Class AdaptationHome

  extended bycom.softwareag.mdm.adaptation.AdaptationHome

public class AdaptationHome
extends Object

Represents a branch or a version in a repository.

See Also:

Method Summary
 Adaptation findAdaptationOrNull(AdaptationName aName)
          Returns the adaptation specified, null if not found.
 List findAllAgreements( distributorName, Adaptation aRoot, boolean ignored)
          Deprecated. Replaced by findAllAgreements(Profile, Adaptation).
 List findAllAgreements(Profile distributor, Adaptation aRoot)
          Returns a list of all the adaptations that are an agreement with the distributor specified and that are under the root specified.
 List findAllChildren(Adaptation anAdaptation)
          Returns a list of the adaptations that are direct children of the adaptation specified.
 List findAllChildren(Adaptation anAdaptation, boolean ignored)
          Deprecated. Replaced by findAllChildren(Adaptation).
 List findAllDescendants(Adaptation anAdaptation)
          Returns a list of all the adaptations that inherit from the adaptation specified (either as direct children or as descendants of children, recursively).
 List findAllDescendants(Adaptation anAdaptation, boolean ignored)
          Deprecated. Replaced by findAllDescendants(Adaptation).
 List findAllRoots()
          Returns all the adaptation instance roots of this repository.
 List findAllRoots(boolean ignored)
          Deprecated. Replaced by findAllRoots().
 Adaptation findParent(Adaptation anAdaptation)
          Returns the parent of the adaptation specified, or null if it is a root.
 Adaptation findParent(Adaptation anAdaptation, boolean ignored)
          Deprecated. Replaced by findParent(Adaptation).
 List getBranchChildren()
          Returns the branches which have been created from this home.
 Date getCreationDate()
          Returns the creation date of this home.
 String getDescription(Locale aLocale)
          Returns the description of this home.
 HomeKey getKey()
          Returns the key that identifies this home in the current repository.
 String getLabel(Locale aLocale)
          Returns the label of this home.
 String getLabelOrName(Locale aLocale)
          Returns the label of this home.
 Profile getOwner()
          Returns the owner profile of this home in the current repository.
 AdaptationHome getParent()
          Returns the parent home, null if this home is the Reference branch.
 AdaptationHome getParentBranch()
          Returns the parent branch, null if this home is the Reference branch.
 Adaptation getPreferredEdition(Adaptation target)
          Deprecated. Since versioning features, edition/release distinction in a single home is no more significant, hence this method returns the same object as the argument.
 Adaptation getPreferredRelease(Adaptation target)
          Deprecated. Since versioning features, edition/release distinction in a single home is no more significant, hence this method returns the same object as the argument.
 Repository getRepository()
          Returns the repository that contains this home.
 String getRepositoryLabel()
          Deprecated. Replaced by RepositoryDeclaration.getRepositoryLabel().
 Date getTerminationDate()
          Returns the termination date of this home.
 Map getValidationReportsMap(Severity minimalSeverity)
          Returns a map of all validation reports of instances in this home that have at least a validation item of the severity specified or more.
 List getVersionChildren()
          Returns the versions which have been created from this home.
 boolean isAncestorOf(AdaptationHome anotherHome)
          Returns true if this home is an ancestor of the home specified (home itself is excluded).
 boolean isBranch()
          Returns true if this home is a branch.
 boolean isBranchReference()
          Returns true if this home is the Reference branch.
 boolean isInitialVersion()
          Returns true if this home is an initial version of a branch.
 boolean isOpen()
          Returns true if this home is either an open version or an open branch.
 boolean isOpenBranch()
          Returns true if this home is an open branch.
 boolean isOpenVersion()
          Returns true if this home is an open version.
 boolean isVersion()
          Returns true if this home is a version.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public Adaptation findAdaptationOrNull(AdaptationName aName)
Returns the adaptation specified, null if not found.


public Adaptation findParent(Adaptation anAdaptation)
Returns the parent of the adaptation specified, or null if it is a root.

