Version 8.2 (2013-03-18)

Release Notes

These Release Notes contain an overview of the changed features of Application Designer Version 8.2. The following topics are covered:


See Hardware and Software Requirements in the Installation documentation.

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Changes and Enhancements

New Statusprop FOCUS_NO_SELECT

The statusprop property now supports the new value "FOCUS_NO_SELECT". See Dynamically Controlling the Visibility and the Display Status of Controls in Layout Elements.

Right-to-Left Layout Direction

When working with the Ajax Developer, you can select the layout direction in the Ajax Developer preferences, when creating a new user interface component, or when changing the properties of an existing user interface component. See the corresponding section in the Ajax Developer documentation.

The selected layout direction will then be used in the preview area of the Layout Painter.

Test Tool ID Support in TEXTOUT Controls

The TEXTOUT control now supports the property testtoolid. See also Automated Testing in the Special Development Topics.

New Parameters for cisconfig.xml

Using the new parameter maxworkplaceactivities, you can now define the maximum number of workplace activities in a workplace application.

Using the new parameter clientsideerrorinstatusbar, you can now define that client-side error messages are to be shown in the status bar and no longer as pop-ups.

See the descriptions of these parameters in the section cisconfig.xml which is part of the Configuration documentation.

Context Menu Support in FIELD Controls

Context menus are now supported in FIELD controls. The new properties contextmenu and contextmenumethod are available for this purpose. For detailed information on these properties, see the description of the FIELD control. See also Context Menu for information on how to enable context menus.

New Command in Ajax Developer

The new command Execute is available in the Ajax Developer. When you use this command with a page of type PAGE or MFPAGE (workplace), the real application is started in the browser. See also Executing and Debugging Pages of User Interface Components in the Ajax Developer documentation.

The command Run in Browser, which has been introduced with a previous service pack, has been renamed to Execute.

New Option in Ajax Developer

A new option is available which allows you to enable or disable automatic refreshing of the Layout Painter's preview area. Disabling the automatic refreshing is helpful, for example, when you work with complex controls such as ROWTABAREA. The name of this new option is Layout refresh mode. It is available in the Ajax Developer preferences and when you enable a project for Ajax Developer. For further information, see Enabling a Project for Ajax Developer and Setting the Ajax Developer Preferences in the Ajax Developer documentation.

Internet Explorer 9

Internet Explorer 9 is now supported. See also Supported Browsers in the Configuration documentation.

Mozilla Firefox 9 and 10

Mozilla Firefox 9 and 10 are now supported. See also Supported Browsers in the Configuration documentation.

Mozilla Firefox 10 (Extended Support Release) is supported. In future versions, only the Extended Support Releases of Mozilla Firefox will be explicitly supported.

Safari Browser

Safari 5.1 is now supported on Windows and Mac OS X. See also Supported Browsers in the Configuration documentation.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is now supported. See also Supported Browsers in the Configuration documentation.

The Google Chrome support is based on Google Chrome Version 19. Due to frequent version upgrades of Google Chrome, compatibility of Application Designer Version 8.2 with future versions of Google Chrome cannot be fully guaranteed. Possible incompatibilities will be removed during the regular maintenance process of Application Designer.

New Property for BUTTON Control

The BUTTON control now supports the new property focusedprop.

New Property for FIELD Control

The FIELD control now supports the new property lengthprop.

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