webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Concepts | Deploying Projects | Concurrent and Sequential Deployment
Concurrent and Sequential Deployment
Deployer supports both sequential and concurrent asset deployment.
In a concurrent deployment, Deployer uses the host Integration Server thread pool to create a separate thread in order to deploy the assets to all target servers simultaneously. This is the default setting. You should configure the minimum and maximum threads in the pool to accommodate your system. For more information about setting the minimum and maximum thread pools, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide. Deployer writes records to the Audit Log to indicate that the main deployment thread has created new deployment threads for the specific target server. This allows you to track which thread belongs to each deployment request.
In a sequential deployment, Deployer deploys the assets to all target servers one by one in the order that the targets were added to the deployment map. If the project is not set to use concurrent deployment, Deployer deploys assets sequentially.
You can set concurrent deployment for all projects in the system when you set the default settings for Deployer as described in Setting General Deployment Defaults. If the default setting is set to sequential deployment and you want to use concurrent deployment for a specific project (or vice versa), you can override the default setting for that project during creation. For more information about overriding the default settings for a project, see Creating a Project.

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