EntireX IDL Tester

The IDL Tester is an easy-to-use utility to communicate with EntireX RPC Servers. It acts as an RPC client application, taking as input an IDL file. It is useful for testing extracted or generated artifacts such as the IDL file, XML mapping file for Web services, server mapping files Natural | COBOL etc. together with the RPC Server. It verifies the mapping of the data and all involved components up to the endpoint (RPC Server, Web Service, IBM MQ, etc.).

With the Java Wrapper you can also generate IDL-related test classes into a Java project. See Using the IDL Tester under Using the Java Wrapper.

Calling the IDL Tester

Start of instruction setTo call the IDL Tester

  • Select an IDL file, and from the context menu, choose Software AG IDL Tester. This launches the IDL Tester.


The dialog contains fields for Broker ID and server address and buttons, a message area for general output and error messages, and a parameter area with the input and output parameters. The fields for the input parameters have a white background and the fields for the output parameters are disabled and have a gray background.

Broker ID and server address are displayed as specified in the properties of the IDL file; they can be modified. To modify the server address, it is sufficient to enter the server; RPC/CALLNAT will be added automatically.

Button Explanation
Call Perform the remote procedure call.
Ping Ping the broker and the RPC server.
Open Conversation Open a conversational RPC (only visible if no conversation is open).
Commit Conversation Close the conversational RPC and commit the conversation (only visible after Open Conversation).
Abort Conversation Close the conversational RPC and abort the conversation (only visible after Open Conversation).
Reset Reset the message area and the parameters.
Exit Exit the IDL Tester.

The bottom of the dialog contains text fields for the parameters of the Software AG IDL file. These fields are prefixed with the group level, field name and type. IN and INOUT parameters can be edited, OUT parameters cannot be modified. The fields for INOUT and OUT parameters are updated after a successful call. Array elements must be separated by a semicolon. The last array element behind a semicolon will be used to fill up the array completely, e.g. (I4/5) and value 1;2 results in 1;2;2;2;2, but value 1;2; results in 1;2;;;.

The File Menu contains the entries Options and Exit. The Options dialog allows you to set user credentials. See Using the Broker and RPC User ID/Password.

Start of instruction setTo execute the remote call via EntireX Broker

  • Use the Call button or press Return in one of the input parameter fields.

If the Broker returns errors (a BrokerException is thrown), the error message is displayed in the Messages area.

Start of instruction setTo ping the Broker and the RPC server

  • Use the Ping button.

Start of instruction setTo delete the entries in the message area and the parameter fields

  • Use the Reset button.

Using the Broker and RPC User ID/Password

EntireX supports two user ID/password pairs: a broker user ID/password pair and an (optional) RPC user ID/password pair sent from RPC clients to RPC servers. With EntireX Security, the broker user ID/password pair can be checked for authentication and authorization.

The RPC user ID/password pair is designed to be used by the receiving RPC server. This component's configuration determines whether the pair is considered or not. Useful scenarios are:

  • Credentials for Natural Security

  • Impersonation under z/OS (CICS, Batch, IMS) | z/VSE (CICS)

  • Web Service Transport Security with the RPC Server for XML/SOAP, see XML Mapping Files

  • Service execution with client credentials for EntireX Adapter Listeners, see Configuring Listeners

  • etc.

Sending the RPC user ID/password pair needs to be explicitly enabled by the RPC client. If it is enabled but no RPC user ID/password pair is provided, the broker user ID/password pair is inherited to the RPC user ID/password pair.

With the check box Natural Logon, sending the RPC user ID/password pair is enabled for the IDL Tester. If you do so, we strongly recommend using SSL/TLS. See SSL/TLS and Certificates with EntireX.

Start of instruction setTo use the broker and RPC user ID/password

  1. Specify User and Password as Broker Authentication in the Options dialog.


  2. Check the check box Natural Logon to enable sending the RPC user ID/password pair.

  3. If different user IDs and/or passwords are used for broker and RPC, enter RPC User ID and RPC Password to provide a different RPC user ID/password pair.

  4. By default the library name sent to the RPC server is retrieved from the IDL file (see library-definition under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation). The library name can be overwritten. This is useful if communicating with a Natural RPC server. Specify a Natural Library.