Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Asynchronous Messaging : Configuring Outbound Messaging Queues
Configuring Outbound Messaging Queues
The inbound messaging listener only accepts messages in XML format, table-column as element. This format has empty tags for null columns as used by the distribution and outbound modules. Therefore, the only property you need to configure for inbound message queues is onedata.xml.objectcaption.enable.
An incoming or outgoing message may have an element that is either the table name or object name. Configure whether OneData performs a lookup on the element name or the object name by setting the onedata.xml.objectcaption.enable property. For more information on setting this property, see Configuring OneData Properties.
In each outbound messaging object, you must specify the message format in which to generate messages from each object. Outbound messages can be configured to use one of four XML formatting rules depending on the value of the system property, Work Area-to-Release Area mode. This property also determines how records display for conceptual objects. If Work Area-to-Release Area mode is set as:
*Nova: In Nova mode, OneData displays the entire conceptual object hierarchy and all records in the changed object. In the messaging object configuration, configure the conceptual object to the messaging object. For purge actions, only record level information is shown. OneData allows multiple XML output formatting rules. For more information, see Sample Nova Mode Work Area to Release Area XML Output Formats.
*Default: For conceptual objects, OneData displays the entire conceptual object hierarchy and all the records in the changed object. In the messaging object configuration, configure the root level object to the messaging object. OneData uses outbound message format as table-column as element only. See Work Area to Release Area (Default Mode) for an example.
Hierarchy for conceptual objects is only supported in Nova mode with nested XML. For changes to data objects, OneData displays only the changed record, regardless of which mode is used.
To configure the outbound messaging queue
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Data Interchange > Configuration > Messaging > Outbound Messaging Configuration.
2. Click the Configure icon corresponding to the message object that you want to edit.
3. Load the objects from the repository:
a. In the Project field, select the project that contains the objects that you want to configure.
b. In the Object Type field, load either data or conceptual objects.
Click Delete to remove all existing configurations for the messaging object. Or to remove configurations, click the Delete icon on the Outbound Messaging Configuration Home screen.
OneData displays only those objects that match your security privileges.
4. In Nova mode, define the following messaging properties for every object that should send messages to the outbound queue:
a. Select the Enabled check box to add an object to the messaging object.
b. In XML Format, select the output format of the message:
Format Type
Table-Column as element
Shows the column value in the record as child element of the table element.
Table-Column as attribute
Shows the column value in the record as attribute.
Data row as element
Shows the column value in the record as child element of the datarow element.
Data row as attribute
Shows the column value in the record as attribute of the datarow element.
c. In Output for columns with zero-length values, select how to handle the format of columns that have zero-length values in the XML output message.
If you select Format Type as...
The element <NAME> is displayed as:
Output as empty element/ attribute
Output as “null”
Hide the column
The element <NAME> will not be displayed.
5. Click Save.
6. To add objects to this queue from another project, select the project in the Project field and repeat the previous steps.
OneData writes all messages on the selected object to this queue.
Deleting messaging objects in the Outbound Messaging Configuration screen deletes all objects (across projects) configured to the corresponding messaging object.
Configure properties in the file. See Configuring OneData Properties for more information.
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