See Also:


public List findAllChildren(Adaptation anAdaptation)
Returns a list of the adaptations that are direct children of the adaptation specified.


public List findAllDescendants(Adaptation anAdaptation)
Returns a list of all the adaptations that inherit from the adaptation specified (either as direct children or as descendants of children, recursively).


public List findAllAgreements(Profile distributor,
                              Adaptation aRoot)
Returns a list of all the adaptations that are an agreement with the distributor specified and that are under the root specified.


public List findAllRoots()
Returns all the adaptation instance roots of this repository.

See Also:


public HomeKey getKey()
Returns the key that identifies this home in the current repository.


public Profile getOwner()
Returns the owner profile of this home in the current repository.


public String getLabel(Locale aLocale)
Returns the label of this home. It may be null.


public String getLabelOrName(Locale aLocale)
Returns the label of this home. If not defined, it returns the key name.


public String getDescription(Locale aLocale)
Returns the description of this home. If not defined, it returns null.


public Date getCreationDate()
Returns the creation date of this home.


public Date getTerminationDate()
Returns the termination date of this home.

If termination date is null, the home is considered as open.


public AdaptationHome getParent()
Returns the parent home, null if this home is the Reference branch.

For a branch, its parent is its initial version. For a version, its parent is its parent branch.


public AdaptationHome getParentBranch()
Returns the parent branch, null if this home is the Reference branch.

For a branch, its direct parent is its initial version, hence its parent branch is the parent of this initial version. For a version, its parent branch is its direct parent.

See Also:
getBranchChildren(), getVersionChildren()


public List getBranchChildren()
Returns the branches which have been created from this home.

A branch has no direct branch children (when a branch is created from another branch, an initial version is first created, then the new branch is created from this initial version).


public List getVersionChildren()
Returns the versions which have been created from this home.

A version is always created from a branch.


public Repository getRepository()
Returns the repository that contains this home.


public boolean isBranch()
Returns true if this home is a branch.


public boolean isBranchReference()
Returns true if this home is the Reference branch.


public boolean isOpenBranch()
Returns true if this home is an open branch.


public boolean isOpenVersion()
Returns true if this home is an open version.


public boolean isOpen()
Returns true if this home is either an open version or an open branch.


public boolean isAncestorOf(AdaptationHome anotherHome)
Returns true if this home is an ancestor of the home specified (home itself is excluded).


public boolean isVersion()
Returns true if this home is a version.


public boolean isInitialVersion()
Returns true if this home is an initial version of a branch.

When a branch is created from another branch, an initial version is first created, then the new branch is created from this initial version.

See Also:


public String getRepositoryLabel()
Deprecated. Replaced by RepositoryDeclaration.getRepositoryLabel().


public List findAllAgreements( distributorName,
                              Adaptation aRoot,
                              boolean ignored)
Deprecated. Replaced by findAllAgreements(Profile, Adaptation).



public List findAllRoots(boolean ignored)
Deprecated. Replaced by findAllRoots().


public List findAllChildren(Adaptation anAdaptation,
                            boolean ignored)
Deprecated. Replaced by findAllChildren(Adaptation).


public List findAllDescendants(Adaptation anAdaptation,
                               boolean ignored)
Deprecated. Replaced by findAllDescendants(Adaptation).


public Adaptation findParent(Adaptation anAdaptation,
                             boolean ignored)
Deprecated. Replaced by findParent(Adaptation).


public Adaptation getPreferredEdition(Adaptation target)
Deprecated. Since versioning features, edition/release distinction in a single home is no more significant, hence this method returns the same object as the argument.


public Adaptation getPreferredRelease(Adaptation target)
Deprecated. Since versioning features, edition/release distinction in a single home is no more significant, hence this method returns the same object as the argument.


public String toString()


public Map getValidationReportsMap(Severity minimalSeverity)
Returns a map of all validation reports of instances in this home that have at least a validation item of the severity specified or more.

a map whose keys are AdaptationNames an values ValidationReports
See Also:
ValidationReport.hasItemsOfSeverityOrMore(Severity), Adaptation.getValidationReport(), Consistency and validation

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