Package com.softwareag.mdm.schema.trigger

Interface Summary
AfterCreateInstanceContext Provides an execution context for handling after create instance operation.
AfterCreateOccurrenceContext Provides an execution context for handling after create occurrence operation.
AfterDeleteInstanceContext Provides an execution context for handling after delete instance operation.
AfterDeleteOccurrenceContext Provides an execution context for handling after delete occurrence operation.
AfterModifyOccurrenceContext Provides an execution context for handling after modify occurrence operation.
BeforeCreateInstanceContext Provides an execution context for handling before create instance operation.
BeforeCreateOccurrenceContext Provides an execution context for handling before create occurrence operation.
BeforeDeleteInstanceContext Provides an execution context for handling before delete instance operation.
BeforeDeleteOccurrenceContext Provides an execution context for handling before delete occurrence operation.
BeforeModifyOccurrenceContext Provides an execution context for handling before modify occurrence operation.
InstanceTriggerExecutionContext Common abstract superclass that provides an execution context to triggers of instances.
NewTransientOccurrenceContext Provides an execution context for handling new transient occurrence context operation.
TableTriggerExecutionContext Common abstract superclass that provides an execution context to triggers of tables.
TriggerExecutionContext Common abstract superclass that provides an execution context to triggers.
TriggerSetupContext Provides methods for setting up a trigger in the context of its schema.

Class Summary
InstanceTrigger Specifies methods that are automatically executed when some operations are performed on an instance.
TableTrigger Specifies methods that are automatically executed when some operations are performed on a table.

(report a bug)
webMethods MDM 4.2.8 [0558]
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