 —  SAP R/3 Gateway Documentation  —

Installation and Configuration

This document tells you what you must know and do to install and use the SAP R/3 Gateway successfully. Before performing the installation, please read the Software AG Legal Notice.


The following are the prerequisites for deploying and running SAP R/3 Gateway. You can also use this information as an installation checklist.

Start of instruction setTo install the SAP R/3 Gateway

  1. Select a gateway machine.

  2. Create a user sag for SAP R/3 Gateway.

  3. Access the gateway machine with Telnet, SSH or Windows Terminal Client (mstsc).

  4. Create a HOME directory. We recommend creating a directory on a partition with 1 GB of available disk space.

  5. Connect the gateway machine with FTP and newly-created user, if no CD-ROM is available for the installation.

  6. Ensure that an HTTP connection is available from your local web browser to the gateway machine. This is necessary if your environment runs with a secured proxy or has a Firewall.

  7. Ensure that the SAP R/3 Application Server can be reached from your gateway machine.

  8. Ensure that you have an ANSI C-Compiler for generating the communication kernels.

  9. Under Windows, use the Microsoft Developer Studio C/C++ Compiler version 6 (or higher). The Professional version is sufficient.

    Under UNIX, you will find the GNU C-Compiler for most platforms under Alternatively, you can use a compiler provided by your platform vendor.

  10. Install webMethods EntireX SDK on the same machine on which the SAP R/3 Gateway is installed, and ensure you have access to the webMethods EntireX Broker. See the section Installing webMethods EntireX Components

  11. The SAP RfcSdk is needed for your production environment. You can download this software from SAP’s Support System OSS. After downloading, unpack the CAR file with car -xvf to a temporary location in the file system. Later, after installing SAP R/3 Gateway, move the temporary files to their proper location as described in the section Directory Structure.

  12. For your Java environment, JDK 1.3 or higher is required.

  13. A web application server with servlet container is required to run the SAP R/3 Gateway Portal. For the current version, deployment has been tested with Tomcat. For more information, see Installing and Starting the Web Server.

  14. To process XML documents, you need an XML parser and an XSLT processor. SAP R/3 Gateway uses Xalan and Xerces. For more information, see Installing Xerces and Xalan.

  15. When configuring the communication kernels, various connection parameters are required which differ depending on the direction of the communication.

    The Rpc2Rfc kernel needs:

    The Rfc2Rpc kernel needs:

    You should know the value of these parameters before starting work with SAP R/3 Gateway.

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Installing webMethods EntireX Components

Install webMethods EntireX SDK on your gateway machine platform. Under UNIX, create a sag user. Install the RPCServer from the webMethods EntireX SDK on the gateway machine (see component list below).

The installation of webMethods EntireX Broker is optional if you already have an installation on another platform. In this case, you must modify the webMethods EntireX Broker Attribute File to establish connectivity.

During the installation process, you are prompted to select from the following components (required components are indicated):

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Installing and Starting the Web Server

The SAP R/3 Gateway is delivered as a web application. For this reason you need a web server. Currently, the deployment process has only been tested with Tomcat 4. Optionally, it is possible to use an existing JBoss as web application server.

Create a User (UNIX)

It is easier for your UNIX Administrator to declare a separate user to the operating system to run the application server because the SAP R/3 Gateway starts the kernels as subprocesses. The user of the application server must have the same group as the sag user.

Using JBoss

The SAP R/3 Gateway can run in JBoss. This makes sense only if you already have a running JBoss installation with existing applications and you do not want to install a Tomcat, too. JBoss delivers many features which are not used by SAP R/3 Gateway.

The deployment of SAP R/3 Gateway with JBoss differs from deployment with Tomcat, because the JBoss does not unpack the web application.

Start of instruction setTo deploy SAP R/3 Gateway with JBoss

  1. Unpack the sapr3gateway.war file into a directory with the namesapr3gateway.war. Use the ZIP utility or the command

    jar -xvf sapr3gateway.war
  2. Copy the directory sapr3gateway.war to JBoss server\default\deploy. After copying, create a subdirectory sapr3gateway.war in this directory.

  3. (Re-) start JBoss.

  4. Go to License Agreement and Setup Wizard.

  5. Check Xalan installation.

Using Tomcat 4

Download a version from

The Windows installation of Jakarta Tomcat supports configuration as a Windows Service. We recommend installing Tomcat without spaces in the directory names. You can avoid this restriction by using the short directory name or later in the Setup Wizard. To evaluate the short directory name, use the DOS command dir /x. For example, replace the long name of the c:\Program Files\... installation directory by c:\PROGRA~1\... during the Tomcat installation setup.

Under UNIX after installation of SAP R/3 Gateway, you will find a script to start Tomcat at boot time. This is described in the section Startup at Boot Time, below.

