A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _


DATA_SCHEMA_IDX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TPAQuery
DATASCHEMA - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TPAOps
DATASTATUS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TPAOps
Datastore - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Main entry point for getting connections to the store database.
Datastore() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.Datastore
DatastoreException - Exception in com.wm.app.tn.db
Version of wrapped exception used to signal errors in connecting to or operating on the data store.
DatastoreException(String) - Constructor for exception com.wm.app.tn.db.DatastoreException
DatastoreException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.wm.app.tn.db.DatastoreException
DatastoreException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.wm.app.tn.db.DatastoreException
DBConfigUtil - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
This contains some helper methods to read/write Trading Networks database configuration information.
DBConfigUtil() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConfigUtil
DBConstants - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Provides a centralized set of constants for the Trading Networks database classes.
DBConstants() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DBLock - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
DBLock(String, long, String) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBLock
dbLog(int, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.err.SystemLog2
Log a message to the system database.
dbLog(ActivityLogEntry) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.err.SystemLog2
Log a message to the system database.
dbLogging - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.EventOperations
DBTYPE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Datastore
DBTYPE_DB2 - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Datastore
DBTYPE_ORA - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Datastore
DBTYPE_SQLS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Datastore
DBTYPE_SYBASE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Datastore
DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingRule
delete(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocTypeStore
delete(DeliveryServiceQuery) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryOperations
delete(DeliveryJobQuery) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryOperations
delete(EventQuery) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.EventOperations
delete(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.QueueOperations
delete(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.QueueOperations
delete(String[], String, int[]) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.RROperations
delete(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ScheduledArchivalOperations
delete(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ScheduledArchivalOperations
delete() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileFieldMetaData
Marks the field as deleted.
delete(String[], String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingRuleStore
deleteAddress(String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
deleteAddress(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
deleteAddress(String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileStore
Removes a partner's or contact's address from the database.
deleteBizDocTypeDefAssociation(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deleteBizDocTypeDefAssociationWithDLS(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deleteBizDocTypeDefs(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deleteCertificateData(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.SecurityOps
Delete a row of CertData.
deleteContact(String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
deleteContact(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
deleteContact(String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileStore
Removes a partner's contact from the database.
deleteContactType(short) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.LookupStore
Deletes an existing Contact Type from the TN database.
deleteDestination(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
deleteDestination(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
deleteDestination(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileStore
Removes a partner's Destination (a.k.a.
deleteDocuments(Timestamp) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocStore
For internal use only
deleteDocuments(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocStore
For internal use only
deleteEvents(EventQuery) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocStore
Delete events from the table.
deleteExtendedField(String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileFldOps
Deletes an extended field for a partner.
deleteExtendedField(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileFldOps
Deletes an extended field for a partner.
deleteExtendedFields(Connection, String, int) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileFldOps
deleteFieldDefinition(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileFldDefOps
Deletes an extended field definition.
deleteFieldDefinition(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileFldDefOps
Deletes an extended field definition.
deleteFieldGroup(short) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.LookupStore
Deletes an existing field group from the TN database.
deleteGroup(short) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Lookup
Deletes a field group.
deleteID(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
deleteID(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
deleteID(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileStore
deleteIDType(int) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.LookupStore
Deletes an existing ID Type from the TN database.
deleteJob(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryStore
Remove a job from the database.
deleteJobs(DeliveryJobQuery) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryStore
Delete jobs from the table via a query.
deletePartnerAssociation(String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deletePartnerAssociation(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deletePartnerAssociationWithDLS(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deletePartnerBinary(String, int) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
deletePartnerBinary(Connection, String, int) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
deletePartners(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deletePermissionAssociation(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deletePermissions(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deletePermissionsForRule(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deleteProfile(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
Physically deletes the entire profile, except the row on the Partner table, which is logically deleted (delete=true).
deleteProfile(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
Physically deletes the entire profile, except the row on the Partner table, which is logically deleted (delete=true).
deleteProfile(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileStore
Mark a partner's profile as deleted in the profile store.
deleteProfile(String, boolean, boolean, Connection) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileStore
Mark a partner's profile as deleted or undeleted in the profile store.
