Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Asynchronous Messaging : Defining Messaging Objects
Defining Messaging Objects
You can define an inbound or outbound queue to receive messages before sending them to the receiving system.
To disable the metadata cache, select the system property Disable Cache in Administer > System > System Properties. Outbound messaging is not supported for any of the conceptual objects in the repository.
Use the following procedure to create a messaging object.
To define a messaging object
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Data Interchange > Configuration > Messaging > Messaging Objects.
2. Do one of the following:
*To create a new messaging object, click Add Messaging Object.
*To modify an existing object, click the Edit icon for the corresponding object.
3. Configure the messaging object properties:
Object Property
Messaging Object Type
The type of queue:
*JMS Queue
*JMS Topic
Name of messaging object.
JNDI Factory
JNDI factory to obtain queue or topic connection, for example: com.webmethods.jms.naming.WmJm, sNamingCtxFactory.
Provider URL
URL to obtain queue or topic connection in format wmjmsnaming://<broker_name>@<machine_name>:<port>/<lookup_name>, for example, wmjmsnaming://Broker#1@localhost:6849/JmsAdminTest
Connection Factory
Connection factory to obtain queue/topic connection, for example, TestConnectionFactory3.
Queue or Topic Name
Queue or topic from the connection factory, for example, TestQueue3.
Requires Authentication
Indicates whether posting requires authentication.
Security Principal
Security Credentials
Authentication parameters. User name/password that OneData uses to create a connection to the JMS server. Applicable only when Requires Authentication is selected.
The JMS server must have the proper authentication to use these parameters.
4. Define the configurations for the corresponding message object:
*To configure an inbound messaging object:
i. In the Inbound Configuration properties, set Status to Enabled.
ii. To automatically load the listener when the server starts, select Load on Startup. If this property is not enabled, every time the server is restarted, the queue is disabled until manually re-enabled. For OneData to receive messages, you must re-enable inbound configuration as described in previous step.
iii. In the Outbound Configuration properties, set the Status to Disabled.
*To define an outbound messaging object:
i. In the Outbound Configuration properties, set Status to Enabled.
ii. To enable the message object to receive outbound messages from all objects in the repository, select Enabled For All Objects.
iii. In the Inbound Configuration properties, set the Status to Disabled.
To implement outbound messaging, enable the system property, Enable Outbound Messaging in Administer > System > System Properties.
5. Click Save.
Ensure that only inbound or outbound configuration is enabled in the messaging object.
6. Click the Test icon corresponding to the new messaging object to test the connection.
7. To continue configuring the outbound messaging queue, and to enable outbound messaging for individual objects from other projects in the repository, see Configuring Outbound Messaging Queues.
When you click Save, OneData automatically verifies the connectivity to the message object and returns a status message.
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