setting action parameters, see Modifying Action Parameters.

  3. In the Policy Information panel, click the Change State button. (If you do not see the Change State button, it is probably because you do not have permission to change the lifecycle state of a policy.)

  4. In the Change Lifecycle State dialog box, select the Productive lifecycle state and click OK.

  5. Examine the State field in the Policy Information panel to verify that the policy's state has been changed.

    If this state change requires approval, the State field will indicate that the policy is in the "pending" mode. CentraSite will automatically switch the policy to the requested state (and activate the policy) after all the necessary approvals have been obtained. For information about checking the status of objects that you have submitted for approval, see the section Working with Design/Change-Time Policies.

    While the policy is in pending mode, it cannot be edited.

  6. After you activate the policy, users with the proper permissions will deploy the services to your PEP. At that time, CentraSite will automatically validate the service's policies (e.g., check for policy conflicts or other violations). For information about how Mediator evaluates actions (and how to avoid policy conflicts), see the section Run-Time Governance Reference > Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference for Virtual Services > Action Evaluation Order and Dependencies .

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Deactivating a Run-Time Policy

You usually deactivate a policy if you want to edit the policy (for example, to modify the scope of a policy or change its action list).

To deactivate a policy, you change the policy to the Suspended state. Switching the policy to this state triggers the Automatic Policy Deactivation policy, which deactivates the policy. (Switching the policy to the Retired state also deactivates the policy, but you do not want to switch a policy to this state unless you intend to deactivate it permanently. After you place a policy in the Retired state, you cannot reactivate it.)

To deactivate a policy, you must have permission to change the policy to the Suspended state.

Start of instruction setTo deactivate a policy

  1. Display the Run-Time Policy Details page for the policy you want to activate. If you need procedures for this step, see Modifying a Run-Time Policy.

  2. In the Policy Information panel, click the Change State button. (If you do not see the Change State button, it is probably because you do not have permission to change the lifecycle state of a policy.)

  3. In the Change Lifecycle State dialog box, select the Suspended state (to deactivate it temporarily) or the Retired state (to deactivate it permanently), then click OK

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Viewing the Run-Time Policy List

The Run-Time Policies page displays a list of all run-time policies residing on the CentraSite server.

Start of instruction setTo view the policy list

  1. In CentraSite Control, go to Policies > Run-Time.

  2. By default, all of the available policies are displayed.

    If you want to filter the list to see just a subset of the available policies, type a partial string in the Search field. CentraSite applies the filter to the Name column. The Search field is a type-ahead field, so as soon as you enter any characters, the display will be updated to show only those policies whose name contains the specified characters. The wildcard character "%" is supported.

  3. You can sort the list by type of asset. To specify the sorting order, choose either Web Service, REST Service, XML Service, Virtual Service, Virtual REST Service or Virtual XML Service from the drop-down list labeled Browse by.

The Run-Time Policies page provides the following information about each policy.

Only the first six columns described below are displayed in this list by default. To display the additional columns, click the Select Columns button.

Column Description
Name The name assigned to the policy.
Description Additional comments or descriptive information about the policy.
System Version The automatically generated system-assigned version identifier for the policy.

For more information about system-assigned version identifiers, see, System-Assigned vs. User-Assigned Version Identifiers.

Organization The organization to which the policy applies.
This value...
Indicates that...
All The policy is system-wide and applies to all organizations.
OrgName The policy applies to the specified organization.
State The policy's current lifecycle state.
Active The policy’s current enforcement state.


The policy is active. CentraSite enforces this policy when events within the scope of the policy occur.


The policy is inactive. Inactive policies exist in the registry, but they are not enforced.
Version The user-assigned version identifier for the policy.

For more information about user-assigned version identifiers, see, System-Assigned vs. User-Assigned Version Identifiers.

Owner The user to which the policy belongs.

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Modifying a Run-Time Policy

The following sections discuss:

Viewing or Changing a Run-Time Policy

You use the Run-Time Policy Details page to examine and/or edit the properties for a policy. When editing a policy, keep the following points in mind:

Start of instruction setTo edit a policy

  1. In CentraSite Control, go to Policies > Run-Time to display the policy list.

  2. Locate the policy whose details you want to view or edit and choose Details from its context menu.

  3. Examine or modify the properties on the Policy Detail page as necessary.

    Field or Profile Description
    Name The name of the policy. A policy name can contain any character (including spaces).
    Description Optional. Additional comments about the policy.

    The user-defined version number to be assigned to the new version. We recommend that you update the version number anytime you make significant modifications to a policy. The usage of this field is the same as described in Creating a Run-Time Policy.

