Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Administration under UNIX  —

Administering the EntireX RPC Server

The UNIX RPC Server enables you to call shared objects/libraries as servers. The preferred language to implement servers under UNIX is C.

This document covers the following topics:

See also Administering the EntireX RPC Servers using System Management Hub.

Locating and Calling the Target Server

The library and program names that come from the client are used to locate the target server. This two-level concept (library and program) has to be mapped in some way to the RPC Server environment. The target servers and their stubs are implemented as UNIX shared libraries/objects. UNIX shared libraries/objects also have a two-level concept. The library and program names that come from the client are mapped as follows:

The stub shared library/object as well as the target server shared library/object must be accessible through the standard UNIX shared library/object load mechanism.

To locate the target server, the Possible Values for Libraries is also used as a kind of search sequence. The default for the library parameter is set PREFIX(D) - PREFIX() to be compatible with server stubs and target servers written according to C Wrapper.

Under normal circumstances it is not necessary to change the library parameter. There may, nevertheless, be occasion to do so:


Assume the following situations:

Search for Stub Shared Library/Object

The RPC Server under UNIX searches for a stub shared library/object with:

  1. An entry point derived from the program name that comes from the client by adding a prefix D. For our example the entry point is DCALC. This prefix has nothing to do with any library parameter configuration and is always D.

  2. Names formed by the instructions of the library parameter from left to right. The first library parameter PREFIX(D) means: take the library name that comes from the client and add the prefix. For our example above, the shared library/object name is|sl.

If in step 1 such a shared library/object can be located through the normal shared library/object load mechanism, it is taken as the stub; otherwise the next shared library/object name is formed using the next library parameter entry (step 2). If all library parameter entries have been worked off and the stub is not located, an error is returned to the client.

For our example above, the stub|sl is found with the first library parameter entry.

Search for Target Server Shared Library/Object

The RPC Server under UNIX searches for the target server shared library/object with:

  1. An entry point using the program name that comes from the client request directly. For our example above, the entry point is CALC.

  2. Names formed by the instructions of the library parameter from left to right. The first library parameter PREFIX(D) means: take the library that comes from the client and add the prefix. For our example above, the shared library/object name is|sl.

If in step 1 such a shared library/object can be located through the normal UNIX shared library/object load mechanism, it is taken as the target server; otherwise the next shared library/object name is formed using the next library parameter entry (step 2). If all library parameter entries have been worked off and the target server is not located, an error is returned to the client.

For our example above, the target server|sl is found with the second library parameter entry.

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Setting Server Parameters for the RPC Server

This section covers the following topics:

