webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Source Repositories
Setting Up Aliases for Target ActiveTransfer Server Instances
Setting Up Aliases for Target AgileApps Cloud Deployment Endpoints
Setting Up Aliases for Target API Gateway Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Target Application Platform Deployment Endpoints
Setting Up Aliases for Target Digital Event Services Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target webMethods Brokers
Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target Process Model Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target Integration Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target My webMethods Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target Optimize Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Target Event Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Target EDA Deployment Endpoints
Setting Up Aliases for Target Business Rules Integration Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Target Business Rules My webMethods Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Target Universal Messaging Servers
Setting Up Aliases for Target Groups
You set up aliases for both source and target servers or only target servers, target groups, and source repositories in the <Environment> tag. For example:

</{webMethods Broker|ProcessModel|IS|MWS|Optimize|EventServer|RulesServer|EDA|
The following sections describe each tag within the <Environment> tag in detail.
If Deployer already contains an alias with the same name as one you define, Deployer overwrites the alias.
Note: The credentials for <user>, <pwd>, and <pwdHandle> asset tags must be those for a user with Administrator ACL authorization or for a user that belongs to a group that has Internal, Developer, and Deployer Admin ACLs to create Deployer runtime aliases and projects.

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