webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Setting the Properties for the Build
Setting the Properties for the Build
Setting Build Properties
Setting VCS Checkout Properties
Uploading Composites and Descriptors to a Git repository
Changing JVM Memory Settings
The Asset Build Environment installs the following files that you can customize to provide the build script the properties it needs, to build composites for repository-based deployment:
*build.properties. Set the properties in this file before running the build script. For more information about setting the properties in build.properties, see Setting Build Properties.
*build-number.xml. The build script uses this file to automatically version the assets included in the build incrementally. You can customize the file to generate the build number as needed (example, to match the VCS revision number).
*build-source-checkout.xml. If the build source directory is a version control system, you can use this file as a template to create an Ant task that checks out sources from a version control system (VCS). For information about setting the properties in build-source-checkout.xml, see Setting VCS Checkout Properties.
*build.bat or build.sh. When building assets that are large in number or size, you should increase the Java memory available to the build process. For more information about adjusting Java memory settings, see Changing JVM Memory Settings.
Note: When you overinstall later releases of the Asset Build Environment, your changes to these files are retained. You do not need to move the files unless you uninstall and reinstall the Asset Build Environment.
The Software AG Installer installs all three files in the following location as part of the Asset Build Environment:
Software AG_directory \common\AssetBuildEnvironment\master_build

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