Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Dynamic Business Objects : Website Archive Viewer DBO
Website Archive Viewer DBO
Portlet Title
Website Archive Viewer
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Page components. Page developers use this File dynamic business object (DBO) to upload a static web site archive (either a .zip or .jar), and to publish the web site archive so that end users can browse its contents within the My webMethods Server taxonomy.
The Website Archive Viewer DBO extends the basic file DBO functionality (upload, download, etc.) with special rendering features. Uploaded files must be in .zip or .jar format and contain a collection of static web resources, for example, HTML pages, image files, etc. A page developer publishes the uploaded file using the Publish Portlet; the Page Editor cannot be used. After the file is published, when the end user clicks on the file, the system displays the contents of the web site archive in an IFrame. The page developer configures the Website Archive Viewer DBO to define the initial page to display during the publish process.
File Properties
WebSite Archive (origFileName)
Required. Identifies the archive to upload. Use the user interface to select a local file on your machine to upload. The file extension of the file must be either .zip or .jar. This property value is not shared among portlet instances. Instances of the portlet do not share the value of this property.
Web Site Properties
Default Page (defaultPage)
Required. Identifies the file within the uploaded web site archive to use as the starting page to display for the web site. The default is index.html. Instances of the portlet do not share the value of this property.
Frame Height (frameHeight)
Defines the height of the IFrame to use to display the web site. Specify the number of pixels. The default is 400. Instances of the portlet do not share the value of this property.
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