Designer 10.5 | Centrasite Eclipse UI Help | Tasks | Working with Registry Objects | Creating Services
Creating Services
In order to represent a Web service in CentraSite, you will usually use the Importing Web Services function. In some cases, however, you may wish to manually create the Assets and Registry Objects for a Web service.
The following registry objects are required to represent a Web service:
*An object of the Service type representing the service itself.
*ServiceBinding objects that describe a specific way to access a specific interface offered by a service. Each service may have a set of service bindings.
*SpecificationLink objects that link a service binding and a registry object which represents a service interface with operations or a specification that describes how to use the service via the service binding. Each service binding may have a set of specification link instances. Usually, registry objects linked to a service by a specification link are categories or objects of the Interface type. The linked objects are displayed below the corresponding specification links in the tree.
*An external link to a WSDL file in the CentraSite repository describing the service.
*To manually create these objects and files
1. Do one of the following:
*Use the Asset Types View or My View to display any assets in the Contents View. Click in the toolbar of the Contents view.
*In the Registry Explorer View, select the organization that provides the Web service. Select New > Service in the context menu.
2. On the Asset Details page of the Create Asset wizard, select the organization to which the new service is to be assigned.
3. Select Service as the type.
4. Enter the name and, optionally, a description for the new service. The name and description you enter in the dialog are stored for the language selected in the Changing Preference Settings of the Eclipse Workbench.
5. Click Finish to open the Details Editor for the new service.
6. Use the tabs in the editor to Updating Registry Objects.
7. Save the service's definition, for example, by selecting File > Save from the main menu or by typing Ctrl+S.
8. Add the service bindings to the service, for example, by navigating to the service in a CentraSite navigation or list view and selecting New > Service Binding from the service's context menu.
9. Add specification links to each service binding as required, for example, by navigating to a service binding in a CentraSite navigation or list view and selecting New > Specification Link from the service binding's context menu.
10. Attach the appropriate WSDL file to the service. You can do this in one of the following ways:
*Use the Importing Web Services function and specify the appropriate WSDL file. As a prerequisite, the service object in the registry must have the following Classifying Registry Objects: uddi-org:xml:namespace taxonomy, namespace in WSDL file specified as the classification value. uddi-org:xml:localName taxonomy, service's name in WSDL file specified as the classification value. The import function can thus locate the service in the WSDL file and update the registry and repository accordingly.
*Use the Attach WSDL option in the context menu of the service object in the registry. This menu option displays a dialog where you can specify the WSDL file to be used in the same way as when importing a Web service. In this case, the service's namespace and local name in the registry are set to the namespace and local name specified in the WSDL file.