Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Dynamic Business Objects : Summary of DBOs
Summary of DBOs
The following table lists the dynamic business objects (DBO)s that My webMethods Server provides out-of-the-box.
Dynamic Business Objects. Portlet developers use objects of this type to define auth-handlers.
Containers. End users use this type of folder to perform a bulk update or upload of files to a My webMethods Server folder from a remote FTP client.
Security. Administrators use this security provider to configure permissions on My webMethods Server items. Unlike other security providers where privileges are manually assigned, use this security provider to dynamically grant or deny access to server objects based on information that is passed to My webMethods Server in the HTTP header when a user logs in.
Dynamic Business Objects. The system uses this system dynamic business object (DBO) to implement multi-locale property value storage. When implemented for a portlet, an end user can define different property values based on locales. My webMethods Server automatically publishes instances of this Locale Property Storage DBO; users cannot publish it.
Dynamic Business Objects. The system uses an instance of this data type in My webMethods Server to publish an e-mail message that was retrieved from an e-mail inbox or NNTP newsgroup on an external server to a file in a folder. My webMethods Server typically uses this data type when synchronizing an e-mail inbox or NNTP newsgroup to a wm_xt_nntpfolder and wm_xt_pop3folder folder instance.
Dynamic Business Objects. Page developers use this dynamic business object to provide additional data to folders such as whether it is an "isTaskFolder".
Containers. Administrators publish an instance of this folder type to a My webMethods Server to provide a way to view the contents of an NNTP newsgroup. The NNTP Folder polls an NNTP newsgroup and creates entries within the folder for each newsgroup message it retrieves.
Containers. Administrators publish an instance of this folder type to a My webMethods Server page to provide a way to view the contents of a POP3 mailbox. The Pop3 Folder polls a POP3 mailbox and creates entries within the folder for each e-mail message it retrieves.
Dynamic Business Objects. Page developers use this object type to define a new skin and configure its properties.
Dynamic Business Objects. Page developers use instances of this type to add links that are relative to the front-end server to a page. To provide a set of links for the end user, page developers publish multiple instances of this link type to a folder.
Dynamic Business Objects. Page developers use this portlet to build a link to another My webMethods Server page. In addition to linking to another page, this portlet also allows the page developer to supply initial values of properties for a portlet on the target page.
Dynamic Business Objects. Administrators use this dynamic business object (DBO) in My webMethods Server to store general role properties for a role. My webMethods Server implicitly creates instances of this DBO when new roles are added to the system.
Dynamic Business Objects. Page developers use this object type to define a new shell and configure its header, footer, left navigation, and right navigation.
Dynamic Business Objects. Page developers use instances of this type to define shortcuts to My webMethods Server resources.
Dynamic Business Objects. Administrators use this dynamic business object (DBO) in My webMethods Server to store configuration for static roles. My webMethods Server implicitly creates instances of this DBO when new static roles are added to the system.
Page components. Page developers use this File dynamic business object (DBO) to upload a static web site archive (either a .zip or .jar), and to publish the web site archive so that end users can browse its contents within the My webMethods Server taxonomy.
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