webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Creating Projects
Creating Projects
Defining Deployment and Deletion Sets for Runtime-Based Deployment
Defining a Deployment Set for Repository-Based Deployment
Defining a Deletion Set for Repository-Based Deployment
Building a Project for Runtime-Based Deployment
Mapping a Project
Mapping a Runtime-Based Project
Mapping a Repository-Based Project
Creating a Deployment Candidate for Runtime-Based Deployment
Creating a Deployment Candidate for Repository-Based Deployment
You create projects in the <Projects> tag as follows:
<Project overwrite="true" name="project_name"
<Property name= "projectLocking">true/false</Property>
<Property name= "concurrentDeployment">true/false</Property>
<Property name= "ignoreMissingDependencies">true/false</Property>
<Property name= "isTransactionalDeployment">true/false</Property>

Note: You can specify attributes in the <DeletionSet> tag for repository-based deployment only.
Note: The <Component> and <Composite> tags define the components and composites for repository-based deployment projects only. They are not used for runtime-based deployment projects.
The <Projects> tag can contain the following attribute:
Optional. Specify a prefix for projects created using Project Automator. For example, if you specified <Projects projectPrefix="Auto_">, the names of projects created using Project Automator would be prefixed by “Auto_”.
The <Projects> tag can contain several <Project> tags, one for each project you want Project Automator to create. You can specify the following attributes for the <Project> tag:
Determines how Project Automator proceeds if Deployer already contains a project with the same name as one you define. Set to:
*true to overwrite the project.
*false keep the project, write an error, and continue to the next <Project> tag.
Name of the project.
Description of the project.
For repository-based projects, the <ProjectProperties> tag contains the individual project properties that you can edit for the project. If no project properties are specified, the project adopts the settings specified for all projects. For more information about setting project settings for all projects, see Setting Default Properties for All Projects.
Indicates whether locking is enabled or disabled for the project. When set to true, locking is enabled for the project.
concurrent Deployment
Indicates whether Deployer deploys assets concurrently. When set to true concurrent deployment is enabled.
ignoreMissing Dependencies
Indicates whether Deployer ignores missing dependencies. When set to true, Deployer ignores missing dependencies for the project. If this attribute is set to false and the project contains missing dependencies, deployment fails.
isTransactional Deployment
Indicates whether Deployer automatically creates a checkpoint prior to delivering and activating deployment and deletion sets. When set to true, transactional deployment is enabled. When transactional deployment is enabled and activation fails, Deployer triggers a roll back automatically and restores the target servers to the state of the prior activation.
The following sections describe the tasks you can perform using tags of the parent <Project> tag.

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