webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Creating and Managing Projects | Creating a Project
Creating a Project
You can create a project by creating a new, blank project or by copying an existing project and modifying it.
* To create a project
1. Go to the Deployer > Projects page.
2. Create a project using one of these methods:
*To create a new project:
i. Click Create Project.
ii. In the Name box, type the name to use for the new project. The name can be up to 32 characters long and cannot contain spaces or the following illegal characters:
$ ~ / \ # & @ ^ ! % * : ; , + = > < ‘ ’ "
iii. In the Description box, type a description for the project. The description length has no limit and can include any characters.
iv. In the Project Type area, select one of the following:
To create a...
Runtime-based deployment project
Repository-based deployment project
v. Click Create.
*To create a project from an existing project:
i. Click Copy Project.
ii. In the Project to Copy box, click the project to copy.
iii. In the New Project Name box, type the name to use for the new project. The name can be up to 32 characters long and can include any characters that are valid for a file name in your operating system.
iv. Click Copy Project.
3. Review the default properties for projects in the right-hand pane and override for the project you are creating if necessary.
In the right-hand pane, Deployer displays those properties for which you can override the settings for an individual project. By default, these properties inherit the values set for the default as described in Setting Default Properties for All Projects. For example, if the global property for the Enable Concurrent Deployment property is set to Yes (for concurrent deployment), you can set an individual project to use sequential deployment by setting this property to No.
4. Depending on the specific type of project you are creating, you can set the following additional properties in the right-hand pane:
Note: For an explanation of the project properties you can set for all deployment projects, see Setting Default Properties for All Projects.
*If you are creating a repository-based project, you can set the following additional properties:
For this property...
Indicate whether Deployer should...
Enable Project Locking
Whether locking is enabled or disabled for the project. Click Yes to enable locking. Click No to disable locking.
Enable Concurrent Deployment
Deploy assets concurrently. Click Yes to deploy assets concurrently. If you want to deploy assets sequentially, click No. For more information about concurrent and sequential deployment, see Concurrent and Sequential Deployment.
Ignore Missing Dependencies
Ignore missing dependencies. If you click Yes, Deployer deploys the composite even when the dependent composite is not available on the repository.
Enable Transactional Deployment
Automatically create a checkpoint prior to delivering and activating deployment and deletion sets. If set to Yes (the default), transactional deployment is enabled.
When transactional deployment is enabled and activation fails, Deployer triggers a roll back automatically and restores the target servers to the state of the prior activation.
*If the project is for IS & TN, see Setting the Defaults for Integration Server and Trading Networks Projects.
*If the project is for Optimize, you can set the following properties under the OptimizeOptions area:
Note: The following properties are available only for Deployer 8.2 SP1 and earlier.
For this property...
Indicate whether Deployer should...
Include Dimension Values
Indicates whether Deployer should include the values for dimensions you add to deployment sets (for example, Customer Names or Product Types).
Display Data Definition Statements
Indicates whether Deployer should display the values for data definition statements in the binary stored in the project build.
*If the project is for process models, you can set the following properties for the project under the ProcessModel Deployment Options area. For more information about process models, see webMethods Monitor User’s Guide.
For this property...
Indicate whether Deployer should...
Enable process for execution
Enable webMethods-executed business process versions for execution after deployment. When a process version is enabled, the Process Engine uses the enabled version when starting new process instances. When a process is disabled, the Process Engine does not use the process version for new process instances.
Only one version of a process can be enabled at a time. If there are no enabled process versions, the Process Engine will not start any process instances of the process.
Enable process for analysis
Enable webMethods-executed processes for analysis after deployment. When a process is enabled, the Process Engine forwards all process instance activity to the Optimize Analytic Engines. When a process is disabled, no activity is forwarded.
*If the project is for My webMethods Server, you can set these properties for the project under the MWS Deployment Options area:
For this property...
Indicate whether Deployer should...
Export Subscriptions
Deploy subscriptions for My webMethods Server assets you are deploying.
Export Access Control Lists
Deploy ACLs for My webMethods Server assets you are deploying.
Export Principal Attributes
Include attributes contained in attributes providers when exporting users, groups, and roles.
Export Content As Reference
Export a reference to the page content without deploying the content.
Alias Prefix
Apply the specified prefix to every automatically generated My webMethods Server alias.
Export Version History
Include all versions of an asset in Portal version control. This applies to the content within a page or folder.
Auto Generate Aliases
Automatically generate an alias on the target My webMethods Server for every My webMethods Server asset that is deployed. If an asset already has one or more aliases, then the aliases are retained when the auto-generated alias is added.
Export Content (Documents)
Deploy content referenced by portal pages and folders you are deploying (for example, a PDF document that has been published on a portal page you are deploying).
Page Depth
If the value of this property is 1, all first level child pages that are under a selected parent page are deployed, even if the child pages are not selected in the deployment set. Default value is 1.
If the value of this property is 0, only those child pages that are selected will be deployed. Child pages that are not selected will not be deployed.
5. Click Save.

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