Packages that use OperationException | |
com.softwareag.mdm.instance | Provides interfaces for accessing schema instances. |
com.softwareag.mdm.schema.trigger | |
com.softwareag.mdm.service | Provides classes and interfaces for implementing specific services and access rules on webMethods MDM. |
Uses of OperationException in com.softwareag.mdm.instance |
Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.instance that throw OperationException | |
abstract AdaptationHome |
Repository.createHome(AdaptationHome parentBranch,
HomeKey aKey,
Profile owner,
Session aSession,
UserMessage aLabel,
UserMessage aDescription)
Creates the home specified. |
abstract void |
Repository.lock(AdaptationHome aBranch,
boolean lockParentBranch,
Session aSession)
Locks the branch specified. |
abstract void |
Repository.lock(AdaptationHome aBranch,
boolean lockParentBranch,
String aComment,
Session aSession)
Locks the branch specified. |
abstract void |
Repository.unlock(AdaptationHome aBranch,
boolean unlockParentBranch,
Session aSession)
Unlocks the branch specified. |
abstract void |
Repository.setDocumentationLabel(AdaptationHome aHome,
String aLabel,
Locale aLocale,
Session aSession)
Sets the documentation label for the home specified. |
abstract void |
Repository.setDocumentationDescription(AdaptationHome aHome,
String aDescription,
Locale aLocale,
Session aSession)
Sets the documentation label for the home specified. |
abstract void |
Repository.closeHome(AdaptationHome aHome,
Session aSession)
Closes the home specified. |
Uses of OperationException in com.softwareag.mdm.schema.trigger |
Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.schema.trigger that throw OperationException | |
void |
TableTrigger.handleBeforeCreate(BeforeCreateOccurrenceContext aContext)
This method is called before the creation of an occurrence. |
void |
TableTrigger.handleBeforeModify(BeforeModifyOccurrenceContext aContext)
This method is called before the modification of an occurrence. |
void |
TableTrigger.handleBeforeDelete(BeforeDeleteOccurrenceContext aContext)
This method is called before deleting an occurrence. |
Uses of OperationException in com.softwareag.mdm.service |
Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.service that return OperationException | |
OperationException |
Returns the exception thrown if procedure has failed, null otherwise. |
static OperationException |
OperationException.createError(String aMessage)
static OperationException |
OperationException.createError(String aMessage,
Throwable ex)
static OperationException |
OperationException.createError(UserMessage aMessage)
static OperationException |
OperationException.createError(UserMessage aMessage,
Throwable ex)
static OperationException |
OperationException.createError(Throwable ex)
Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.service that throw OperationException | |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateRoot(SchemaLocation aSchemaLocation,
AdaptationReference requestedNameOrNull,
Profile owner)
Creates a new root adaptation instance. |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateChild(AdaptationName aParentName,
AdaptationReference requestedNameOrNull)
Creates a new schema instance that is the child of the parent specified by aParentName . |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateRoot(ValueContext aContent,
AdaptationTable aTable)
Creates a root occurrence in the table specified. |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateOverwriting(ValueContext aContent,
AdaptationTable aTable)
Creates an overwriting occurrence in the table specified. |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateOcculting(ValueContext aKey,
AdaptationTable aTable)
Creates an occulting occurrence in the table specified. |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doOccult(Adaptation anOccurrence)
Occults the adaptation occurrence specified. |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateDeriving(ValueContext parentKey,
ValueContext aContent,
AdaptationTable aTable)
Creates a deriving occurrence in the table specified. |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doModifyContent(Adaptation aTarget,
ValueContext aContent)
Modifies the adaptation content as specified. |
void |
ProcedureContext.doDelete(AdaptationName aName,
boolean isDeletingChildren)
Deletes the adaptation specified. |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCopy(Adaptation anAdaptation)
Copies the adaptation instance specified. |
void |
ProcedureContext.doImport(ImportSpec spec)
Imports an XML content into an adaptation, as specified by the ImportSpec argument.
void |
ProcedureContext.doExport(ExportSpec spec)
Exports the content of an adaptation to a XML document, as specified by the ExportSpec argument. |
void |
ProcedureContext.doExportArchive(Archive anArchive)
Exports the current home to the archive specified. |
void |
ProcedureContext.doExportArchive(ArchiveExportSpec exportSpec)
Exports the archive specified. |
void |
ProcedureContext.doImportArchive(Archive anArchive)
Imports the archive specified into the current home. |
void |
ProcedureContext.doImportArchive(ArchiveImportSpec importSpec)
Imports the archive specified into the current home. |
void |
ProcedureContext.doMergeToParent(AdaptationHome source)
Merges source branch to current branch. |
void |
ProcedureContext.doOptimizeByRemovingDuplicates(AdaptationName aName,
boolean includeDescendantsWithoutDelegated,
boolean includeAllDescendants)
Executes tree optimization. |
void |
ProcedureContext.doOptimizeByRefactoring(AdaptationName aName,
boolean includeDescendantsWithoutDelegated,
boolean includeAllDescendants)
Execute tree optimization. |
void |
ProcedureContext.makeOccultationsInChildTable(Adaptation target,
Path tablePath)
Any parent occurrence that is not overwritten will be occulted. |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateRoot(SchemaLocation aSchemaLocation,
AdaptationReference requestedNameOrNull,
com.softwareag.mdm.core.org.OrganizationName owner)
Deprecated. Replaced by ProcedureContext.doCreateRoot(SchemaLocation, AdaptationReference, Profile) . |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doEditionRelease(AdaptationName aName)
Deprecated. Since version 4.0, the notion of local edition is replaced by the more general concept of branch. This method does nothing, it just returns the adaptation specified. |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doEditionDiscard(AdaptationName aName)
Deprecated. Since version 4.0, the notion of local edition is replaced by the more general concept of branch. This method does nothing, it just returns the adaptation specified. |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doModifyContent(Adaptation aTarget,
com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation.uifacade.HrNode aRootNode)
Deprecated. Replaced by ProcedureContext.doModifyContent(Adaptation, ValueContext) . |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateDeriving(PrimaryKey parentKey,
com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation.uifacade.HrNode aNode,
AdaptationTable aTable)
Deprecated. Replaced by ProcedureContext.doCreateDeriving(ValueContext, ValueContext, AdaptationTable) . |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateOcculting(PrimaryKey parentKey,
AdaptationTable aTable)
Deprecated. Replaced by ProcedureContext.doCreateOcculting(ValueContext, AdaptationTable) . |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateOverwriting(PrimaryKey parentKey,
com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation.uifacade.HrNode aNode,
AdaptationTable aTable)
Deprecated. Replaced by ProcedureContext.doCreateOverwriting(ValueContext, AdaptationTable) . |
Adaptation |
ProcedureContext.doCreateRootChild(com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation.uifacade.HrNode rootNode,
AdaptationTable aContainer)
Deprecated. Replaced by ProcedureContext.doCreateRoot(ValueContext, AdaptationTable) . |
(report a bug)
webMethods MDM 4.2.8 [0558]
Copyright Software AG 2000-2007. All rights reserved.