Uses of Class

Packages that use DefinitionMode
com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation Provides core classes and interfaces for accessing schema instances, tables and their occurrences.  
com.softwareag.mdm.instance Provides interfaces for accessing schema instances.  

Uses of DefinitionMode in com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation

Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation that return DefinitionMode
 DefinitionMode Adaptation.getOccurrenceDefinitionMode()
          Returns the definition mode of this occurrence.

Uses of DefinitionMode in com.softwareag.mdm.instance

Fields in com.softwareag.mdm.instance declared as DefinitionMode
static DefinitionMode DefinitionMode.INHERIT
          An occurrence is in inherit mode when it is not defined in the current table.
static DefinitionMode DefinitionMode.DEFINE_ROOT
          An occurrence is in root mode when it is defined in the current table and it does not inherit from a parent occurrence.
static DefinitionMode DefinitionMode.DEFINE_OVERWRITE
          The occurrence is in overwriting mode when it is defined in the current table and it has a parent occurrence that has the same primary key.
static DefinitionMode DefinitionMode.DEFINE_OCCULT
          The occurrence is in occulting mode when it "removes its primary key" from the current table.
static DefinitionMode DefinitionMode.DEFINE_DERIVE
          The occurrence is in deriving mode when it is defined in the current container instance and it has a parent occurrence that has a different primary key.

Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.instance that return DefinitionMode
static DefinitionMode DefinitionMode.parse(String aFlag)
          Returns the definition mode that corresponds to the string specified.

Uses of DefinitionMode in com.softwareag.mdm.schema.trigger

Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.schema.trigger that return DefinitionMode
 DefinitionMode NewTransientOccurrenceContext.getDefinitionMode()
          Returns the mode that the occurrence may have regarding its inheritance.
 DefinitionMode BeforeModifyOccurrenceContext.getDefinitionMode()
          Returns the definition mode of the occurrence that must be modified.
 DefinitionMode BeforeDeleteOccurrenceContext.getDefinitionMode()
          Returns the definition mode of the occurrence that will be deleted.
 DefinitionMode BeforeCreateOccurrenceContext.getDefinitionMode()
          Returns the definition mode of the occurrence that must be created.
 DefinitionMode AfterModifyOccurrenceContext.getDefinitionMode()
          Returns the definition mode of the occurrence that has been modified.
 DefinitionMode AfterDeleteOccurrenceContext.getDefinitionMode()
          Returns the definition mode of the occurrence that has been deleted.
 DefinitionMode AfterCreateOccurrenceContext.getDefinitionMode()
          Returns the definition mode of the occurrence that has been created.

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webMethods MDM 4.2.8 [0558]
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