    State The policy's current lifecycle state (e.g., New, Productive, Suspended, Retired).
    This field also displays an icon that indicates the activation state of the policy:

    Policy active

    The policy is active (i.e., ready to be deployed to a PEP).

    Policy inactive

    The policy is inactive.
    Organization The organization to which the policy belongs.
    Owner The user who created the policy.
    System Version The automatically-generated system version identifier for the policy. For more information, see Creating a Run-Time Policy.
    Actions profile The settings in this profile specify the actions that the PEP will execute when the policy is enforced. For more information about the properties on this profile, see Creating a Run-Time Policy.
    Scope profile The settings in this profile determine the services to which the policy is applied. For more information about the properties on this profile, see Modifying the Scope of a Run-Time Policy.
    Services profile Displays the list of Web services and/or virtual services to which the policy applies. For more information, see Viewing the List of Services to Which a Policy Applies.
    Permissions profile The settings in this profile identify which users can view, edit and/or delete the policy. For more information about the properties on this profile, see Setting Permissions on a Run-Time Policy.
  4. If you edited the settings on the Run-Time Policy Details page, click Save to save the updated policy.

  5. If you deactivated the policy in order to edit it, activate the policy as described in Activating a Run-Time Policy.

You can view the details page of multiple policies as follows:

Start of instruction setTo view the details page of multiple policies

  1. In CentraSite Control, go to Policies > Run-Time to display the policy list.

  2. Locate the policies whose details you want to view, and mark their checkboxes.

  3. In the Actions menu, choose Details.

    The details page of each of the selected policies will now be displayed.

Modifying Actions for a Run-Time Policy

This section discusses:

Modifying the Actions List

Use the procedure in this section to modify the actions list.

Start of instruction setTo modify the actions list

  1. Display the Policy Detail page for the policy whose actions you want to edit. If you need procedures for this step, see Modifying a Run-Time Policy.

  2. If the policy is active, deactivate it. You cannot modify an active policy. If you need procedures for this step, see Deactivating a Run-Time Policy.

  3. Select the Actions profile to display the list of actions associated with the policy.

  4. To add actions to, delete actions from, or modify the order of actions in the list, do the following:

    1. Click Edit Actions List.

    2. Use the controls in the Edit Assigned Actions List dialog box to add actions to the list and/or delete actions from the list.

      When editing the list of actions, keep the following point in mind:

      • If you are using webMethods Mediator as your PEP, you must include the built-in run-time action "Identify Consumer" (and possibly other authorization/identification actions) in order to identify or authenticate consumers. For common usage cases of identification actions, see the section Run-Time Governance Reference > Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference for Virtual Services > Usage Cases for Identifying/Authenticating Consumers.

      • If necessary, you can click Previous to return to the previous page and modify the information in the Policy Information panel.

    3. Make sure that the actions in the Selected Actions list appear in the order that you want them to run when the policy is enforced. If necessary, use the control buttons on the right side of the list to place them in the correct order.

    4. Click OK to save the modified list.

  5. Use the procedure in Modifying Action Parameters to specify parameter values for any new actions that you might have added to the list, or to make any necessary updates to the parameter values for existing actions.

  6. When the action list is complete and you have configured all of the input parameters for the actions correctly, click Save to save the updated policy.

  7. If you deactivated the policy in order to edit it, activate the policy as described in Activating a Run-Time Policy.

Modifying Action Parameters

Policy actions have parameters that you set to configure the behavior of the action at enforcement time. When you display the Actions profile on the Policy Detail page, the icon in the Parameters Set column indicates whether an action has input parameters that need to be set.

This icon... Indicates that...

red circle

The action has required input parameters that have not yet been set.

green check mark

All of the action’s required input parameters have been set.

This icon automatically appears for actions that have no input parameters.

Until the green check mark icon appears for all actions, you will not be able to activate the policy (if it is inactive) or save the policy (if it is already active).

Start of instruction setTo modify action parameters

  1. Display the Policy Detail page for the policy whose actions you want to edit. If you need procedures for this step, see Modifying a Run-Time Policy.

  2. If the policy is active, deactivate it. You cannot modify an active policy. If you need procedures for this step, see Deactivating a Run-Time Policy

  3. In the Actions profile do the following for each action in the list.

    1. Choose the action whose parameters you want to examine or set.

    2. In the Edit Action Parameters page, set the parameters as necessary.

      Required parameters are marked with an asterisk. For more information about built-in actions and their parameters, see the section Run-Time Governance Reference > Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference for Virtual Services .

    3. Click Save to save the parameter settings.

  4. After you configure the parameters for all of the actions in the list, click Save to save the updated policy.

  5. If you deactivated the policy in order to edit it, activate the policy as described in Activating a Run-Time Policy.

Modifying the Scope of a Run-Time Action

You can use the Scope profile on the Run-Time Policy Detail page to modify a policy’s scope.

