Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Dynamic Business Objects : Ftp Folder DBO
Ftp Folder DBO
Portlet Title
Ftp Folder
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Do not use this instance. Instead publish another instance into My webMethods Server.
Default Instances of the portlet
Containers. End users use this type of folder to perform a bulk update or upload of files to a My webMethods Server folder from a remote FTP client.
The Ftp Folder behaves like a typical My webMethods Server folder or page, but it starts an FTP server that uses a configured FTP port. From a remote FTP client, an administrator uses the folder to manipulate (for example, create, delete, or update) My webMethods Server folders, pages, and content files as if they are file system folders and files. The administrator cannot use the Ftp Folder to manipulate My webMethods Server portlets.
To use the Ftp Folder, administrators must log into the FTP server providing valid credentials for a My webMethods Server user account. The folder does not support anonymous access. Additionally, the My webMethods Server user account must have at least READ access to the folders, pages, and content files being manipulated.
You can publish instances of the Ftp Folder in the following ways:
*When opening a folder or page for editing. From a My webMethods Server page:
1. Use the Tools popup menu and select the Edit Page command.
2. Click the Containers link in the editor palette.
3. Drag the Ftp Folder on to the page.
4. Specify properties for the folder. For more information, see General Properties and Extended Properties below.
*When publishing a folder.
1. Access the Publish portlet: Administration > Content > Publish.
2. Select Folder for the type of object to publish and then select the subtype Ftp Folder.
3. Select the parent folder or page where the Ftp Folder is to be placed.
4. Specify properties for the folder. For more information, see General Properties and Extended Properties below.
General Properties
Name (name)
Required. The name of the folder, as it will be displayed in the My webMethods Server taxonomy. Specify the name of an object in the taxonomy. You can specify from 1 through 100 characters.
Description (description)
Provides a description of the folder in the My webMethods Server taxonomy. Must be less than 255 characters long. If the property has no value, no description will be displayed for the folder.
Keywords (keywords)
Provides a list of keywords to assign to the folder in the My webMethods Server taxonomy. Users can later use these keywords to search for this folder in the taxonomy. Use 0 through 255 characters for keywords. If the property has no value, no keywords will be displayed for the folder.
Extended Properties
Ftp Port (port)
Required. Identifies the FTP port to use when starting the FTP server for the Ftp Folder portlet. Specify a port number that is globally unique among all Ftp Folder portlets published in My webMethods Server. Also ensure the port that you specify does not conflict with any other ports on the physical server running My webMethods Server. The default FTP port is 8021.
Folder Type (specialFolderType)
This folder can make a different folder available by means of FTP. By default, the folder is made available as the root of an FTP server; however, if a special folder type is selected, then a different folder will be made available as the root of the FTP server that this folder configures.
Indicates the type of FTP folder made available. Specify one of the following:
Default (0)
Default. The folder that is made available as the root of the FTP server. This folder is a normal FTP folder, behaving the same way as a folder or page in the My webMethods Server taxonomy. The Ftp Folder physically stores files published to the FTP server in this FTP folder taxonomy.
User Home Folder (1)
Makes the Home Folder of the My webMethods Server user who is publishing data (also known as My Folders) available as the root of the FTP server. When a user logs on to the FTP server, My webMethods Server automatically uses that user's Home Folder, which means that each user can only access his or her own Home Folder.
Public Folders (2)
Makes the My webMethods Server Public Folders available as the root of the FTP server. Specify Public Folders to provide quick FTP access to Public Folders and the taxonomy under it.
Root Folder (3)
Makes the My webMethods Server Root Folder available as the root of the FTP server. The Root Folder is the root of all folders, and the parent of Public Folders, the System folder, and so on. Specify Root Folder to provide quick FTP access to the entire taxonomy.
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