Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Transaction Handling | Using the ALE Monitoring Features Via Adapter for SAP | Status Update Via SYSTAT IDoc
Status Update Via SYSTAT IDoc
Set Up the Participating SAP Systems
Prepare Integration Server for Automatic SYSTAT IDoc
In this case Integration Server can be considered as a kind of EDI Subsystem. If the SYSTAT feature is enabled, it automatically sends a customary EDI Subsystem Status and some additional information for each IDoc it received back to the original sender. You can decide for each routing notification or ALE adapter notification whether SYSTAT information should be reported to the sender or not. The following information is then reported in addition to the status:
*Program that set the status (Adapter for SAP)
*Routing notification or ALE adapter notification that processed the IDoc
*The key (TID) under which the IDoc can be found in Adapter for SAP
*Date and time of status change
*In case of an error status: explicit error message
*In case of a success status: explicit information about the final receiver
Adapter for SAP sends the following status:
*If everything went ok the first time: "06 Translation OK" and "12 Dispatch OK"
*If an error has occurred the first time: "11 Error during dispatch"
*If everything went ok at a later retrial: "13 Retransmission OK"
*If there was still an error at a later retrial: "23 Error during retransmission"
*If no information on the IDoc could be determined: "04 Error within control information of EDI subsystem"