Once you create a policy, its organizational scope is fixed and cannot be changed. That is, if you create a policy whose scope is specific to organization ABC, you cannot change its scope to make it system-wide or switch it to another organization. You must create a new policy and set its organizational scope as needed.

Start of instruction setTo modify the scope of a run-time policy

  1. Display the Policy Detail page for the policy that you want to edit. If you need procedures for this step, see Modifying a Run-Time Policy.

  2. If the policy is active, deactivate it. You cannot modify an active policy. If you need procedures for this step, see Deactivating a Run-Time Policy.

  3. In the Scope profile, you can modify the following fields.

    Field or Profile Description
    Target Type The target type to which the policy will be deployed (e.g., webMethods Integration Server).
    Asset Type

    The type(s) of assets to which this policy applies.

    CentraSite does not provide out-of-the-box policy-enforcement for web services.

    Organization Read-only field. You cannot change the policy's organization after the policy has been created.
    Apply Policy to Services that Meet the Following Criteria

    The services to which the policy applies.

    • Choose an attribute (e.g., Name, Description, Classification) that identifies the services to which the policy applies.

    • Choose an appropriate operator.

    • Specify a value.

    • If you need to specify multiple criteria, use the plus button to add multiple rows. For example, for the Classification attribute you might choose multiple Taxonomy names. After you save the policy, you will see the generated list of services displayed on the Policy Detail page’s Services profile.

      If you specify multiple criteria, the criteria are connected with the AND operator. That means that all criteria must be satisfied, in order for the policy to apply to any of the services. If not all the criteria are satisfied, the policy will not apply to any of the services.

  4. Click Save to save the modified policy.

  5. If you deactivated the policy in order to edit it, activate the policy as described in Activating a Run-Time Policy.

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Viewing the List of Services To Which a Run-Time Policy Applies

Use the following procedure to view the list of services to which a run-time policy applies.

The list only includes services that are in the "deployable state" (that is, services whose deployment state has been enabled by the Change Deployment State action in a design-time policy). Services that are within the scope of the policy, but have not yet been made "deployable", do not appear in this list.

Start of instruction setTo view the list of services

  1. Display the Policy Detail page for the policy that you want to view. If you need procedures for this step, see Viewing or Changing a Run-Time Policy.

  2. Select the Services profile to view the list of virtual services and/or Web services that was generated based on the criteria you specified in the Scope profile.

  3. To view details of a service, click its hyperlinked name.

To add or remove services to or from the list, return to the Scope profile and change the criteria in the Apply Policy to Services that meet the following Criteria panel. For more information, see the procedure in Modifying the Scope of a Run-Time Policy.

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Deleting a Run-Time Policy

You delete a policy to remove it from CentraSite permanently.

CentraSite is installed with a system-wide policy called Check State Validation Policy for Policy. This policy will not allow you to delete a policy unless the policy is in the New or Retired state.

Start of instruction setTo delete a policy

  1. In the CentraSite Control, go to Policies > Run-Time to display the policy list.

  2. Ensure that the policy is deactivated (see Deactivating a Run-Time Policy).

  3. Enable the checkbox next to the name of the policy that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete.

You can delete multiple policies in a single step. The rules described above for deleting a single policy apply also when deleting multiple policies.

Start of instruction setTo delete multiple policies in a single operation

  1. In CentraSite Control, go to Policies > Run-Time to display the policy list.

  2. Mark the checkboxes of the policies that you want to delete.

  3. From the Actions menu, choose Delete.

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Versioning a Run-Time Policy

When you need to make changes to an existing policy, creating a new version of the policy is an efficient way to accomplish this task. Versioning a policy enables you to create a new version of a policy (which is an identical copy of the existing policy) and make your changes to the new version. When you are ready to put the updated policy into effect, you simply "activate" the new version of the policy. When you activate the new version, CentraSite automatically deactivates and retires the old version of the policy.

When you create a new version of a policy, be aware that:

Start of instruction setTo version a policy

  1. In CentraSite Control, go to Policies > Run-Time to display the policy list.

  2. Locate the most recent version of the policy for which you want to create a new version and choose Create New Version from its context menu.

  3. Modify the new version of the policy as necessary and then save it.

  4. When you are ready to put the new version into effect, activate the new policy. CentraSite will automatically deactivate and retire the previous version.

    If you activate the new version of the policy while CentraSite is in the middle of executing the old version, your activation request will fail. If this occurs, wait for a period time and then try to activate the new version of the policy again.

System-Assigned vs. User-Assigned Version Identifiers

CentraSite maintains two version identifiers for a policy: a system-assigned identifier and a user-assigned identifier.