Using Tomcat 5, 5.5 or Software AG Common Tomcat

The SAP R/3 Gateway can run inside Tomcat 5. From Tomcat 4 to 5, the mail API is dropped. To solve this problem, please copy mail.jar and activation.jar into $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib directory.

Update 11 contains the mail API inside the SAP R/3 Gateway web application. There are no additional installation steps for the web application server.

Configure Tomcat Users

To control the web deployment in Tomcat, one user must be created with the roles of "manager" and "admin". Create and edit a user in the tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml file.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <role rolename="manager"/>
  <role rolename="admin"/>
  <role rolename="sapr3gateway"/>
  <user username="admin" password="admin" fullName="" roles="admin,manager"/>

Add a role "sapr3gateway" if you want to secure the SAP R/3 Gateway application itself. Later, you will see that creating an Access Control List depends on the logged-in users.

Startup at Boot Time

Start the application server when the operating system is booted. There is a script example in the file webapps/sapr3gateway/setup/

#!/bin/sh -ex

export JAVA_HOME


# Set memory requirements for IDoc XML Gateway
#   -Xms for initialization
#   -Xmx for maximum 
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms100M -Xmx500M"
export JAVA_OPTS

# Run Tomcat under control of ...

case "$1" in
  su $userid -c "rm $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out"
  su $userid -c "nohup $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ >$TOMCAT_HOME/logs/nohup.log"
  su $userid -c "$TOMCAT_HOME/bin/"
  su $userid -c "rm $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out"
  su $userid -c "nohup $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ >$TOMCAT_HOME/logs/nohup.log"
  su $userid -c "$TOMCAT_HOME/bin/"
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1

exit 0

Adapt and copy this file to /etc/init.d (on Sun Solaris or Linux) and create soft links:

ln -s /etc/init.d/tomcat /etc/init.d/rc3.d/S90tomcat
ln -s /etc/init.d/tomcat /etc/init.d/rc3.d/K10tomcat

On Linux, there is already a tomcat startup script in /etc/init.d. Adapt the existing one or use this one.

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Installing Xerces and Xalan

Xerces ( is used to read and write XML documents and Xalan ( is used to generate output for the Browser application.

You can download Xalan from the web site or use the delivered version in the 3rdparty/xalan directory on CD. The following table contains information on installation.

Component JDK 1.3 JDK 1.4
Xerces Is included and running in web application. See Installing the Gateway Portal. Is included.
Xalan Is included and running in web application. See Installing the Gateway Portal. An older version is included in JVM or Tomcat. Therefore, use a version 2.4 or 2.5 (not 2.6.0) and install in Tomcat's directory common/endorsed. Another possibility is to use the Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism. Place the xalan.jar, in the <java-home>\jre\lib\endorsed directory, where <java-home> is where your JDK is installed. With JBoss, you must use the last described mechanism.

After installing Xerces or Xalan into Tomcat or JDK, you must restart the web server (see the section Installing and Starting the Web Server).

After Installing the Gateway Portal, it is possible to check the running Xerces and Xalan versions by clicking Help and choosingVersion Info (http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/version) and Xalan Version (http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/xalanVersion)

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Directory Structure

The following table illustrates the directory structure on your UNIX file system after all of the required components have been installed:

Directory Description
$HOME/sag General home directory
$HOME/sag/exx webMethods EntireX installation
$HOME/sag/exx/vXXX webMethods EntireX Installation, version XXX
$HOME/sag/tomcat Application Server installation
$HOME/sag/tomcat/webapps/sapr3gateway SAP R/3 Gateway home directory
$HOME/sag/tomcat/webapps/sapr3gateway/RfcSdk.XXX Installation of SAP RfcSdk. XXX is the name of the platform
$HOME/sag/tomcat/webapps/sapr3gateway/WEB-INF/lib Installed Open Source components Xerces and Xalan
$HOME/sag/tomcat/common/endorsed Installed Open Source components Xerces and Xalan for all applications

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License Agreement

Before you complete the next installation commands, you must read and accept the terms of Software AG's Legal Notice.

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Installing the Gateway Portal

SAP R/3 Gateway is delivered as a web application. Install this web application using one of the following steps:

Once the web application has been installed, you can access SAP R/3 Gateway using the following URI: http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/index.

Optionally, it is possible to install the IDoc XML Gateway with sapr3idocxmlgateway.war with the same steps that are described above. More installation hints are described in the section Installation.

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Using the Setup Wizard

After you have deployed the gateway portal, you must start the Setup Wizard by clicking Help and choosing Setup Wizard; or from http://YourGateway:8080/sapr3gateway/manager/setupWizard. This wizard evaluates your environment and prompts you for more information.

Please read the Release Notes for more installation and configuration information about related products.

Optionally, it is possible to start the setup wizard for the IDoc XML Gateway.

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