webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Creating Projects | Mapping a Repository-Based Project
Mapping a Repository-Based Project
You define a deployment map for a repository-based project with the <DeploymentMap> and <MapSetMapping> tags as follows:
name="map name" description="map description"></DeploymentMap>

<MapSetMapping mapname="map name"setName="name of deployment or
deletion set
<alias type="alias_type">target_server_alias</alias>

<alias logicalServer="logical_server"type="alias_type">target server alias
Note: If the project already has a map with the same name, Deployer overwrites it.
The following table describes the attributes in the <DeploymentMap> tag. Each attribute corresponds to a field in the GUI as described in Mapping a Project to Target Servers and Target Groups.
Name of the deployment map. This attribute corresponds to the Name field.
Description of the deployment map. This attribute corresponds to the Description field.
The <MapSetMapping> tag uses the following attributes to define the aliases contained in each deployment map:
Name of the deployment map. This attribute should match the name attribute of the <DeploymentMap> tag.
Name of the deployment or deletion set.
*For deployment sets, this attribute should match the name attribute of the <DeploymentSet> tag as described in Defining Deployment and Deletion Sets for Runtime-Based Deployment or Defining a Deployment Set for Repository-Based Deployment.
*For deletion sets, this attribute should match the name attribute of the <DeletionSet> tag as described in Defining Deployment and Deletion Sets for Runtime-Based Deployment or Defining a Deletion Set for Repository-Based Deployment.
alias type
The runtime type of the target server alias. This attribute corresponds to the Select Server list described in Mapping a Project to Target Servers and Target Groups.
alias logicalServer
(BPM assets only.) The logical server alias of the target server. This attribute corresponds to the Physical Server field as described in Connecting to BPM Process Model Servers.
The server alias of the target server. This attribute corresponds to the target server you select when you click Add Target Server as described in Mapping a Project to Target Servers and Target Groups.
group type
The runtime type of the target group. This attribute corresponds to the Select Server list described in Mapping a Project to Target Servers and Target Groups.
group logicalServer
(BPM assets only.) The logical server to which the target group is mapped. This attribute corresponds to the target server or target group you select after you click Add Target Group as described in Mapping a Project to Target Servers and Target Groups.
The group mapping for assets that are not targeted to a logical server. This attribute corresponds to the target group you select when you click Add Target Group as described in Mapping a Project to Target Servers and Target Groups.

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