Configuration File Syntax

Table of Server Parameters

Configuration File Parameter Syntax (UNIX, Windows, IBM i) Value Req.
Description Notes
brokerid=localhost string R Broker ID used by the server. Corresponds to the BROKER-ID field of the Broker ACI control block.
class=RPC case-sensitive, up to 32 characters R Server class used by the server. Corresponds to the SERVER-CLASS field of the Broker ACI control block.
codepage=   O This field exposes the Broker ACI field LOCALE-STRING as a parameter to users of the RPC server. See Using Internationalization.
compresslevel=0 0-9 or Y | N O Enforce compression when data is transferred between broker and server. See Data Compression in EntireX Broker.
encryptionlevel=0 0 | 1 | 2 O Enforce encryption when data is transferred between client and server. Corresponds to the ENCRYPTION-LEVEL field of the Broker ACI control block. See also Broker Attributes.
etb_apivers= 0 n O Determines the Broker API to use. Corresponds to the API-VERSION field of the Broker ACI control block. We recommend either not configuring the API Version or setting it to 0. This allows the EntireX Broker and the EntireX RPC server to autodetect the best API version to use. For compatibility with older Brokers, the API version can be set manually.
logon=YES YES | NO O YES executes the Broker functions LOGON/LOGOFF. NO does not. Specify NO for compatibility with EntireX Broker prior to Version 4.1.1.
servername=SRV1 case-sensitive, up to 32 characters R Server Name used by the server. Corresponds to the SERVER-NAME field of the Broker ACI control block.
service=CALLNAT case-sensitive, up to 32 characters R Service used by the server. Corresponds to the SERVICE field of the Broker ACI control block.
smhport=0 any digit within range 0 to 99999 O If greater than zero, starts the RPC server with a separate SMH communication task and listen port <smhport> to the local TCP/IP system.  
ssl_file=   O Set the SSL parameters. See Using SSL or TLS with the RPC Server.
timeout=60 n O Timeout in seconds, used by the server to wait for Broker requests. Corresponds to the WAIT field in the Broker ACI control block. See also Scalability of the RPC Server.
userid=ERX-SRV case-sensitive, up to 32 characters R Used to identify the server to the broker. Corresponds to the USER-ID field of the Broker ACI control block.
password= case-sensitive, up to 32 characters O Password for Broker logon. Corresponds to the PASSWORD field of the Broker ACI control block.
endworkers= timeout See Possible Values for Endworkers O Defines the behavior of worker tasks on completion of client requests. See Scalability of the RPC Server.
minworkers= 1 n O Minimum number of parallel worker threads started. See Scalability of the RPC Server.
maxworkers=10 n O Maximum number of parallel worker threads started. See Scalability of the RPC Server.
tracelevel=None None | Standard | Advanced O Select the trace level for this server. See Activating Tracing for the RPC Server.
tracedest= Default:
tracedest=ERXTracennn.log, where nnn is from 001 to 005.
O The name of the destination file for trace output. See Activating Tracing for the RPC Server.
library= library = PREFIX(D) - PREFIX() O Specifies criteria to locate target servers and any stubs. See Possible Values for Libraries and Locating and Calling the Target Server.
restartcycles=15 n O Number of restart cycles the RPC Server will try to connect to the Broker. A restart cycle will be repeated every <timeout> +60 seconds. When the number of cycles is reached and a connection to the Broker is not possible, the RPC Server stops. This may occur when the RPC Server is started prior to the Broker or when the Broker is shut down before the RPC Server is shut down.

Possible Values for Endworkers

The server is able to adjust the number of worker threads to the current number of client requests. This is configured with the parameter endworkers and several others. See Scalability of the RPC Server for information on how the various parameters work together and what combinations can be specified.

Value Explanation
The number of worker threads is fixed. No additional worker threads are started. Minworkers determines the number of workers started.
Timeout is used
The number of worker threads ranges between the minworkers and maxworkers settings, depending on the number of currently active client requests. Until maxworkers has been reached, the server tries to maintain enough free worker threads to accept all incoming clients.

The server stops all worker threads not used in the time specified by the timeout server parameter (see timeout), except for the number of workers specified in minworkers.

The number of worker threads ranges between the minworkers and maxworkers settings, depending on the number of client requests currently active. Until maxworkers has been reached, the server tries to maintain enough free worker threads to accept all incoming clients.

The server stops a thread immediately as soon as it has finished its conversation. When the number of active workers falls below the number of workers specified in minworkers, a new thread will be started.

Possible Values for Libraries

The library parameter defines how the RPC Server locates the target server and any stubs on the platform.

The following coding rules apply to the library parameter:

The meaningful combinations vary per platform and the type of target server:

Operating System Type of Target Server Configuration Description
IBM i Target servers in ILE COBOL compatible with Mapping IDL Data Types to COBOL Data Types in the COBOL Wrapper documentation
Target servers ILE RPG compatible with Using EntireX RPC for RPG under IBM i
Target servers ILE CL compatible with Software AG IDL to CL Mapping.
The library sent with the client request is ignored. The configured library library is used to locate the target server.


Target servers and their stubs compatible with EntireX C Wrapper. FIX() or F() The library name sent with the client request is ignored. The program name sent with the client request is used to locate the target server.
The library sent with the client request is ignored. The configured library library is used to locate the target server and any stubs on the platform.
PREFIX() or P() The library name sent with the client request is used to locate the target server and any stubs on the platform.
The library name sent with the client request is prefixed with the value in "prefix" before locating the target server and any stubs on the platform.

Example: library = PREFIX(D) - PREFIX()

The default for the library parameter is set to satisfy the environment specifics best. Under normal circumstances it is not necessary to change the library parameter.

For an explanation of the approach to locating the target server on your platform, see Locating and Calling the Target Server.

