webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Using Handles Instead of Passwords
Using Handles Instead of Passwords
Creating Password Handles
Modifying Password Handle Associations
Deleting Password Handles
Project Automator uses the pwd attribute to store server passwords in projects. This attribute is encrypted the first time you run Project Automator. In order to avoid passing passwords in clear text the first time you run Project Automator, you can use a password handle. Password handles allow you to create a password on the host Integration Server along with a corresponding key (or handle) which you then store in clear text in the pwdHandle attribute. The handle is encrypted as an outbound password using the Password-Based Encryption (PBE) technology installed with Integration Server. For more information about how Integration Server manages outbound passwords, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Project Automator gets the password associated to the password handle specified in the pwdHandle element. You create and manage password handles in the Deployer GUI. You can also delete and modify password handles as needed.
Keep the following points in mind when using password handles:
*Password handles are valid only when Project Automator is running on the same host Integration Server on which the password handles are created.
*When using password handles, Project Automator can connect only to a Deployer installed in same directory as Project Automator itself.

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