deleteProfileGroup(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Lookup
Delete a row in ProfileGroup table.
deleteProfileGroup(Connection, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileGroupOps
Delete partner from a profile group.
deleteProfileGroup(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.LookupStore
Deletes an existing Profile Group from the database;
deleteProfileGroup(String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileStore
Deletes a partner from a profile group.
deleteProfileGroups(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileGroupOps
Delete this partner from all profile group(s) that it is a member of.
deleteProfileGroups(Connection, String[], String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileGroupOps
deleteRoles(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deleteRoles(String[], TreeSet<String>) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deleteRolesForRule(Connection, String, TreeSet) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deleteRule(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deleteRules(String[], TreeSet) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
deleteService(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryStore
Remove a service from the database.
deleteServices(DeliveryServiceQuery) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryStore
Delete services from the table via a query.
deleteTPA(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TPAOps
Delete a TPA.
deleteTPAByID(String[]) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TPAOps
deleteUserForPartner(String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileUserOps
deleteUsersForPartner(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileUserOps
DELIVERING - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.GuaranteedJob
delivering() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.GuaranteedJob
Mark job DELIVERING and update timestamp.
DELIVERY_JOBTYPE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryJobQuery
DeliveryException - Exception in com.wm.app.tn.delivery
An exception that wraps other exceptions.
DeliveryException() - Constructor for exception com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryException
DeliveryException(String) - Constructor for exception com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryException
DeliveryException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryException
DeliveryJob - Class in com.wm.app.tn.delivery
A DeliveryJob represents one unit of work for the reliable delivery engine.
DeliveryJob() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryJob
Default constructor needed for subclasses of TNFixedData
DeliveryJob(String, String, DeliveryService, BizDocEnvelope, long, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryJob
Define a new Job
DELIVERYJOB_ACTCLASS_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DELIVERYJOB_JOBSTATUS_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DELIVERYJOB_SERVERID_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DELIVERYJOB_SERVICENAME_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DELIVERYJOB_TRANSSTATUS_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DELIVERYJOB_TRANSSTATUSMSG_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DeliveryJobQuery - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
DeliveryJobQuery() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryJobQuery
DeliveryJobSchema() - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryJob
DeliveryOperations - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
DeliveryOperations() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryOperations
DeliveryQueue - Class in com.wm.app.tn.delivery
A virtual queue for document delivery.
DeliveryQueue() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryQueue
DeliveryQueue(String) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryQueue
DeliverySchedule - Class in com.wm.app.tn.delivery
Stores scheduling information for a DeliveryQueue.
DeliverySchedule() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliverySchedule
DeliveryService - Class in com.wm.app.tn.delivery
This class holds the information for a B2B service to be used by the reliabe delivery engine to deliver a document.
DeliveryService() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryService
Default constructor required for subclasses of TNFixedData.
DeliveryService(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryService
Create a new DeliveryService.
DeliveryService(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryService
This constructor can be used for "local" services
DeliveryService(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryService
This constructor can be used for "local" scheduled services
DELIVERYSERVICE_B2BIF_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DELIVERYSERVICE_B2BSVC_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DELIVERYSERVICE_LOCATION_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DELIVERYSERVICE_PASSWORD_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DELIVERYSERVICE_SERVICENAME_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DELIVERYSERVICE_USER_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DeliveryServiceQuery - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
DeliveryServiceQuery() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryServiceQuery
DeliveryStore - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
API for registering/unregistering delivery service definitions and job entries in the shared database.
DeliveryStore() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryStore
DeliveryUtils - Class in com.wm.app.tn.delivery
Provides utility methods for guaranteed document delivery.
