webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Resolving Dependencies
Resolving Dependencies
Resolving Dependencies Automatically
Resolving Dependencies Manually
Deployer can determine when assets that are in a composite require other assets. The assets that require assets from other composites are called dependent assets, while the assets that are required are called referenced assets.
Deployer identifies missing referenced assets as follows:
*Unresolved dependencies are those dependencies that are present in the repository, but not in the deployment set. Deployer enables you to add, ignore, or automatically resolve those dependencies. Deployer checks dependencies automatically and shows one of the following in the Unresolved Dependencies column for the deployment set:
Deployer shows...
When an asset in a composite contains...
Unresolved dependencies. You can resolve dependencies automatically or manually.
*For information about resolving dependencies automatically, see Resolving Dependencies Automatically.
*For information about resolving dependencies manually, see Resolving Dependencies Manually.
No unresolved dependencies.
*Missing dependencies are those dependencies that are not available in the repository, so you cannot add them to your deployment set. You can set Deployer to ignore missing dependencies when you create the project (see Creating a Project) or when you check unresolved dependencies. For more information about setting missing dependency options while checking for unresolved dependencies, see Resolving Dependencies Manually.

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