webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Setting Up Aliases for Source and Target Servers | Setting Up Aliases for Target Groups
Setting Up Aliases for Target Groups
Use the <TargetGroup> tag to define the aliases to include in target groups as follows:
group description
" isLogicalCluster="true or
false" name="alias name" type="runtime_type" version="version_number">
<cluster name="cluster name">server,server,server...</cluster>

<cluster name="cluster name">server,server,server...</cluster>

For information on the values to supply for the following attributes, see Creating Target Groups.
Description of the target group. This attribute corresponds to the Description field.
isLogical Cluster
(Runtime-based deployment only.) Specifies whether Deployer should automatically roll back the deployment on all servers in the group if deployment fails on any of the servers in the target group. This attribute corresponds to the Rollback All on Failure field. Set to:
*true to roll back all of the servers in the target group if deployment fails on one of the servers in the target group.
*false to keep Deployer from rolling back all of the servers in the target group if deployment to one of the servers encounters a failure.
Note: The isLogicalCluster attribute is valid for runtime-based deployment only. Deployer ignores this attribute for repository-based deployment.
Name to use for the target group. This attribute corresponds to the Name field.
The runtime type of the target group. Set to:
Note: Deployer supports deployment of assets to Event Servers of version 9.5 or earlier only.
Version of the server. This attribute corresponds to the Version field.
The aliases of the servers to include in the target group. Each alias should have its own alias attribute.
cluster name
A list of Integration Server or process model clusters.

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