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Asymmetric Binding Configuration

WS-SecurityPolicy specification deals with three types of Security Bindings. A security binding determines how the message transfer is to be done between the recipient and the initiator.

This section discusses:

Asymmetric Binding

Asymmetric Binding is used when both the Initiator and the Recipient possess public and private keys. The message transfer takes place using Public Key Infrastructure.


An Asymmetric Binding element in the WSDL looks like this:

<sp:AsymmetricBinding xmlns:sp="">

The following run-time actions that support WS-Security policies use a common Asymmetric Binding element:

The Asymmetric Binding Components

The components of a security binding are as follows:

Initiator Token Inclusion

The value of Initiator Token Inclusion specifies how to include the initiator token during message exchange from Initiator to Recipient or Recipient to Initiator.

Value Description
Always Always include the token.
AlwaysToRecipient Include the token in all message exchanges from the Initiator to Recipient.
AlwaysToInitiator Include the token in all message exchanges from the Recipient to Initiator.
Once Only once.
Never Do not include the token in any communications.

Recipient Token Inclusion

The value of Recipient Token Inclusion specifies how to include the Recipient token during message exchange from Initiator to Recipient or Recipient to Initiator. It takes the same values as Initiator Token Inclusion above.

Algorithm Suite

The value of Algorithm Suite specifies the algorithm suite to be used for this asymmetric binding. The possible algorithms supported are:


Layout describes the way information is added to the message header. The possible values are:

Value Description
Strict Items are added to the security header in a principle of "declare before use".
Lax Items are added to the security header in any order that conforms to WSS: SOAP Message Security.
LaxTsFirst Same as Lax except that the first item in the security header must be a wsse:Timestamp. Note that the wsse:Timestamp property must also be set to true in this case.
LaxTsLast Same as Lax except that the last item in the security header must be a wsse:Timestamp. Note that the wsse:Timestamp property must also be set to true in this case.

The Asymmetric Binding Configuration Command Tool

You can change the Asymmetric Binding configuration by executing the following commands in the command line interface CentraSiteCommand.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) of Command Central. The tool is located in <CentraSiteInstallDir>/utilities.

If you start this command line tool with no parameters, you receive a help text summarizing the required input parameters.

The parameters of the command are case-sensitive, so for example the parameter "-url" must be specified as shown and not as "-URL".

The configuration is maintained in the form of an XML file which is loaded with default values.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

The commands include:

get Asymmetric Binding

Use this command to obtain the current Asymetric binding configuration values. Use a command of the following format:

CentraSiteCommand get Asymmetric Binding [-url <CENTRASITE-URL>] -user <USER-ID>
-password <PASSWORD>

The following table describes the complete set of input parameters that you can use with the get Asymmetric Binding utility:

Input Parameter Description
The fully qualified URL (http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite) for the CentraSite registry/repository.
The user ID of a user who has the "CentraSite Administrator" role.
The password of the user identified by the parameter

For example:

CentraSiteCommand get Asymmetric Binding [-url "http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite"] -user "Administrator"
-password "manage"

set Asymmetric Binding

Use this command to change the values in the CentraSite registry/repository.

CentraSiteCommand set Asymmetric Binding [-url <CENTRASITE-URL>] -user <USER-ID>
-password <PASSWORD> [-initiatorTokenInclusion <INITIATOR-TOKEN-INCLUSION>]
[-reciepientTokenInclusion <RECIPIENT-TOKEN-INCLUSION>] [-algorithmSuite

The following table describes the complete set of input parameters that you can use with the set Asymmetric Binding utility:

Input Parameter Description
The fully qualified URL (http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite) for the CentraSite registry/repository.
The user ID of a user who has the "CentraSite Administrator" role.
The password of the user identified by the parameter
Inclusion value for the Initiator Token. *
Inclusion value for the Recipient Token. *
The algorithm to be used. *
The layout to be used. *

* At least one of the following parameters is required: "initiatorTokenInclusion", "reciepientTokenInclusion", "algorithmSuite" and "layout".

remove Asymmetric Binding

Use this command to remove the Asymmetric Binding configuration. It has the same parameters as the get Asymmetric Binding command:

CentraSiteCommand remove Asymmetric Binding [-url <CENTRASITE-URL>] -user <USER-ID>
-password <PASSWORD>

The following table describes the complete set of input parameters that you can use with the remove Asymmetric Binding utility:

Input Parameter Description
The fully qualified URL (http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite) for the CentraSite registry/repository.
The user ID of a user who has the "CentraSite Administrator" role.
The password of the user identified by the parameter

For example:

CentraSiteCommand remove Asymmetric Binding [-url "http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite"] -user "Administrator"
-password "manage"

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