Version 9.5 SP1
Quick Reference

EntireX RPC Servers, Listeners and Bridges

The EntireX RPC Servers (available under CICS, z/OS Batch, UNIX, Windows and Java) execute servers on RPC client requests. Using EntireX RPC Wrapper technology of the EntireX Workbench, you can generate these servers together with integrated wrappers (server interface objects). The Workbench tool you choose to generate these servers depends on your environment, for example Java Wrapper, COBOL Wrapper, C Wrapper, XML/SOAP Wrapper, etc.

This document covers the following topics:


EntireX RPC Servers handle all aspects of Broker communication, which means you do not need to deal with Broker ACI programming. EntireX RPC Servers call the generated servers in a standarized way depending on the platform under which the EntireX RPC Server is running, for example DLL on Windows, shared library on UNIX, CICS program under CICS. This means you can implement your servers in your usual manner.

This section lists the EntireX RPC Servers and provides links to installation and administration sections of the documentation.

For Natural RPC servers, see Setting Up a Natural RPC Environment in your Natural documentation.


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EntireX RPC Servers under z/OS



The EntireX z/OS CICS® RPC Server allows standard RPC clients to communicate with RPC servers on the operating system z/OS under CICS. It supports the programming languages COBOL and PL/I.

See CICS RPC Server.

Batch RPC Server

The EntireX z/OS Batch RPC Server allows standard RPC clients to communicate with RPC servers on the operating system z/OS running in batch mode. It supports the programming languages COBOL, PL/I and C.

See Batch RPC Server.

IMS RPC Server

The EntireX z/OS IMS RPC Server allows standard RPC clients to communicate with RPC servers on the operating system z/OS running with IMS in BMP mode. It supports the programming languages COBOL, PL/I and C and can provide IMS-specific PCB pointers for access to IMS databases if needed.

See IMS RPC Server.

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EntireX RPC Servers under UNIX and Windows



The UNIX RPC Server enables you to call shared objects/libraries as servers. The preferred language to implement servers under UNIX is C.

See Administering the EntireX RPC Server under UNIX.

Windows RPC Server

The Windows RPC Server, together with the C Wrapper, enables you to call DLLs as servers.

See Administering the EntireX RPC Server under Windows.

Java RPC Server

The EntireX Java RPC Server is an RPC server which runs Java server interface objects generated from your IDL files. This server can register an Attach Service to start several services with the same server address on demand.

See Administering the EntireX Java RPC Server under UNIX | Windows.

.NET RPC Server

The EntireX .NET RPC Server, together with the EntireX .NET Wrapper, enables you to call .NET assemblies as servers.

See Server Configuration under EntireX .NET Wrapper Application Configuration.


With the XML/SOAP RPC Server you can process XML-based server calls from EntireX RPC clients/Natural RPC clients. The EntireX RPC client communicates with the XML-based server, using the XML/SOAP RPC Server.

See Administering the EntireX XML/SOAP RPC Server under UNIX | Windows.

XML/SOAP Listener

The EntireX XML/SOAP Listener is part of the EntireX XML/SOAP Runtime. It plugs the generated AAR file, including XMM files, into Web servers and so enables the EntireX XML/SOAP Runtime to send and receive XML documents using HTTP/HTTPS to/from a Web server. This component was formerly referred to as "XML Servlet".

See Configuring the XML/SOAP Listener under UNIX | Windows.

Micro Focus RPC Server

The EntireX Micro Focus COBOL RPC Server allows standard RPC clients to communicate with COBOL servers written with Micro Focus COBOL. It works together with the COBOL Wrapper and the IDL Extractor for COBOL.

See EntireX Micro Focus COBOL RPC Server.

IMS Connect RPC Server

The EntireX IMS Connect RPC Server allows standard RPC clients to communicate with IMS MPP programs running on IMS version 9 and higher. The IMS Connect RPC Server transforms the RPCs from the clients into messages to IMS Connect v2.2. The IMS Connect RPC Server acts on one side as an RPC server and on the other side as a client for IMS Connect. The IMS Connect RPC Server is a Java-based component that can run on a different host to the one where IMS is running. This allows it to operate with a zero footprint of EntireX on the IMS host.


See EntireX IMS Connect RPC Server.


The EntireX CICS® ECI RPC Server allows standard RPC clients to communicate with CICS programs running on IBM CICS® version 3.2 and higher. The CICS ECI RPC Server transforms the RPCs from the clients into messages to CICS ECI. The CICS ECI RPC Server acts on one side as an RPC server and on the other side as a client for CICS ECI. The CICS ECI RPC Server is a Java-based component that can run on a different host to the one where CICS is running. This allows it to operate with a zero footprint of EntireX on the CICS host.


See EntireX CICS® ECI RPC Server.

WebSphere MQ RPC Server

EntireX WebSphere MQ RPC Server runs as an RPC server and processes RPC client calls. It is used to send messages to and receive messages from a WebSphere MQ Queue. This means that existing EntireX wrappers can be used for communication with WebSphere MQ.

See EntireX WebSphere MQ RPC Server.

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RPC-ACI Bridge

The RPC-ACI Bridge enables RPC-based client applications to be used with ACI servers.

See EntireX RPC-ACI Bridge.

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BS2000/OSD Batch RPC Server

The EntireX BS2000/OSD Batch RPC Server allows standard RPC clients to communicate with RPC servers on the operating system BS2000/OSD. It supports the programming languages COBOL and C.

See EntireX BS2000/OSD Batch RPC Server.

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IBM i RPC Server

The EntireX IBM i RPC Server enables you to call server programs written in all ILE-based languages, for example C, COBOL, RPG.


See Administering the EntireX RPC Server.

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Installation Information


Data sets for the EntireX RPC Servers are prefixed with EXP on the installation medium. See Contents of Mainframe Installation Medium.

UNIX and Windows

There are no special installation instructions for EntireX RPC Server components on these platforms.



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Administration Information






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