webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Runtime-Based Deployment | Resolving Dependencies
Resolving Dependencies
Deployer can determine when assets that are in a deployment set require other assets that are not in the deployment set. The assets that require other assets are called dependent assets, while the assets that are required are called referenced assets. Deployer identifies missing referenced assets as unresolved dependencies.
Deployment Set
Example of Unresolved Dependencies
webMethods Broker
If you add a client group but not the documents to which the client group can publish or subscribe, the documents are unresolved dependencies.
If you add a trigger but not the service that is invoked by the trigger, the service is an unresolved dependency.
If you add a page but not the portlets that are referenced by the page, the portlets are unresolved dependencies.
If you add a rule but not the dimensions used by the rule, the dimensions are unresolved dependencies.
If you add a process model but not the flow services called by the process model, the flow services are unresolved dependencies.
In the project properties (Setting the Dependency Checking Default), you indicated how you want to check dependencies in the deployment sets. When Deployer automatically checks dependencies and finds unresolved dependencies in a deployment set, it shows in the Unresolved Dependencies column for the deployment set; when there are no unresolved dependencies, Deployer shows in the column. When you can check dependencies manually, Deployer shows in the Unresolved Dependencies column for each deployment set; click Check next to the . If necessary, you can later "un-resolve" or remove a dependency you have resolved and resolve it again a different way.
* To resolve dependencies
1. In the Unresolved Dependencies column for the deployment set, click Check. Deployer shows all unresolved dependencies on the Unresolved Dependencies page. The Referenced Assets column lists the missing referenced assets. The next column offers the possible ways you can resolve the unresolved dependency. The Asset column shows the dependent assets.
2. Tell Deployer how to resolve each unresolved dependency. If you want to resolve all assets in a folder the same way, you can set the resolution at the folder level rather than at the level of the individual assets.
If the referenced asset does not exist on the target servers and you want to deploy the referenced asset to them, use this option. Deployer adds the referenced asset to the deployment set. For Integration Server assets, you can choose to add the referenced asset or the entire package that contains the referenced asset.
If you believe the referenced asset already exists on the target servers and you want to continue working, but you want Deployer to make sure the asset does in fact exist later, use this option. Deployer will check for the referenced asset when you map the project to target servers. If Deployer does not find the asset, an icon alerts you during the mapping task.
If you do not address the problem during the mapping task, Deployer will write a message about the problem to the simulation report. If you deploy without addressing the problem, Deployer will not deploy the deployment set.
If you want to bypass dependency checking for the referenced asset at this time so you can continue working, use this option. You might use this option if the referenced asset is missing on the source server. Missing referenced assets are marked with a question mark (?) on the Unresolved Dependencies page.
Before deploying, make sure either that the referenced asset exists on the target server or that the referenced asset is unnecessary. If the referenced asset does not exist on the target server, Deployer might not be able to deploy correctly; if it can deploy, the deployed assets will not run correctly.
Deployer will list ignored assets in the simulation report and in the deployment report.
If you have set the assets in a folder to various settings and want to start over, use this option.
3. Click Save. Deployer moves dependencies you resolved using the Exists or Ignore option to the Resolved Dependencies page.
4. To see the resolved dependencies, click Resolved Dependencies.
You can un-resolve a resolved dependency and re-resolve it differently. To un-resolve a dependency, go to the Resolved Dependencies page, select the check box in the Delete column for the resolved dependency, and click Delete. Deployer returns the dependency to the Unresolved Dependencies page. Go to that page and re-resolve the dependency.

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