
Class Summary
BizDocAttribute Definition of an attribute that can be extracted from documents.
BizDocAttributeTransform This class is used for performing transformation functions on docment attributes.
BizDocContentPart Represents the content part that is associated with a BizDocEnvelope.
BizDocEnvelope Represents business documents in the trading network system.
BizDocErrorSet This organizes a collection of activity log events attached to a BizDoc.
BizDocRelationship Represents a relationship from one doc to another.
BizDocType Abstract class for business document types.

Exception Summary
BizDocTypeException Indicates an error in a BizDocType operation (usually recognition)
BizDocTypeRegException An exception that wraps other exceptions.
CorruptDocException A special kind of type exception which indicates that a corrupt document has been encountered.
CorruptXMLException A special kind of type exception which indicates that corrupt XML has been encountered.