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Scalability of the RPC Server


The RPC server can be configured to adjust the number of worker threads to the current number of client requests. When more clients are active, more worker threads are needed to achieve the best throughput. Depending on the configuration, worker threads are started on demand and stopped as soon as they are no longer needed.

This mechanism can be configured with the following parameters:

EntireX RPC Server under operating system: Configuration endworkers minworkers maxworkers timeout


Fixed number of workers. Never. Determines the number of workers started. Unused. Not used with this configuration.


Scaling number of workers between minworkers and maxworkers without any idle time. Immediately. Determines the minimum number of workers started. The upper limit of workers started. Not used with this configuration.


Scaling number of workers between minworkers and maxworkers with configurable idle time. Timeout. The idle time for workers can be configured, i.e. a worker is stopped when, for the period defined by timeout, no client request has to be served and the minimum number of workers has not been reached.

Configuration Examples

Configuration 1: Medium Lifespan of Worker Threads

The endworkers parameter determines the condition under which a worker will be stopped. The value is the period of time specified by the parameter timeout (600 seconds, i.e. 10 minutes). Active workers will be stopped if no client requests arrive within the timeout period, except for the number of threads specified in minworkers.

Minworkers specifies the minimum number of workers that must be available to handle incoming client requests. The server is started (manually) and the first worker (minworkers=1) waits for client requests. When the first client request arrives, a second worker is started. This ensures that there will be at least one free worker (minworkers=1) to handle the next incoming client request.

When the first client request has been worked off (in conversational mode when the conversation has been ended, and in non-conversational mode when the request has been answered), there will be two workers active. For the next incoming client request (second request) no additional worker will be started because the second worker is still free. A third worker will only be started if a third client request arrives before the second request has been finished, in which case there will be three active workers, and so on.

The maxworkers parameter specifies the maximum number of active worker tasks permitted (default is 10).

Configuration 2: Shortest Lifespan of Worker Threads

In this example the endworkers parameter has been set to "I" (immediately). This setting will stop worker threads immediately when client requests are completed, except for the number of threads specified in minworkers. All other behavior is the same as for Configuration 1: Medium Lifespan of Worker Threads.

Configuration 3: Fixed Number of Workers

This configuration determines a fixed number of workers. The maxworkers parameter is ignored and the endworkers parameter is set to "N" (never). All worker threads are started immediately with the server and will never stop. This method is useful in minimizing system resources.

Suggested Configuration on First Usage

When you first start using Micro Focus RPC Server, we suggest the following settings for scaling the server:

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Using Internationalization with the RPC Server

It is assumed that you have read the document Internationalization with EntireX and are familiar with the various internationalization approaches described there.

The RPC Server running under UNIX

When setting the codepage manually with the parameter codepage, the following rules apply:

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Using SSL or TLS with the RPC Server

There are two ways of specifying SSL or TLS, depending on the complexity of the parameters:

For more information, see SSL or TLS and Certificates with EntireX.

Specifying the SSL or TLS Parameters as Part of the Broker ID

The simplest way to specify SSL or TLS parameters is to add them to the Broker ID.



Specifying the SSL or TLS Parameters in a Separate File

For complex SSL or TLS parameters there is the SSL file, a text file containing the parameters.

The SSL_FILE keyword points to this text file.

Start of instruction setTo specify the SSL or TLS parameters in the SSL file

  1. Set the parameters as described under Running Broker with SSL or TLS Transport under z/OS | UNIX | Windows.

  2. Prefix/suffix the Broker ID with the SSL key.



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Starting the RPC Server

Before starting the EntireX RPC server, ensure that all shared libraries/objects (server stubs and server) can be accessed using the search path.

Start of instruction setTo start the EntireX RPC server

For reasons of compatibility with versions before 5.1.1, the previous command to start the server

RPCserver <Brokerid> <Class> <ServerName> <Service>

will continue to be supported. However, a server started with this call will use the default parameters as listed in the table above. Parameters other than Broker ID, Class, ServerName, Service require the CFG= form of the server start command.

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Stopping the RPC Server

Start of instruction setTo stop the EntireX RPC Server

See also EntireX RPC Server Return Codes.

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Activating Tracing for the RPC Server

Start of instruction setTo switch on tracing for the RPC Server

To evaluate the return codes, see Error Messages and Codes.

See also Tracing the RPC Server.

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