webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Creating Projects | Defining a Deletion Set for Repository-Based Deployment
Defining a Deletion Set for Repository-Based Deployment
You define deletion sets for repository-based deployment as follows:
autoResolve="full" description="description" name="deletion_set">

<Component componentType="component_type" compositeName="composite_name"
name="name" srcAlias="repository_alias" type="runtime_type"/>

Note: Application Platform has different assets when deploying from a repository and when defining a deletion set. Deletion set assets represent the entire parent composite. This is because Application Platform cannot delete individual assets. Therefore you must set name=compositeName and type=compositeType. Thus there are only three types of deletion-time assets: "bundle", "war", and "properties".
The following table describes the attributes in the <DeletionSet> tag:
Note: For a description of the attributes for the <Component> tag, see Defining a Deployment Set for Repository-Based Deployment.
The autoResolve attribute is optional, but if you supply a value, set it to full. If autoResolve is set to full, Deployer automatically finds dependent assets and adds them to the deletion set. If autoResolve is not supplied and Deployer finds dependent assets, Deployer creates the deletion set with unresolved dependencies and deployment will fail. For more information about the autoResolve attribute, see Defining a Deployment Set for Repository-Based Deployment.
Description for the deletion set. This attribute corresponds with the Description field described in Creating a Deletion Set.
Name to use for the deletion set. This attribute corresponds with the Name field described in Creating a Deletion Set.

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