webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Creating Projects | Defining a Deployment Set for Repository-Based Deployment
Defining a Deployment Set for Repository-Based Deployment
You define deployment sets for repository-based deployment as follows:
autoResolve="full|partial|ignore" description="description"
name="deployment_set" srcAlias="repository">
<Composite name="name"
componentType="component_type" compositeName="name" name="name"
srcAlias="repository_alias" type="runtime_type"/>
The <DeploymentSet> tag must include the autoResolve, description, name, and srcAlias attributes. The following table describes each of these attributes.
Specifies how Deployer should resolve unresolved dependencies in the deployment set. Set to:
*full to resolve the unresolved dependencies for the deployment set by adding the entire referenced composite. This setting corresponds to the Auto resolve by Composite field in the GUI. For more information, see Resolving Dependencies Automatically.
*partial to resolve the unresolved dependencies for the deployment set by adding only the referenced assets. Adding only the referenced assets, instead of the entire referenced composite, is referred to as partial deployment. You can use partial deployment for only Integration Server, CloudStreams, Trading Networks, or Broker (including JNDI) assets. This setting corresponds to the Auto resolve by Asset field in the GUI. For more information, see Resolving Dependencies Automatically.
*ignore to ignore unresolved dependencies. This corresponds to manually resolving dependencies by setting the Unset/Add/Ignore column to Ignore for an asset. For more information, see Resolving Dependencies Manually.
This attribute corresponds with the Description field described in Creating a Deployment Set.
Name of the deployment set. This attribute corresponds with the Name field described in Creating a Deployment Set.
The repository alias for the component. This attribute corresponds with the Name field described in Connecting to a Repository for Repository-Based Deployment.
The <Composite> tag describes composites that are part of the deployment set. You can set the following attributes for the <Composite> tag.
Name of composite from the ACDL. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, if you set name to “Deploy*”, Project Automator adds all composites with a name beginning with “Deploy” to the deployment set.
To use a wildcard character to return composites that contain an asterisk (*) in the name, you must add an escape character (\) before the asterisk in name (example, \*). For example, to add all composites with the name “project*”, you would set name to “project\**”. To add all composites with the name “*project”, you would set name to “\*project*”.
Alias name of the server on which the component is located. This attribute corresponds with the Name field described in Connecting to a Repository for Repository-Based Deployment.
Runtime type of the asset. Set to:
Note: Deployer supports deployment of assets to Event Servers of version 9.5 or earlier only.
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, if you set type to “*”, Project Automator adds composites from all runtimes to the deployment set.
The <Component> tag describes the assets that are part of the deployment set. You can set the following attributes for the <Component> tag.
Type of asset. For example, isdocumenttype.
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, if the componentType attribute is set to “*”, Project Automator adds all asset types to the deployment set.
Name of composite in which the asset is located. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, if the compositeName attribute is set to “is*”, Project Automator adds all assets with a composite name beginning with “is” to the deployment set.
To use a wildcard character to return all composites that contain an asterisk (*) in the name, you must add an escape character (\) before the asterisk in compositeName (example, \*). For example, to add assets from composites with the name “project*”, you would set compositeName to “project\**”. To add all composites with the name “*project”, you would set compositeName to “\*project*”.
Name of the asset. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, if the name attribute is set to “is*”, Project Automator adds all assets with a name beginning with “is” to the deployment set.
To use a wildcard character to return all assets that contain an asterisk (*) in the name, you must add an escape character (\) before the asterisk in name (example, \*). For example, to add all assets with the name “project*”, you would set name to “project\**”. To add all assets with the name “*project”, you would set name to “\*project*”.
Alias name of the host server.
Runtime type of the asset. Set to:
Note: Deployer supports deployment of assets to Event Servers of version 9.5 or earlier only.
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, if you set type to “*”, Project Automator adds assets from all runtimes to the deployment set.

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