webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Setting the Properties for the Build | Setting VCS Checkout Properties
Setting VCS Checkout Properties
If you set enable.checkout in build.properties to true, configure the properties in build-source-checkout.xml to check out the assets from a VCS.
* To set VCS checkout properties
1. Open the following file in a text editor:
Software AG_directory \common\AssetBuildEnvironment\master_build\build-source-checkout.xml
2. Set the following properties to correspond to your VCS as follows:
Note: The build-source-checkout.xml template is specific to an SVN version control system. You might have to add more properties to make the file work with other VCS types.
Location of the open source SvnAnt libraries (http://subclipse.tigris.org/svnant.html). These libraries are required by the checkout Ant task.
To use a VCS other than SVN, modify this parameter accordingly.
User name of the SVN.
Password of the SVN.
URL of the SVN from where the build script checks out the assets.
The root directory from which the build script will check out the asset sources. This property can point to only one directory; therefore, it should be the root directory containing all projects that will be built.
For example, if your solution contains an Integration Server project, your full project directory might be /root/project/builds/webM/IS. In this case, you would not include /IS in the path. Instead, you would enter /root/project/src/webM/.
3. Save and close the file.
Note: Do not rename or remove the file from the master_build directory.

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