Package com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation

Provides core classes and interfaces for accessing schema instances, tables and their occurrences.


Interface Summary
AdaptationFilter Defines a specific filter over adaptations.
AdaptationValue Defines specific internal value for inheritance.

Class Summary
ActivationStatus Tells whether an adaptation may be used by other applications or any external entities.
Adaptation Provides a read-only access facade to Master Data values.
AdaptationHome Represents a branch or a version in a repository.
AdaptationName Identifies an adaptation.
AdaptationNode Represents an adaptation node.
AdaptationReference Public and persistent identifier of an adaptation instance, it is displayed as the "reference" in Manager.
AdaptationTable An instance of this class holds the occurrences of a node that has been declared in Schema as mdm:table.
PrimaryKey Defines a table occurrence primary key.
PrimaryKeyWildCard Deprecated. A better and more general way is to use AdaptationFilter class.
ReadContext Provides a read-access facade to objects organized in a tree structure, this structure conforming to an underlying Adaptation Model (XML Schema document).
Request Defines a specific request over a table.
RequestResult Represents the result of a Request.
RequestSortCriteria Specifies sort criteria.

Exception Summary
AdaptationError This abstract class is the superclass of unchecked exceptions thrown when an adaptation has some inconsistency.
IncompatibleChangeError Unchecked exception thrown when the repository or the underlying schema has changed and this change implies that the current operation cannot be completed successfully.
InvalidChangeError Thrown when an operation is not allowed.
UnavailableContentError Unchecked exception thrown when an adaptation content is not available.

Package com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation Description

Provides core classes and interfaces for accessing schema instances, tables and their occurrences.

The main class of this package is Adaptation which represents both schema instances and occurrences of tables.

The class AdaptationTable represents tables and the class Request is the entry point for specifying simple requests on tables.

(report a bug)
webMethods MDM 4.2.8 [0558]
Copyright Software AG 2000-2007. All rights reserved.