webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target Servers | Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target webMethods Brokers
Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target webMethods Brokers
You can set up aliases for source and target Broker Servers for either basic authentication, SSL authentication, or neither.
Basic Authentication
The following example illustrates how to set up a Broker alias that uses basic authentication.
<brokeralias name="alias name">
<brokerName>Broker name</brokerName>
<clientGroup>client group</clientGroup>
<host>Broker server host</host>
<port>Broker Server port</port>
<user>basic authorization user name</user>
<pwd>basic authorization password</pwd> OR <pwdHandle>handle</pwdHandle>
<context>JNDI context</context>
For detailed information on the values to supply for the following attributes, see Connecting to Broker Servers.
brokeralias name
Name to assign to the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Name field.
Name of the source or target webMethods Broker. This attribute corresponds to the BrokerName field.
Client group Deployer should use to access the source or target Broker Server. For target Broker Servers, specify admin.
This attribute corresponds with the Client Group field.
Host name or IP address of the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Host field.
Port for the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Port field.
Set to true to connect to the Broker Server using basic authentication. This attribute corresponds to the Client Authentication > Username/Password check box.
Basic authentication user name. This attribute corresponds to the Username field.
Basic authentication password. This attribute corresponds to the Password field. You must specify either pwd or pwdHandle.
Note: Project Automator encrypts passwords the first time it runs. If you must change the passwords in the future, change the passwords in the XML file and run Project Automator to encrypt the passwords again.
The password handle. You must specify either pwd or pwdHandle. For more information about creating a password handle, see Using Handles Instead of Passwords.
Version of the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Version field.
JNDI context. Required if the Broker Server serves as a JNDI provider. This attribute corresponds to the Context field.
Specifies whether Deployer should test the connection to the servers. Set to:
*true to test the connection to the target server. If Project Automator cannot ping the target server, it registers an error and handles the error according to the exitOnError attribute of the <DeployerSpec> tag. For more information, see Root Tag.
*false to create the source alias without testing the connection to the target server.
SSL Authentication
The following example illustrates how to set up a Broker alias that uses SSL authentication.

<brokeralias name="alias name">
<brokerName>Broker name</brokerName>
<clientGroup>client group</clientGroup>
<host>Broker server host</host>
<port>Broker Server port</port>
<keyStoreType>Deployer keystore type</keyStoreType>

<keyStorePath>Deployer keystore path</keyStorePath>

<keyStorepassword>Deployer keystore password</keyStorepassword>
<trustStoreType>Deployer trust store type</trustStoreType>
<trustStorePath>Deployer truststore path</trustStorePath>
<context>JNDI context</context>
For detailed information on the values to supply for the following attributes, see Connecting to Broker Servers.
brokeralias name
Name to assign to the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Name field.
Name of the source or target webMethods Broker. This attribute corresponds to the BrokerName field.
Client group Deployer should use to access the source or target Broker Server. For target Broker Servers, specify admin.
This attribute corresponds with the Client Group field.
Host name or IP address of the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Host field.
Port for the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Port field.
Set to true to connect to the Broker Server using SSL authentication. This attribute corresponds to the Client Authentication > SSL check box.
Version of the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Version field.
File type of Deployer's keystore file. This attribute corresponds to the Keystore Type field.
Full path to Deployer's keystore file. This attribute corresponds to the DeployerKeystore field.
keyStore password
Password that Deployer uses to access its keystore file. This attribute corresponds to the Keystore Password field.
File type of Deployer's truststore file. This attribute corresponds to the Truststore Type field.
Full path to Deployer's truststore file. This attribute corresponds to the DeployerTruststore field.
JNDI context. Required if the Broker Server serves as a JNDI provider. This attribute corresponds to the Context field.
Specifies whether Deployer should test the connection to the servers. Set to:
*true to test the connection to the target server. If Project Automator cannot ping the target server, it registers an error and handles the error according to the exitOnError attribute of the <DeployerSpec> tag. For more information, see Root Tag.
*false to create the source alias without testing the connection to the target server.
No Authentication
The following example illustrates how to set up a Broker alias that does not use client authentication.
<brokeralias name="alias name">
<brokerName>Broker name</brokerName>
<clientGroup>client group</clientGroup>
<host>Broker server host</host>
<port>Broker Server port</port>
<version>version number</version>
<context>JNDI context</context>
For detailed information about the values to supply for the following attributes, see Connecting to Broker Servers.
brokeralias name
Name to assign to the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Name field.
Name of the source or target webMethods Broker. This attribute corresponds to the BrokerName field.
Client group Deployer should use to access the source or target Broker Server. For target Broker Servers, type admin.
This attribute corresponds to the Client Group field.
Host name or IP address of the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Host field.
Port for the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Port field.
Set to false to connect to the Broker Server without any client authentication. This attribute corresponds to the Client Authentication > None check box.
Version of the Broker Server. This attribute corresponds to the Version field.
JNDI context. Required if the Broker Server serves as a JNDI provider. This attribute corresponds to the Context field.
Specifies whether Deployer should test the connection to the servers. Set to:
*true to test the connection to the target server. If Project Automator cannot ping the target server, it registers an error and handles the error according to the exitOnError attribute of the <DeployerSpec> tag. For more information, see Root Tag.
*false to create the source alias without testing the connection to the target server.

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