webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Starting Deployer and Connecting to Servers | Connecting to webMethods Servers | Connecting to Broker Servers
Connecting to Broker Servers
Important: webMethods Broker has been deprecated.
For each source and target Broker, Deployer must connect to the Broker Server that controls that Broker.
* To connect to source and target Broker Servers
1. In Deployer, go to the Servers > Broker page.
2. For every source or target Broker, click Configure Broker Server and complete these fields:
Name to assign to the Broker Server. The name can be up to 32 characters long and cannot contain spaces or the following special characters:
$ ~ / \ # & @ ^ ! % * : ; , + = > < ‘ ’ "
Host name or IP address of the Broker Server.
Port for the Broker Server.
Version of the Broker Server that matches the version of the project as defined by the host server alias. For information about selecting the version, see Connecting to webMethods Servers.
Broker Name
Name of the source or target webMethods Broker.
Client Group
Client group for Deployer to use to access the source or target Broker Server. For target Broker Servers, type admin.
Note: To connect, Deployer must belong to the specified Broker client group and have access permission.
JNDI context to use when the Broker Server serves as a JNDI provider.
Client Authentication
Whether Deployer should use client authentication to connect to the Broker Server. Select:
*None to connect to the Broker Server without any client authentication.
*SSL to connect to the Broker Server using SSL authentication. If you select this option, you must complete the Deployer Keystore, Keystore Type, Keystore Password, DeployerTruststore, and Truststore Type fields.
Note: You can only use SSL if the Broker Server is configured to use SSL authentication.
*Basic Authentication to connect to the Broker Server using basic authentication. If you select this option, you must complete the Username and Password fields.
Note: You can only use Basic Authentication if the Broker Server is configured to use basic authentication.
Full path to Deployer's keystore file. The keystore contains the SSL credentials (private key and signed certificate) that the Broker Server uses to authenticate Deployer's identity and establish an SSL connection. Required if you specify SSL for Client Authentication.
Keystore Type
File type of Deployer's keystore file. Required if you specify SSL for Client Authentication.
Keystore Password
Password that Deployer uses to access its keystore file. Required if you specify SSL for Client Authentication.
Full path to Deployer's truststore file. The truststore contains the trusted roots for Deployer's SSL certificates. Required if you specify SSL for Client Authentication.
Truststore Type
File type of Deployer's truststore file. Required if you specify SSL for Client Authentication.
Basic authentication user name. Required for Basic Authentication.
Basic authentication password. Required for Basic Authentication.
3. Click Configure. To test the connection, click .

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