webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target Servers | Setting Up Aliases for Source Repositories
Setting Up Aliases for Source Repositories
For repository-based deployment, you define the repository as the source server. This location identifies the repository directory from which the assets should be deployed.
Note: You can set up aliases for source repositories for repository-based deployment only.

<repalias name="name">

<createIndex>true or false</createIndex>
<Test>true or false</Test>

For more information about the values to supply for the following attributes, see Connecting to a Repository for Repository-Based Deployment.
repalias name
The name to use for the repository alias. This attribute corresponds to the Name field.
The type of repository file. Set to FlatFile.
The full path of the repository directory in which the composites are located. This attribute corresponds to the File Directory field.
Specifies whether Deployer should create the index.
Set to:
*true to create the index in the source repository.
*false if you do not want to create the index in the source repository.
Default is false.
Specifies whether Deployer should test the connection to the source repository. Set to:
*true to test the connection to the target server. If Project Automator cannot ping the target server, it registers an error and handles the error according to the exitOnError attribute of the <DeployerSpec> tag. For more information, see Root Tag.
*false to create the source alias without testing the connection to the target server.

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