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Asynchronous Messaging
Features of Messaging Support
Working with Messaging Queues
OneData provides asynchronous messaging capability to read data from and write data to message (point-to-point) queues and message topics (publish-subscribe) in applications such as Websphere MQ and webMethods Broker, for example, using JMS (Java Message Service) technology.
Message queues allow applications that exchange data to communicate even if they are not both online simultaneously. The online application can write a message to a message queue or topic that the receiving application can process when it is online. This asynchronous communication is designed for systems that do not require real-time or immediate responses from other systems.
The OneData Messaging module provides outbound messaging queues that can receive posted transaction messages. To set up messaging, you must first define messaging objects.Messaging objects act as the message queue, process messages for specified objects, and generate the output message in the specified format.
JMS messaging architecture supports topics (used for publish and subscribe), as well as queues (point to point messaging).
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