Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Asynchronous Messaging : Asynchronous Messaging : Working with Messaging Queues
Working with Messaging Queues
Create inbound and outbound messaging queues using messaging objects. You can configure the object as either a JMS queue or a JMS topic. The queue or topic can receive messages from one or more objects in a project. For outbound messages, when you configure the object, you specify the XML format of the message.
Manage messaging objects in Data Interchange > Configuration > Messaging > Messaging Objects from the Menu toolbar.
These options are only visible if the Messaging module is licensed.
There are four steps to creating a message queue or topic:
1. Create the messaging object. The messaging object is either a JMS queue or topic and is defined to handle either inbound or outbound messages. For more information, see Defining Messaging Objects.
2. Configure the outbound messaging queue. The configuration defines the specific objects from which the listener receives messages and the output format. The inbound messaging listener only accepts XML format, table-column as element, and cannot be configured. This format has empty tags for null columns as used by the distribution and outbound modules. For more information about configuring outbound messaging queues, see Configuring Outbound Messaging Queues.
3. Configure the file. The file contains the messaging queue properties that OneData uses to determine whether to perform a lookup on elements and whether to display multi-select columns. For more information, see Configuring OneData Properties.
4. Configure the import and export job. Configure the specific steps that OneData executes on incoming or outgoing messages. In import jobs, messages originate from external systems and OneData consumes the JMS message. In export jobs, messages originate from OneData and OneData produces the JMS messages. For more information, see Configuring Messaging Jobs.
For examples of the generated XML, see Inbound XML Envelope Sample.
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