webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Before Building Composites | Adding Assets to the Source Directory
Adding Assets to the Source Directory
In repository-based deployment scenarios, you create assets with a webMethods runtime and store them in a file system or version control system (VCS). The directory of the file system or VCS in which you store the assets is the source directory.
Most webMethods runtimes supply a means of exporting or saving the assets you create to the source directory. Other runtimes require you to manually copy the assets from one directory to another. For example, you can use My webMethods Server to export Broker assets to the source directory. However, to add most Integration Server administrative assets to the source directory, you must manually copy or check in the related configuration folders to the source directory. For a complete list of files and directories to copy or check in to the source directory for Integration Server administrative assets, see Adding Administrative Assets to the Source Directory.
When specifying the properties for the build.properties file, you use the build.source.dir parameter to specify the full path of each source directory. Then, when you run the build script, it packages the contents of the source directories into the correct composite file format for deploying those assets to target servers. For more information about specifying parameters for the build.properties file, see Setting the Properties for the Build. For more information about the composite files created using the build script, see Running the Build Script and Rebuilding the Index.
Keep the following points in mind while adding assets to the source directory:
*The source directory must be accessible to the build script.
*If the source directory is a file system on a VCS, you must supply the proper credentials for accessing and checking out the composite files from the source directory. For more information about supplying the VCS checkout properties, see Setting VCS Checkout Properties.

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