Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Dynamic Business Objects : Shortcut DBO
Shortcut DBO
Portlet Title
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Dynamic Business Objects. Page developers use instances of this type to define shortcuts to My webMethods Server resources.
Display Style (visualStyle)
Identifies the JSP file to use to render the shortcut's properties. The default value is dbo_view.jsp.
General Properties
Description (description)
Defines a description of this shortcut. Must be less than 255 characters. If the property has no value, no description will be displayed for this shortcut.
Name (name)
Required. Defines a name for this shortcut. Must be less than 100 characters.
Keywords (keywords)
Defines the keywords to associate with this shortcut. The total number of characters for all keywords combined must be less than 255 characters. If this property has no value, no keywords will be associated with this shortcut.
Location Properties
Parent Folder (parentID)
Required. Identifies the folder ID that contains this shortcut. Specify the thingID or alias of a folder.
Link Properties
Target Resource (URL)
Required. Identifies the target of this shortcut. Specify the thingID or alias of a resource.
Link Target (linkTarget)
Defines the window or frame into which the target resource should open when the user clicks the shortcut link. Possible values include:
blank (empty: "")
Link opens in current window.
Link opens in a unique window.
Link opens in a frame or window with the specified name, that is, (specified-name).
Target Db ID (targetDbID)
Do not modify. Used internally.
Target XType (targetXType>)
Do not modify. Used internally.
Target Data Source (targetDataSource)
Do not modify. Used internally.
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