DeliveryUtils() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.DeliveryUtils
dequeueOldestJob(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryStore
Dequeues the oldest job on a virtual delivery queue.
dequeueOldestJob(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.QueueOperations
deRegisterEDIIDTypeDescriptions() - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.LookupStore
Forces the ediIDTypes to null in TN.
deregisterEditableAttribute(IData) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.LookupStore
Makes an attribute non-editable
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TPAOps
DESCRIPTION_IDX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TPAQuery
DEST_HOST - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DEST_ID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DEST_LOC - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DEST_PASS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DEST_PID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DEST_PORT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DEST_PROT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DEST_PROTOCOL_FTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
DEST_PROTOCOL_FTPS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
DEST_PROTOCOL_HTTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
DEST_PROTOCOL_HTTPS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
DEST_PROTOCOL_SMTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
DEST_PROTOCOL_WEBSERVICE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
DEST_USER - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
destExistsForProtocol(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileChecker
destExistsForProtocol(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileChecker
Destination - Class in com.wm.app.tn.profile
A partner's destination that can be used to send documents to the partner.
Destination() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Destination
Creates a Destination.
DESTINATION_HOST_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DESTINATION_LOCATION_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DESTINATION_PASSWORD_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DESTINATION_PORT_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DESTINATION_PROTOCOL_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DESTINATION_USERNAME_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
destinationExists(Connection, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileChecker
destinationExists(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileChecker
destinationSchema() - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Destination
destinationsToArray(Vector) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ArrayVector
determineSenderFromSession() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.BizDocType
Retrieves the setting that indicates whether to use the connected user to determine the sender of the document during recognition.
DFLT_LOC_FTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
DFLT_LOC_FTPS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
DFLT_LOC_HTTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
DFLT_LOC_HTTPS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
DFLT_LOC_SMTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
disable(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocAttributeStore
For internal use only
disable(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocTypeStore
For internal use only
DISABLED_IDX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingRuleMetaData
DISPLAY_COLS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.RouteQuery
DJ_ACLASS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DJ_JOBSTAT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DJ_SRVID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DJ_SVCNAME - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DJ_TRANMSG - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DJ_TRANSTAT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DJ_UNAME - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DJOB_TIME_CREATED - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Query
DJOB_TIME_UPDATED - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Query
DLSData - Class in com.wm.app.tn.profile
DLSData() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.profile.DLSData
DLSInfo - Class in com.wm.app.tn.profile
DLSInfo() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.profile.DLSInfo
DLSOperations - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Does query all the DLS Operations with respect to a Role /Rule used for Portal Services to check the permissions for a particular user.
DLSOperations() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations
DLSOperations.AddResults - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
DLSOperations.AddResults(String) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations.AddResults
DLSOperations.AddResults(String[]) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.DLSOperations.AddResults
dlsToDB(Connection, DLSInfo) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.DLSData
DOC_CONTENT_DOCTYPE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ValidationWrapper
DOC_CONTENT_EXTFLDS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ValidationWrapper
DOC_CONTENT_STDFLDS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ValidationWrapper
DOC_CONTENT_STDPROF - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ValidationWrapper
DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryJobQuery
DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.EventQuery
DOC_ID_IDX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryJobQuery
DOC_ID_IDX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.EventQuery
DOC_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Query
DOC_TYPES - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.RouteQuery
DocConstants - Class in com.wm.app.tn.doc
Sundry document-related constants
DocConstants() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
DOCTEMPL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.QueryTest
DOCTYPE_EXTFLDS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ValidationWrapper
DOCTYPE_ID_EXTFLDS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ValidationWrapper
DOCTYPE_ID_STDFLDS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ValidationWrapper
DOCTYPE_ID_STDPROF - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ValidationWrapper
DOCTYPE_STDFLDS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ValidationWrapper
DOCTYPE_STDPROF - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ValidationWrapper
DOCTYPES_IDX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingRuleMetaData
documentExists(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocStore
Check for documents with the supplied webMethods doc ID
documentsExist(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocTypeStore
doesFieldExists(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileFldDefOps
doesFieldExists(Connection, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileFldDefOps
doFormat(int, int, boolean, Object[]) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.err.SystemLog2
DONE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.GuaranteedJob
done() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.GuaranteedJob
Mark job DONE and update timestamp.
DONT_CARE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
DONT_CARE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingRule
DQ_NAME - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DQ_STATE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DQ_SVC - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DQ_TYPE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DRV - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
DS_IFC - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DS_LOCN - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DS_NAME - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DS_PWD - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DS_SVC - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
DS_USER - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants

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