A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _


P_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PART_CORP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryJobQuery
PART_CORP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.EventQuery
PART_ID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryJobQuery
PART_ID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.EventQuery
PART_ID_IDX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryJobQuery
PART_ID_IDX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.EventQuery
PART_UNIT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryJobQuery
PART_UNIT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.EventQuery
PARTNER_CORPNAME_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PARTNER_ID_ID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PARTNER_ORG_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PARTNER_STATUS_ACTIVE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PARTNER_STATUS_INACTIVE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PARTNER_STATUS_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PARTNER_STATUS_NEW - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PARTNER_STATUS_PENDING - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PARTNER_STATUS_REJECTED - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PARTNER_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PARTNER_TNVERSION_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PARTNER_TYPE_BROWSER - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PARTNER_TYPE_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PARTNER_TYPE_OTHER - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PARTNER_TYPE_PARTNER - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PARTNER_TYPE_SERVER - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PARTNERBINARY_TYPE_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PARTNERID_EXTERNALID_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PARTNERID_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PARTNERPROFILEFIELD_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PARTNERPROFILEGROUP_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PARTNERUSER_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PENDING - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.delivery.GuaranteedJob
persist(BizDocEnvelope, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingActions
Persists a document to the database.
persist(BizDocEnvelope, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingActions
Persists a document to the database.
PERSIST_ACTLOG - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Persist Option -- Persist activity log only
PERSIST_ALL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Persist Option -- Persist all (i.e.
PERSIST_ATTRIB - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Persist Option -- Persist attributes only
PERSIST_ATTRIB_ACTLOG - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Persist Option -- Persist attributes and activity log
PERSIST_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Persist Option -- Persist content only
PERSIST_CONTENT_ACTLOG - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Persist Option -- Persist content and activity log
PERSIST_CONTENT_ATTRIB - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Persist Option -- Persist content and attributes
PERSIST_NONE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Persist Option -- Persist none
PF_DEFAULT_VAL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PF_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PFID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PFLD_COL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PFLD_DESC - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PFLD_DFLT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PFLD_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PFLD_TYPE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PFLD_VALID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PG_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PID_IDTYPE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PID_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PIPE_CNVID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
Pipeline matching variable: ConversationID
PIPE_CONTENTENC - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
Key to content encoding within 'TN_parms' in pipeline
PIPE_CONTENTTYPE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
Key to content type within 'TN_parms' in pipeline
PIPE_GRPID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
Pipeline matching variable: GroupID
PIPE_NTVID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
Pipeline matching variable: NativeID
PIPE_RVRID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
Pipeline matching variable: ReceiverID
PIPE_SNDID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
Pipeline matching variable: SenderID
PIPE_TNPARMS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
Key to TN parameters in pipeline
PIPE_TYPEID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
Pipeline matching variable: DoctypeID
PIPE_TYPENM - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.DocConstants
Pipeline matching variable: DoctypeName
pipelineMatch(IData) - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.doc.BizDocType
Performs pipeline matching on an IData.
POLL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Delivery protocol -- queue for polling
pollDocuments(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocStore
For internal use only
pollDocumentsForUser(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocStore
popStack() - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingActions
For internal use only
PORT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryServiceQuery
PORT_IDX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryServiceQuery
PPF_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PPFLD_FID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PPFLD_PID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PPG_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
PR_CNGSESSION - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PR_CNGUSR - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PR_DESC - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PR_NAME - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PREFERRED - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Delivery protocol -- use receiver's preferred protocol
prepareStatement(Connection, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.SQLStatements
Prepare a statement.
prependInfo(String) - Method in exception com.wm.app.tn.err.EXMLException
PreRoutingFlags - Class in com.wm.app.tn.route
Flags to indicate whether certain operations (verification, validation, persistence) should be performed on a document before routing.
PreRoutingFlags() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.route.PreRoutingFlags
PreRoutingFlags(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.route.PreRoutingFlags
PreRoutingFlags(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.route.PreRoutingFlags
PreRoutingFlags(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.route.PreRoutingFlags
preSql() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ComplexDocQuery
For internal use only
preSql() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryJobQuery
For internal use only
preSql() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.EventQuery
For internal use only
preSql() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
preSql() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Query
For internal use only
preSql() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.SimpleDocQuery
For internal use only
preSql() - Method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TPAQuery
For internal use only
PRIMARY_EMAIL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Delivery protocol -- primary email
PRIMARY_FTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Delivery protocol -- primary FTP
PRIMARY_FTPS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Delivery protocol -- primary FTPS
PRIMARY_HTTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Delivery protocol -- primary HTTP
PRIMARY_HTTPS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingConstants
Delivery protocol -- primary HTTPS
printColumn(PrintStream, String, int) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
printDocument(BizDocEnvelope, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.QueryTest
printDriverInfo(String, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
printMessage(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
printResultSet(PrintStream, ResultSet) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
printResultSet(PrintStream, ResultSet, int[], int) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
printSep(PrintStream) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
printSQLException(SQLException) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
printSQLException(String, SQLException) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
printSQLWarning(SQLWarning) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
printSQLWarning(String, SQLWarning) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
printStackTrace() - Method in exception com.wm.app.tn.err.WrappedException
Print the stack trace of this exception (including all wrapped exceptions) to System.err
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception com.wm.app.tn.err.WrappedException
Print the stack trace of this exception (including all wrapped exceptions) to the supplied PrintStream
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception com.wm.app.tn.err.WrappedException
Print the stack trace of this exception (including all wrapped exceptions) to the supplied PrintWriter
privilegesToDB(Connection, IData, String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.DLSData
PRN_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
PRN_SPACES - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities
process(String, Timestamp) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ArchiveOperations
For internal use only
process(String, Timestamp, String, String, String, String, String, IData, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, String, Timestamp, Timestamp) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ArchiveOperations
For internal use only
PROCESSINGRULE_DESC_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PROCESSINGRULE_JOBTYPE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DeliveryJobQuery
PROCESSINGRULE_NAME_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
processMessage(String) - Static method in exception com.wm.app.tn.err.EXMLException
processMessage(String) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.err.EXMLExceptionParser
Process an XML-formatted exception message, which was probably produced by an EXMLException.
