webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Concepts | Deploying Projects | Checkpoint and Roll Back
Checkpoint and Roll Back
If a deployment to a target server fails and the target environment is in an inconsistent state, or a deployment is successful but the deployed assets are not working as expected, you can use Deployer’s roll back feature to undo the deployment.
For deployment sets, you create a checkpoint to which you want to roll back the target server before you deploy. The checkpoint contains a copy of the assets on the target server that will be replaced by the assets in the deployment sets.
The roll back feature rolls back the target server to the checkpoint. If the deployment sets added assets to the target servers, the roll back removes them.
You can set Deployer to automatically create a checkpoint and roll back deployment sets when deployment fails. For deletion sets, Deployer automatically creates the checkpoint for the target server. If deployment fails, Deployer automatically rolls back the target server.
For more information about setting project checkpoints and roll back settings, see Setting General Deployment Defaults.

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