webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Concepts | Deploying Projects
Deploying Projects
Checkpoint and Roll Back
Transactional Deployment
Concurrent and Sequential Deployment
To deploy a project, you first create a deployment candidate, which is a combination of a deployment set and a deployment map. For runtime-based deployment projects, the deployment candidate also includes the project build. Deployer does the following when you deploy the project:
*For projects that include deletion sets, Deployer deletes the identified assets from the target servers.
*Copies the contents of each deployment set in the deployment candidate's project to the target servers identified in the deployment candidate's deployment map.
*Creates a deployment report that lists all actions that occurred during deployment.
*For an IS & TN deployment set for which you specified substitute configuration values, Deployer substitutes those values during deployment.

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