PROF_PROTOCOL_FTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROF_PROTOCOL_FTPS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROF_PROTOCOL_HTTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROF_PROTOCOL_HTTPS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROF_PROTOCOL_SMTP - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROF_PROTOCOL_WEBSERVICE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_DATATYPE_BINARY - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_DATATYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_DATATYPE_CHAR - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_DATATYPE_FIXED - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_DATATYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_DATATYPE_INT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_DATATYPE_LONG - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_DATATYPE_SHORT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_DATATYPE_STRING - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_GROUPID_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_GROUPID_CONNECTION - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_GROUPID_CONTACT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_GROUPID_CORPORATE - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_GROUPID_CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
PROFFLD_GROUPID_ID - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Constants
Profile - Class in com.wm.app.tn.profile
Contains information about a partner on the trading network.
Profile() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Profile
Creates a Profile.
ProfileChecker - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
A set of methods to check if instances of the various profile components already exist in the database.
ProfileChecker() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileChecker
ProfileDeleteOps - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Provides database operations for deleting partner profiles and their components.
ProfileDeleteOps() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileDeleteOps
ProfileDictionary - Class in com.wm.app.tn.profile
The ProfileDictionary manages the set of profile field definitions.
PROFILEFIELD_DATATYPE_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PROFILEFIELD_DEFAULTVAL_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PROFILEFIELD_DESC_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PROFILEFIELD_NAME_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PROFILEFIELD_PROFILECOL_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PROFILEFIELD_PROFILETBL_MAX - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.DBConstants
PROFILEFIELD_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
ProfileFieldMetaData - Class in com.wm.app.tn.profile
A ProfileFieldMetaData object holds information about a profile field.
ProfileFieldMetaData() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileFieldMetaData
Creates an empty ProfileFieldMetaData.
ProfileFldDefOps - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Provides database operations for inserting, updating and deleting field definitions.
ProfileFldDefOps() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileFldDefOps
ProfileFldOps - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Provides database operations for retrieving, inserting, updating and deleting partner ProfileFields.
ProfileFldOps() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileFldOps
PROFILEGROUP_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
ProfileGroupOps - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
ProfileGroupOps() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileGroupOps
ProfileIDOps - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Provides database operations for retrieving various IDs to be found in the profile.
ProfileIDOps() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileIDOps
ProfileInsertOps - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Provides database operations for inserting partner profiles.
ProfileInsertOps() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileInsertOps
ProfileOps - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Provides database operations for retrieving partner profiles and components of profiles.
ProfileOps() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileOps
ProfileQuery - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
ProfileQuery() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
Default query is "select * from partner".
profileSchema() - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.Profile
ProfileStore - Class in com.wm.app.tn.profile
Provides access to Profiles for all partners on the trading network.
ProfileStoreException - Exception in com.wm.app.tn.profile
ProfileStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileStoreException
ProfileStoreException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileStoreException
ProfileStoreException(String, SQLException) - Constructor for exception com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileStoreException
ProfileSummary - Class in com.wm.app.tn.profile
A set of important fields from a partner's profile.
ProfileSummary() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileSummary
Creates an empty ProfileSummary.
ProfileSummary(Corporation) - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileSummary
Creates a ProfileSummary from the Corporation component of a Profile.
ProfileSummaryOps - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Provides database operations for retrieving partner profile summaries.
ProfileSummaryOps() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileSummaryOps
ProfileUpdateOps - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
Provides database operations for updating components of partner profiles.
ProfileUpdateOps() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileUpdateOps
ProfileUserOps - Class in com.wm.app.tn.db
ProfileUserOps() - Constructor for class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileUserOps
PROP_DBG - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Datastore
PROP_DEBUG - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.QueryResult
PROP_LOGSQL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Datastore
PROP_POOLSTMT - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Datastore
PROP_TRC - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.Datastore
PU_TBL - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.ProfileQuery
pushStack(RoutingRule, BizDocEnvelope) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.route.RoutingActions
For internal use only
puttAllDLS(Vector<DLSInfo>) - Static method in class com.wm.app.tn.profile.DLSData
PWD - Static variable in class com.wm.app.tn.db.TestingUtilities

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