Uses of Class

Packages that use Severity
com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation Provides core classes and interfaces for accessing schema instances, tables and their occurrences.  
com.softwareag.mdm.base.text Provides classes for creating user messages and nomenclatures.  
com.softwareag.mdm.service Provides classes and interfaces for implementing specific services and access rules on webMethods MDM.  

Uses of Severity in com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation

Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.adaptation with parameters of type Severity
 Map AdaptationHome.getValidationReportsMap(Severity minimalSeverity)
          Returns a map of all validation reports of instances in this home that have at least a validation item of the severity specified or more.

Uses of Severity in com.softwareag.mdm.base.text

Fields in com.softwareag.mdm.base.text declared as Severity
static Severity Severity.FATAL
static Severity Severity.ERROR
static Severity Severity.WARNING
static Severity Severity.INFO

Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.base.text that return Severity
 Severity UserMessage.getSeverity()
static Severity Severity.parseFlag(String aFlag)
          Returns the severity instance corresponding to the flag specified.

Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.base.text with parameters of type Severity
 void UserMessage.setSeverity(Severity severity)
          Sets the severity of this message.
 boolean Severity.isEqualOrMoreSevereThan(Severity anotherSeverity)
          Returns true if this severity is more severe than the one specified or the same.

Constructors in com.softwareag.mdm.base.text with parameters of type Severity
UserMessageString(Severity severity, String aMessage, Object[] params, Throwable anException)
UserMessageRef(Severity severity, String aMessageKey, String bundleBaseName, Object[] params, ClassLoader bundleClassLoader)
UserMessageRef(Severity severity, String aMessageKey, String bundleBaseName, Object[] params)

Uses of Severity in com.softwareag.mdm.service

Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.service that return Severity
 Severity ValidationReportItem.getSeverity()

Methods in com.softwareag.mdm.service with parameters of type Severity
 boolean ValidationReportItem.isOfSeverity(Severity aSeverity)
 boolean ValidationReport.hasItemsOfSeverity(Severity aSeverity)
          Returns true if this report has validation items of the severity specified.
 boolean ValidationReport.hasItemsOfSeverityOrMore(Severity aSeverity)
          Returns true if this report has validation items of the severity specified or more severe.
 ValidationReportItemIterator ValidationReport.getItemsOfSeverity(Severity aSeverity)
          Returns the validation items of the severity specified.
 boolean ValidationReport.hasTooManyItemsOfSeverity(Severity aSeverity)
          Returns true if the threshold specified in has been reached for the specified severity.

(report a bug)
webMethods MDM 4.2.8 [0558]
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