webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deploying a Project | Deploying a Project
Deploying a Project
When you deploy a project, Deployer deploys the assets in the project to the target servers.
You can simulate a deployment before you actually deploy. When you simulate a deployment, Deployer generates a simulation report that scans the target servers and alerts you to some potential problems before you deploy. You can address problems and re-generate the simulation reports until all problems are resolved. A simulation report contains information such as the following:
*Assets that will be suspended during deployment.
*Assets that will be enabled after deployment.
*Changes that will occur on the target servers, such as the assets that will be added or overwritten, and configuration values that will be substituted for Integration Server assets.
*Messages about problems, such as unresolved dependencies.
* To deploy a project
1. If you chose to suspend triggers, ports, and scheduled tasks, but a service is triggered by one of these assets before Deployer suspends them, and the service is a long-running service, Deployer might overwrite the service during deployment. Make sure long-running services have completed.
2. In Deployer, go to the Deployer > Projects page.
3. If locking is enabled, in the Lock Status column for the project, click to lock the project.
4. In the Name column, click the project.
5. In the right-hand pane, click Deploy. Deployer displays the Projects > project > Deploy page and lists all deployment candidates that exist for the selected project.
6. In the left-hand pane, click Create Deployment Candidate.
7. Set the Create Deployment Candidate parameters as follows:
Accept the default deployment candidate name or replace it with a name that you choose. The name can be up to 32 characters long and cannot contain spaces or the following illegal characters:
$ ~ / \ # & @ ^ ! % * : ; , + = > < ‘ ’ "
Type a description for the deployment candidate. The description length has no limit and can include any characters.
Project Build
(Run-time based deployment only.) Click the project build to deploy.
Deployment Map
Click the deployment map that identifies the target servers to which to deploy the assets.
If the words Missing referenced assets appear next to the map name in the list, it means that you resolved an unresolved dependency using the Exists option, but the referenced asset does not exist on the target server. You can place the referenced asset on the target servers, or you can return to the project definition stage and re-resolve the dependency in a different way. For more information, see Resolving Dependencies (for runtime-based deployment) or Resolving Dependencies (for repository-based deployment).
If you do not address the problem during the mapping task, Deployer will write a message about the problem to the simulation report. If you deploy without addressing the problem, Deployer will not deploy the deployment set.
8. Click Create.
In the candidate list in the left-hand pane, if the selected build and the current project definition are in sync, the Status column shows . If the project definition has changed since the build was created, the column shows .
9. If you want to see the progress report, click in the Progress Report column.
The progress report displays the updates for simulate, deploy, checkpoint and rollback requests as they occur. This is useful in the case where the deployment build is large and it takes a long time to complete the action.
Note: If you are deploying a runtime-based project, you can rebuild the project build before proceeding. For instructions, see Rebuilding a Build.
10. If you want to simulate the deployment, in the Deployment Candidates list, click in the Simulate column.
The simulation report appears in the right-hand pane in the Deployment History area. Click next to Simulation in the Report Type column to display the report. Read the report and address all problems. The report is also available under the name project_name_previewReport_reportID.xml in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\pub\projects\project_name\targets\deployment_map\reports folder, where project_name is the name of the project and deployment_map is the name of the deployment map.
Note: If you do not address all problems at this time, you will probably experience errors during the deployment. For instructions on resolving unresolved dependencies, see Resolving Dependencies (for runtime-based deployment) or Resolving Dependencies (for repository-based deployment).
11. Click in the Deploy column for the deployment candidate. Deployer does the following:
*Deploys the assets in the project to the target servers.
*Creates a deployment report and lists the report in the Deployment History area. Click next to Deployment Report in the Report Type column to display the report. The report contains similar information to the simulation report, except that the events have actually occurred at this point. The report is also available under the name project_name_auditReport_reportID.xml in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\pub\projects\project_name\targets\deployment_map\reports folder, where project_name is the name of the project and deployment_map is the name of the deployment map.
*If you are creating a runtime-based deployment project, Deployer performs the following additional tasks:
*If you chose automatic checkpointing or automatic rollback in the project properties, Deployer automatically generates a checkpoint at this time. If you chose manual checkpointing and no checkpoint exists, Deployer asks whether you want to deploy anyway. If you deploy without a checkpoint, you will not be able to roll back the target servers.
*If the project build contains deletion set definitions, Deployer deletes the specified assets from the target servers you identified in the selected deployment map.
*If you are creating a repository-based deployment project and you set the Enable Transactional Deployment property to Yes, Deployer creates the checkpoint for the target server. For more information about the Enable Transactional Deployment property, see Creating a Project.

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